NAVY AND ARMY MAY IMPEACH PALMA at! INDIANS IDREATf SAYABLE MEEDS mruutt im if6 'i A i. l-iwyj kA I i v- Ate IlBl rtf' y-- f- 11 an Neper, Boyd County, Fears Attack by Rod Men Waatero Runner Wina RichFu-V turity State at Sheepshaad yy 't tha Far East WERE REFUSED WHISKEY GREAT CROWD IS PRESENT a THE rui la srNutuiriu -1 -'V Ditkmt KxUMUag Fartfer Tkaa SULTAN IS SHOT tratato HsM as AtUapti Bmo ae Is K11M A Aug: fl, dispatch aaya: Tha sultan of Blnldayan, who was held as a octets Ty tha American forces at Camp Vickers, Island of Mindanao, attempted to escape from his guards last Thursday sad was shot aad killed by a sentry. sultan had bees arrested after the recent murders tof American soldiers, la Mindanao, and Was-bring hsld pending the surrender of the a result -of war rinderpest among the cattle mid the epidemic of cholera, agriculture Is at present seriously depressed throughout the Philippines, Governor Taft-' estimates the area under cultivation this year at half of aa ordinary Many districts are badly Impoverished. The cholera la Increasing- Last Sat-; urday 840 -cases wew reported in tha provinces. The total, reported up to date are 27 .992 cases and 19,648 deaths from the disease.
Aad lkNtii to-. Kill Harat af ten tWagaashs tiara raar Savaxa far Oaa aa4 Inf Bafara Jit the Want Strtrk- am, has Feefi la Drill Dr ivi iX 1 Charm May Aria Tnm CvrUla tin Cnnlia 1 Charges against. President Palma, arising from certain executive concessions, 1 preferred by the hare s. i beea prepared and printed and impeachment proceedings against tha president art liable to be sprung any day. The antl-Pnlma element Is can-raaaing the senate.
presldent.aud Minister Squires are holding daily conferences on the The specifics -n tlons hare been handed to Squires. Neither will speak for publication. stated department announces that although it la In dally communication with; Minister 'Bqulers it has not been advised of any. crisis la Cuban' gov ernmental' affairs, or inf any effort be-lag mads to impeach President Palma. h- t- XMl lllHlUMd bM 'the CHIU, MS Ftomly CenUstoa All tha War Thrh Oaly aa Eyalash AhaaS af LarSaf tha.
Tala A New York dispatch says: Bavabla, ViiiiWi DaUr Other gawi -a .1 Ifairi mt UamhiI 1. cf. X- v' i'- 'I Jtf iv-' t' (' rj- ays: A Victoria. B. August 28, dispatch Tha epidemic of cholera la reaching alarming proportions on the other 'aide of the Padlic, the.
outbreak extending further and haring more victims than ever before reported. 'r- I Omaha; Neb. Sept-1, dispatch Governor Barege has received of an uprising of Yankton Indiana at Neper, In Boyd county, and, the mayor of Neper requests that the governor send Following la the message, received by the 'governor: a Naper, Sept. Mixed bloods threaten to burn Neper, Enraged because of follow to secure whisky Inst Saturday. Five of them fifed eighteen shots Into towp, but no one injured Mixed i threaten, to take tha town; We have no rlfles or ride arms: Send twenty-five or more.
(Signed.) XXXi v1 extends from, the Island of Jars SANTEFE TO BE IMMUNE H- Tralaataa" BratharhaaS May' Bpara Kaad af Mlaar Caaeaaalaas to uid almost ererjr city the toast and many from the' Interior are affected, fc. too, Is being contracted by -Europeans' as well, In HonJ Kong, from the first I v's Sw hr- 9- A rihUic. 1 Bsltls'. A Woods Holl, Massy Sept 1, dlsV patch aaya: first hostile move la -the war game between tha army and tha navy was mads this morning when tha cruiser Olympia, Dewey's flagship cams Into port, landed a fines of bloc Jackets and seised a telegraph and tel-ephone station. This cuts off comma- nlcntlon Marthas aad Elisabeth Islands.
The Invading fleet -fit. hoetiii 1 country of Nsvyonla la upon ns. Some-1 wheW this morning, concealed below the horlxon, within a few honrs ol teaming distance of tha coast, la Ad- mlral Hlggi neon's fleet. It. was picked up last night by signal men In Vina- yard sound in dense but lost All algbt signal stations along thd coast wew active In trying to locate the ships, but without' anceean Ths wily admiral evidently had slipped to sea to wait until aa could make several feints along the Una of de- fense and dww the enemy's fire.
Geneal Greeley stated at oclock -1 this morning that nothing further had been seen of the enemy. All the gen- erals at Fort Trumbull did "dog watch" last night General MacArthur waa np and down all while General Greeley wap beside hla instruments at i headquarters before 4 oclock. L-nri ts i night all mines In Long Island aonnd ere connected electrically. Thew la 2. not fifty feet of sailing water not pro- tected In this -X-'T' A Fort Trnmhull, Sept 1, dls- patch enemy took Bloch Island after a bombardment this morn- The cruiser Brooklyn and tha battleship Indiana appeared off the Ipland at 8 oclock and after shelllng.
thep laccr a collier wan sent Into tha harbor. Later the Brooklyn landed troops on the Island preeumahly scout for and 'captnw thr signal, sta- tlona there. Tha cruiser Olymplada-strayed" Woods Holl signal aUtkrn at 9:10. General Barry reports that the first Bcout of tha enemy waa east of Polar Judith at and that nt 1:80 the the first of the enemys fleet Mopped a Boned It: is not known for what purpose. Later the enemys fleet of six Tenaris -was discovered standing la column formation.
Five vessels composed the iy. Keanarge Maaaaehnaette, Scot--. plon, 'Panther end NIna.TBloCk; lalaiidrr' will undoubtedly be used aa a naval base. General Barry reported at noon that the Beacon bill signal station on f- Block Island was captured at 81 m. -by.
landing party. All signal men j. escaped exeept two. 'asV z-M r' 3. of.ths outbreak to August there bad baas IM cases, slit of tha patients hewing Europeans, and Sll 'r.
deaths, of whma four weio toa Tbla tha'laat report placwl lS ELIMINATE the negro I i Berth Ca relies BeeeMIsees Deelere fee Bale A Charlotte, N. CtAugwt dispatch states: Tha republican state convention met at. Greenepboro today sad Indorsed the candidacy ofl Thomas H. H111, of Independent, for chief Justice of tha supreme oourts and left blank the positions of asaoclnte Justices. Tha convention adopted a resolution accepting the 1 constitutional meat of disfranchisem*nt, and binding tba party not' to contest.
the amend According to the plana of the brotherhood of railway the. pro-1 posed demand for a 20 per cent Increase In wages will not affect tha Santa Fa for- some time, aaya a Topeka Other Kansas roads are alao llkriy to escape for- the present'- It la tha plan of tha labor men' to compel Joint conferences between committees representing the roads and tha work-! men, Santa Fe.haa granted only minor concessions to the trainmen, and tha other caa not be beaten Into lino for higher thin, aa a aired by Salvator, tbs most sensational race hone the American turf has eve seen, won the rich futurity at Sheepa-head Bay John A. Drake, a. western mllUonalre, owns him; hla trainer, Enoch Wiahard, la from tba wort, and Lyne, a. western Jockey, rode him to victory, August Belmont's Hutlnis colt.
Lord of the Vslc, was second, only an' eyelash behind, while, mdkliag, one of the four Keene representatives, fla-lshed third. Tha time wan 1:14, batter tha futurUy recqqfi over the full course, hut a second and four-fifths lower te the best full six furlong two-year-old record down the chute, Neter was mow laaplriag race Witnessed at beautiful garden spot of tbs sast never was cyowd greater or enthusiasm mors unbounded; Fifty thousand would be a float estimate to put on the multitude. prise was-rich, tba -field large, and before the fall of the flag. It looked as If any one of dosea eg tha thoroughbreds bad an even chance for tha stake with the great field that faced the started, the greatest la aumbem that. ever straggled for the championship, It seemed aa though nothing abort of a miracle could bring them' all safely through that six -furlongs Journey, abort' though It was, With a tha crowding and bunching around the dangerous curve of the Chute.
yv-r- They passed that point Ilka i troop of1' cavalry, and straightened out. -h St 'fyl; the number of cases i for the year at liMI and 7M deaths, within tha Mty and L01I cases sad MS deaths -'A outside tha city in othar. places vVB si'fj: precedent. Naper la located forty' miles from a railroad and tha nearest point of communication by- telegraph Is Stuart Governor Savage said tonight that ha would, send Captain Ringer of Second regiment, located at Lincoln, to Naper -with guns and. un-iBBltlon, and that If the sit nation becomes mow threatening he will send a company of militia.
Hla first knowledge of the. trouble came this mowing In a triegram telling -'of the action of. and hla request fof inqw 'details brought tha above telegrcin from the mayor of The governor expects to have detailed Information when he reaches lLacoln and requested: Mayor' Serr to keep bins fully Informed. ST-Wr. rr PLANNING FOR WAR 'sa ment's 'constitutionality.
i i In China tha proportkm casea and fieatba la jut.agiV- A dispatch says hundreds have died Java. A writer from Kuella Kwaaal proviace eaysf I writs from aclty atrlckea with violent epidemic of cholera. People re dying by hundreds dally, Outside over 1,000 have dled.i Whole are reported to haw dled-T -taeMi to i Tht convention was composed ca-tlrsly of white mea. Contesting dele-of negroes were-ih avery ln-defeatsd. 9 Chairman Charles Price, of 'a I eoagratulatlng tha republican party on tha elimination of the negro from politics In North- Carolina, saying that i they wer now released from "tha body of death." y.T rrrr i- y.r) -i-.
Wlwlwi naal War Oat One of, the latest wlrelees telegraph achemea la the proposed Installation by Great Britain of a combined lightship and -ocean telegraph station 100 miles of the Li It la suggested that vessel provided with a powerful searchlight, projected 9 against. the mark the position of tha station at The. wlwleaa' plant. is to be powerful -enough to command the JCrirwsy -oL ike -cheonel and m- A A1 I kaiahla Mt Aum tii iLHIh 1ml A Panama, Colombia, Sept 1, dispatch says: Referring to the snnounce-maat from Washington that Colombia hnd protested against the -action of NleawguSAta aariatlsg tb Colomblaw revolntlonlats, it la asserted in government circles: heW that on August tha revolutionist gunboat Padilla, while at Corlnto, was visited by Nicaraguan cabinet mlnlsters-and that thaw waa a big celebration on board tha it la further asserted that the Colombian minister at Washington, Benor Concha, asked the Nicaraguan minister thew, SenorCorei, to cause the detention of the Padilla, JT. VuS, lavs Hu, FeaadDeed la MEETS INSTANT, DEATH Hla Wav aa Faaaaa- Mail Bwtlea Me Way aa rneeea- ik -tm jr Lf A 'S- a Baa la tha TaWa 3 i 'Ll V1- Teeaa Timia Iaataatly KlUaaS p.
-A' apedal Clarence Forman fell from No. 4 Union tr Pacific twin four' miles west of Lxt, at Pekin by the emperor and empress fiowagsr of Oilaa to. John Barrett, commissioner gensrsl for the St-Louis world "s-folr, vu exceptionally notable aad remarkable tit was the first time la the history of ths Chinese court that their pajeetit haw aver received any commissioner -from a foreign land on similar mission, but this innovation striking forman called him to make. some repairs on a boller. lt was very dark thaw and to reach the.
eorner whew tha hollar was stationed it was necessary to walk along a pip about a foot wide Accidentally slipping, hla right foot plunged into a tank Of hot gwaae. This task is bring ooatlnally filled with hot water aad refuse from tbs engine finding Ita way to ths sewer through a pipe a tba bottom. Tha young man quickly pulled hla foot out and hla cries for kelp speedily brought other employes to hla -jv- Tsavs' rgedv within bmsUng about 8S.8M of the funds of Cherry township, Montgomery county, Kansaswma put In Jail ence Friday night Weakley was treasurer -of that townships and escaped when ths.shortage was For five yearn he has been 1 fugitive He returned recently to Kansas and -lor catod In Sheridan county; whew ho so-cured a contract for carying tha mall between Hoxla and'Phrips. 7 Weakley entered no plea 1 at bis preliminary hearing and wxe bdund over to. tha district court which.
ha refused to daThere seems jilt t. uiiuweii uy him more Bll 1 l-1 S-, OMt tha conclusion of addi Pre dowager, la vlolatl tyi Pmedental Invited the mlnlstc if Pmedental Invited tha minister was followed by a still mow A nt rA ingtoa and was Instantly killed. and two companions were beating 7 their, way on tb paqaenger train and Dorman desired to ooneenl hlnmrif ao be could pam on through Lexington. As be was climbing front. tha bagghge he was hurled from tha twin.
HU companions cams on to lBXlng-( ton and reported the case. aae-tlon men, -with the two strangers, went to where. he was thrown off brought tb body to Lexington. ThjpC young baa a brother In Kansas and his parent live In to be doubt that the situation Is grave, for, while Colombia la concentrating, n. large, army, on tba Atlantic It Is aald-' that- Nicaragua baa sent a note to the other Central American governments asking them slstance In the event of Colombia dc-: claring war on R.
B. Ward, whoa horns la supposed to be at City, waa found dead In a stock car in the railway yards In Wymore, Nab, He had been shot through tha left breast Just show tha heart An ropen pocketknlfe a grasped la hla right hand, hut It Is believed he was murdered -and Into the car. He was about, town daring the day selling shoestrings, and had a companion, who has disappeared. Ward waa seen la; the railroad yards with a couple of Tha authorities are certain that tha has bam They aw of the opinion that Ward and tha tramps engaged In a quarrel which resulted In Ward bring killed. Ha waa a man about forty years of ago.
Ha had a broken nose aad one eye waa which waa dona while working In a stone quarry blasting rock. 3 violation-of and to'ascsnd tha throne filA where ehq engaged them In thrangh high offl-cULi After asking- many questions bout America, the president and tha Vf fair, she stated that China i wocld taka part sad aead aa Imperial I A commiaekmer In order to promote the commerce and the relatione PELEE AT IT AGAIN rr.f. i- Burial la 1 winding sheat only characterised tha funeral of Miss Mary Redmond Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin, of Uawrilyn Park, N.
The interment of tha body In Rosedale, without a casket or a box, eras a matter of private ooncsrn, tha fomlly said, and they refused to discuss It When the hearse reached tba cm Mary ths remains wew carried to tha gww and dropped below la winding sheet Miss Martin waa The Martina aw well hr own aad wealthy. Og both countries, and particularly re- -4- -3 fitted Mr. Barrett to convey to Presi Te Substitute Hume fer BrUfSS At the coming election in South. Da hots this foil thaw will be a-refer-anoe to the building of damn Instead of naaleaa bridges that aw now scattered the Black Hills Tha taw la such that upon proper petition to the county commissioners vote shall be taken aa to whether dams hall be built on section lines, across dwwa aad creeks, Instead of bridges. dent Roosertit Chinas deep appreciation of tha generous attitude of tha United States toward that country dnr- ws Jug tha recent a RAINS.
ARE TIMELY Blacks sbS Whites Clash -V. Ashland, eighteen mllea from Rich- jV mood, Is. under military taw. In attempting to rescue a negro prisoner -from the Jail. Jim Morris, colored, waa killed and a battle between blacks and t' .7 whites ensued.
Three hundred Shota f-g were fired. Maebr Scott telephoned for soldiers and company iff tha Bar- aniaanlk (nfantw'wfifl Hilt flttfll Hlfill enteenth Infantry, was sent from Blch' I 1 Depesile df tea 'T A vnluabls deposit of has mond. In 'the and Immediate vicinity the blacks outnumber the whiles. 1 ValaeM Wines OeS.Tve Mere, af 'i i Ilteate Vlltoaee A CSsteriee, SC Lucia, Bept dfe-patch saysrA steamer wblch arrived haw from Fort da France, Martinique today, reported that Mount. Price, which overwhelmed St, Pierre recently and killed 80,000 people, has claimed 800 additional victims.
Tha atoamer to the British ship Ko-roua. Captain Carey. the Ko-' was left Fort De France-refugeea wew arriving. that, ths eruption 'iff Monnt Pelee, which had -been noted from Fort De France Saturday night, had destroyed the. village of Morae RougS' and that the vlltagfi of Leearhet had beea swept by a tidal wave: Tba rrittgees believed that at taaat 800 Uvea wew loet It la said the people 1 In northern Martinique wew again panic stricken.
Ashes aw again foiling on the Islands adjacent to Mar-, -v. tiy. cl Blvev.Bulseq The river atv Ftattamonth," raised two feet In a short time Saturday. Several chairs aad othar places of household furniture were 7 se floating down tha stream, and It to thought a cloud-burst occurred somewhere along the river. -Tha sodden rata made' it necessary to put another burg on the east end -of the pontoon 5iV, BASS.FOR KANSAS STREAMS Tvi CuTcf the 7 BleekVariatr Have Baa a DUtrlhaSafi ThUTaar 'l' John Haughey, Kansas stets fish commissioner, haa distributed In the state two caw of black baaa from tha United Staten hatchery thla aad la looking for one or two mow below tha season closes.
Meanwhile vandals continue to use dynamite and to- seine the streams and ponds, 'contrary to taw, and the taw requiring persons who. owa dams to worlds fish ways la ignored. The value, iff fishways haa I beea proved thla For tha first time la many years fish tha large ilxa hars been caught In ths headwaters of tha Kansas streams, and It la due wholly to tha extraordinary floods which tot tha flah pass over the dams. fii't beea proved up near tha Ropea gold aeveral miles from Ishpemlng, and a local company haa been organised to develop the Numerous teat pits haw been dng and tha asbestos has been found to exist. In a deposit 800 feet long by 200 foot.
Jn width. Thew nw many thousands of tons of tha mineral In sight, fiber la worth HO a ton. 1 -tfl f.vy-'-.-. tv Kri' bridge. up to Own San 5c-a? tha pea Cnttiw te Mender A England, Sept 1, da- r-patch eays that William Toll, a Kan-.
as City tailor, who haa been serving la the British army, under the name of, Lloyd, has been arwstod charged; on hla own confesalon with tha der of an onknownr man at Kansas' City, January 14th last, for the pur-. 1 of, robbery. Toll said ho had r.V written to the Kansas City authorities. 1 T. Lever Callferel Waste Timely and abundant raina, tha first for three years, haw aavad tha southern sad of tba territory of lower Call--fornla from bring a barwa waste.
J. W. C. who haa arrived at San. Francisco from tba Mexican oast on tba steamer Curscoa, reports tha time the steamer left Lucas, at tha very extwmlty peninsula, over alx Inches iff rata had folltn during tba last few J-t Tha creeks and arroyaa wew full aad many canyons which had bean Ilka furnaces for many months hod run -sting streams.
Eary. this' year, thew was a large of people from tha barren dls- trteta, only tha men remaining. In or-der to gunrd their lands, in. tha. hops win wonld lull nndp- rnvent a dotal Iona of thrir small holdings.
i a. y-i rt Burls Himself tar PaaUr-Mra. Eva Wendt, hysterical with fright, leaped from a window of the fourth floor of a burning flat house In New York City and wm'Quit W. Corulter, of- B'ucyrna, (X, has been appointed receiver for the mutual mid society of the reformed churches of the United States, Mr. Coulter gave bond la.the sum of 140,000.
Tha affaire of the society will be. wound np: 1 rV JTJ 7 IV CHOLERA TAKES LINCOLNITE -tw- Four man wew Injured, none seriously. Another woman. In' a paroxysm iff fright, nevewly Mt tha hand of a fireman who was carrying her out. Chile's Barrew Bseay Fannie Bandera, with ten eh II- dren, en route from BL Lou la to Dale- on a B.
A O. twin missed boy at- Waahtegton, Ind. Tha train waa searched and he was' not. found. Monday morning tha child was found fit Sreese, IlL.
hnvftf -X fallen from the train 1 .,1 if. i-i 1 1 Tea'Ceesleed- Carrington, while towing la barge out of the. hurhorut Duluth, Mlnn win capslsed, bring eauxht, by a heavy tow Una, aad Englaeer Georgs Jones -waa drowned- BMM Bitter Merfhre i Tha war. between the cattlemen and former! in western Oklahoma eon-1 ttnuee. nneearingly.
comer direct from Roger- Mills, Day and Dewey counties iff the destination of crops, burning' of cribs, and the killing of stock and ambushing and. shooting by both termers and cattle-The situation has been made serious by the driving in of I large herds of cattle from tha Texas panhandle by cattlemen who have ran short of grass at home. Homesteadere tear a farther menace to thrir claims and allege they have no. protection. Serious trouble la anticipated.
K-: hsrti HERE AND THERE Valaee leeveelre Laborew la tha subway excavatloa at the corner of Lafayette and, Aator Placea, New York, unearthed a town criers ball made of brass with Ivory handles, a bronse powder flask, and aa oncer's sword fillt, evidently- ones studded with gems and inscribed "Third New Jersey regiment, 1774." A Tkls Dreed Bestssa ItlssessCarflss Away John H. Farwell at Lincol died Friday In Manila, P. of cholera. This aad Information wan conveyed to Judge B. P.
Holmes Saturday afternoon by a telegram from tha Insular department at Washington. D. C. Tha news waa very unexpected. It wafi' known that ha had been ailing a month ago.
hut non seriously advices bring that he was gettlnn better. Mr. Farwell waa In the Philippines acting aa a government Interpreter. Klllrd fcy TrtlkrCar I A trolley car la the southern part of Kansas City, ran down a baggy containing Gun Thiels and George killing them -Jh, i s-, THE NEWS IN BRIEF j. Dapeta' Bere Tha Owat Northern passenger and freight depots at Sioux Falla, burned at noon Loan, several thousand doltara.
A strong south wind was blowing and tha flw depart- -meat could do nothing. Gpnaldernhta freight and baggags in the depots was consumed. ARMY GETS READY Brapares te' Dtnmtnit the Safaty Leei Iskmd Hoead Cltlaa ''A djepntch says: The entrance Long Island sound Is on a complete '-war footing aad tha army la prepared to show that It la next to impoeribla aa Invading fleet to force a passage and mow down upon New York and the other cltlea along the sound roast The statement woe made this Morning by General MacArthur, who commands, the army that 1s to repel the attack of the navy, maneuvers be- ginning Friday night Upon the nal corps under Genf-Greeley foils the iAhlef work, nt present MnrAr-thur. went off shore this morning on Tils yacht Kanawa to direct farther target practice today at the forts. Searchlight practice is being maintain-d nt night from -the various forts, making the sound ns bright ns Broadway fit night' Admiral Hlgglnson has proceeded to see.
f-: Vw -V. Yy Vf William Troutman, of Snydervllle, who recently waa discharged from the Insane asylum at Salt aLka City, brained hla two daughters, for tally wounded hla attempted to murder the remainder of hla fomlly and then killed himself. The races at the Bavare cycle track, V' Revere, weye a chapter of sod- dents to motors and bicycles, causing very unsatisfactory results. Joe Nel- son 1 rode aa exhibition tea mllea time, making five mllea la 7:08 8-8, and the ten mllea in 14; 18. Tha Chickasaw Indian legislature, in Joint neaslon nt Ardmore, declared Palmore Mosely the regularly elected candidate for governor of the.
tribe by a majority of forty -four votes over William J. Byrd, and Moariy took tha oath of office. An appeal to the Jn--terlor department to talked of. The police department of Springfield. strenuous efforts to keep nil saloons closed last Sunday.
Ths whole force waa dressed In dtlsena clothing and watched all aaloona closely. Forty aaloona were raided, but only three successfully. One place raided twice, the first time I loiterers bring caught and the last time forty.1' Some of the officers carried axes and on the refusals of the saloon-keep- ew to open nt their demand, the doors ware knocked In. Large crowds collected and the policemen were hooted and Jeered. Will Bar the Tax Title Maa In many counties of Kansas the county commissioners this year -wUl taka advantage tha taw and bar dealers In tax deeds Tram thfi Septem-r sales.
One provision of act given the county the right to take la all real estate upon which taxes aw delinquent, and thereafter, until redemption by the owners, ths Investment dwwa 18 per Interest The scheme, besides bring profitable for the county, grin rid of an unpopular claes of Investors without affecting the rights of the property owners. Cate Threat Cklldraa Mra. Rees Wagner, wife of a eltlsen of North Uttla Rock, and her two children, aged three and six years, wore found dead In bed with thrir throats cut It Is believed Mra. Wagner killed the children and then cut her own' S-. 1 Strike leaders openly, denounce General Ooblns order to the soldiers to hoot to kilL They any it la brutal and totally unwafwnted.
At the close of the sixteenth week of the anthracite coal atrike, the folk of arbitration. Is again renewed. It la reported 1 on good authority that President Mitchell will have a conference with Senators Quay and Penrose. George Devore, stone mason, waa killed at Wichita. by Wild Went" show He had to leep on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe tracks.
Nina thousand Imported harvesters aer needed to save the grain crop in Manitoba.1 At. Cleveland, an unknown man entered the Jewelry stow of Charles E. WUsdorf on Payne avenue, threw a handful of red pepper In the Jewelers eyes, grabbed a tray of diamonds worth over $1,000 and ed. At Cynthia nm. i Postmaster George M.
Dickey wa seriously George M. Dickey was seriously wounded and his son Richard, L. Jameson. Thomas Me Kenney and Charles Rohrer, wew slightly wounded ns the result of a fight with pistols on crowded street between two negroes. Cheese I Dlplceitit Cerpe 7 The official' announcement iff the changes la tha French diplomatic corps WUl Slek Bew Artaibi Writ -i.
H. Qusrnberg, proprietor of the Chamberlain, 8. flour mills, haa let tha contract for tha' sinking of another artesian wall at tha mill In order to furnish sufficient increase in motive power, to enable him to. nearly double tha capacitly orf the hmlldlnupjupj the capaclty of tha mills. The Cudahy Packing company is to -pend a half million dollars in n- larging ita plant at Sioux City, In.
Tha beef aad hog killing capacity will ha greatly Increased, so that 1,000 cattle and .10,000 hogs he killed dally. A corresponding Increase In the cold storage capacity will also he made. Wa Ting Fang, Chinese minister, nt Washington, delivered an address at Binghampton, N. on Labor day at Stow park to 4,000 workingmen, whfi. gave him a moet cordial reception-' Mr.
Wu said he believed that tabor haa an equal right with capital to organ- Swimmer who stated to wlm the English channel from Cape Grlsnes to Dover, was taken from the wathe off Dover parade, one mile from show Thursday Frank Holmes, of Birmingham, started at i oclock thla morning to swim from tha side, but six mllea out was srised with richness and abandoned the Attempt'' western, tide vu very strong rand Impeded Holbein, who waa too exhausted to complete the ast three -quarter of. a mile. had been in the water twenty-two hours twenty-one minutes, Letters haw begun to ponr into the office of State Superintendent W. K. Fowler in response to a notice that Nebraska waa in need of school teachers.
Thirty letters come Monday of last week from Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, and Ullnolfil. or two from Chicago. One man wrote that ha waa working for an express company for 60 a month, hut he thought be might better hi condition by coming to Nebraska and resuming his profession. The wages paid in country schools id this state range from $30 to HO month. waa made Monday at Paris and confirms the wmb forecasts.
M. Juaae-rand, at Copenhagen, goes to Washington; Jules- Cam bon, of Washington, goes to Madrid; lM. Ralnde, director of political affaire, to made ambassador to Berne; M. Bompard, director of Commercial affaire at Paris, goes to St' Petersburg, and to succeeded by M. Georges Louis.
M. Blhourd la appointed ambassador to Berlin and M. Crosier at Copenhagen. Feres Fire Karin' The-great forest flw in Fremont county, Wyoming, ia still raging. The flw has already burned over territory of ftirtT miles.
f. -t I.