Aaa Saugus Ma Appointment (2025)

1. Schedule a RMV Appointment - AAA Northeast

  • Schedule an appointment for RMV Services at your local AAA branch in Massachusetts.

2. Saugus - AAA Northeast Branches

  • Saugus. 214 Broadway Saugus, MA 01906. View Larger Map. Branch Hours. Monday ... Free Notary - No appointment required, please confirm with the ...

  • Select a location near you to schedule an RMV or DMV reservation in MA, RI, or NY, or find times to talk with our insurance, finance, or travel agents via a phone call!

3. AAA Northeast Branches: Massachusetts

4. Schedule Appointment with Appointment Scheduling with AAA

  • There are no appointment types available for scheduling. View all appointments. View all calendars. With... (GMT-4:00) Eastern Time change Time Zone.

  • Schedule your appointment online Appointment Scheduling with AAA

5. Massachusetts - AAA Northeast

  • If you qualify, make a reservation for “Real ID” at the MA AAA Office of your choice, record the application form and BRING ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTS ...

  • All Massachusetts AAA branches offer RMV services for our members, even on Saturdays.

6. Schedule a DMV Appointment - AAA Northeast

  • Schedule an appointment for DMV Services at your local AAA branch in Rhode Island.

7. Travel Advisor: Silvana Comeau - AAA Northeast Branches

  • Silvana Comeau. Location. Saugus 214 Broadway Saugus, MA 01906. Contact. (781) ... Schedule an Appointment CONNECT WITH ME. Travel Advisor. About ...

  • Favorite destination? Italy

8. AAA Northeast Insurance Agency, Saugus, MA | Nationwide

  • To get things started, call (781) 231-3000 for a phone consultation or to set an appointment for a meeting at our offices located on 214 Broadway.

  • Contact AAA Northeast Insurance Agency located near Saugus for all your Nationwide car, homeowners, business, or life insurance needs today!

9. Make a AAA office appointments -

  • Learn more about making an appointment at a AAA office for DMV services. AAA offers in-person services for most driver license and ID renewals and ...

  • Learn more about making an appointment at a AAA office for DMV services. AAA offers in-person services for most driver license and ID renewals and duplicates.

10. Lining up to get Real ID at a Massachusetts RMV or AAA office ...

  • Apr 24, 2018 · ... Saugus, Newburyport and more. AAA Pioneer Valley has only one registry terminal at each office. In a few months, it hopes to have a second ...

  • Even those who don't need a Real ID still need new documents in order to renew their license.

Aaa Saugus Ma Appointment (2025)


Can I go to the MA RMV without an appointment? ›

An appointment is required to visit to conduct License or ID related transactions. Note that Registration-related transactions can be performed at an RMV Service Center without an appointment.

Can I renew my license at AAA in MA? ›

Bring all required documents, fees, and the completed application to any RMV Service Center. If you are a AAA member, you can make a reservation to renew your driver's license/ID at a AAA location. Visit to schedule your visit.

Can you get a real ID at AAA in Massachusetts? ›

If you qualify, make a reservation for “Real ID” at the MA AAA Office of your choice, record the application form and BRING ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTS FOR REAL ID TO YOUR APPOINTMENT. Please see our services, as well as related forms and pricing details here.

Do I have to take an eye test to renew my license in Massachusetts? ›

Vision test: Required at in-person renewal. RMV personnel will conduct a test free, or drivers can have an exam performed by an outside ophthalmologist or optometrist, who must complete a Class D and M Vision Screening Certificate and conduct the exam within one year of the renewal request.

What documents do I need to renew my MA license? ›

What You'll Need to Renew your Massachusetts Driver License
  1. ID photo (if current photo is more than 9 years old or taken before your 21st birthday).
  2. MA driver license number.
  3. Social Security number (SSN).
  4. $50 for Class D driver's license renewal fee.

What is the oldest age you can drive in Massachusetts? ›

When Should An Elderly Person Stop Driving? There is no set age that an elderly person is too old to drive in the state of Massachusetts. Drivers aged 75 and older must renew their license in person every five years.

How much does it cost to get a REAL ID in Massachusetts? ›

If you want a REAL ID Driver's License or ID, you'll need to get the right documents together, along with the $50 fee. You'll need to prove your: U.S. citizenship or lawful presence via a current passport or birth certificate or a current visa or green card. Social Security number via a Social Security card.

What documents do I need for a REAL ID in Massachusetts? ›

  • “Get Ready” online for faster service – Mass.Gov/ID.
  • Your current name must match the name on your lawful presence document(s) when applying for a REAL ID driver's license / ID card.

How do I renew my senior license in Massachusetts? ›

Appointments Required for License/ID Renewal

Massachusetts law requires drivers who are 75 years of age or older to renew in person. If you are a AAA member, you can renew your license or motor vehicle registration at AAA. Visit AAA's website make a reservation to visit a AAA office near you.

What line on the eye chart is 20-40? ›

Definition of 20/40 vision

People who can stand 20 feet from the eye chart and comfortably read line 8 are said to have 20/20 vision, which is normal. If you can read line 5 with no problem, that's 20/40 vision.

How do I get a senior ID in Massachusetts? ›

Senior IDs are offered free of charge by the sheriff's office in conjunction with local Councils on Aging. To obtain a Senior ID, participants must present a valid U.S. Passport, or a valid identification document from the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles.

Does Danvers RMV accept walk ins? ›

Danvers RMV Service Center

If you need to complete an in-person permit (non-CDL), license, or ID transaction, you are required to make an appointment online.

Do I have to make an appointment to get a mass ID? ›

Application Instructions for an MA ID/Liquor ID Card

In order to ocomplete the application process, you must visit a full-service RMV service center in person. You are strongly encouraged to make an appointment in advance.

What do I need to bring to the RMV to register my car in MA? ›

For First Time Registration, You Will Typically Need These Items:
  1. Your state's identification card or driver's license.
  2. Your insurance information for the state the vehicle will be driven.
  3. A sales tax payment.
  4. Your vehicle's title.
  5. Documents stating that your vehicle has passes emissions regulations and a safety inspection.
Aug 12, 2022

How do I speak to someone at the Massachusetts RMV? ›

You may call our Contact Center at 857-368-8000 to speak with a representative.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.