Bruning Courier from Bruning, Nebraska (2024)

I 4. 4 Ni '-A' 1 1 re '''V- -7 Ul v'-' V. V-: '--'V 1 a'- r-s I s. REGARDLESS OF 'ONE DEATH IN THE FIRE TAKES THE OATH surest guaranties against removal har yanra ago we stood on the blink ratntod the slslh at February, and rattocatUina wcreexobansi nearly two vean an the eonenee hee ii I dfeated no-torast (DfimaMi for the lahata. It.

baa, bowavar, Kla. It bap, howovsr. pro I Life GoavteS fervteg Tsrm- Ofie Ufa was lout In penHentlary J. mm ndi lid. I HeEalejr Aumre ths Bafaa of (font- auat Another Fear Thus, Of war without the- people preparation tar pandlnf -peril.

knowing effort at properuUon tor pending ncrU. 1 AA aU that in honor eould bo dono to nvort tho War, but without avail. It boeamo in ovltnbli and tha oongrou at ha llrat regular areal on, without party Ul vision, pro vided money in nntioipntion of tho oriels and la pnpnratioa to moot lL It nat- Tho result waa rtgnaliy farornMe to Amerionn mu and la tho higheet degree honorable to tho government. It Impound upon us obligations from which we can not eons no and from wbhsh K. would he dishonorable to ns to at poaoa with tha my fervent prayer that If dlfforonosa arise botwoan ua and other powers they may ho aetilod bp psaooful artaitralloa and that hereafter we may bo soared the horrors of war.

Ant rusted by tha paopla for a ssenad tlmo with tha olUce of president I enter upon Its administration appreciating tha hioh attach to ro- groat NaponaiUlltlos nowad honor and commission, promising unreserved devotion on mV part to their faithful dlschsrn aad reverently invoking fee my gulilanos the direction and favor of Almighty Oed. I should ahr ak from the duties this day assum'd If I did not reel that In thair performaaoa I ahould have tho oo-operatlon of the wls aad patrlodo man-of aU part Isa. It en-eouragea me for tha groat task which I now undertake to believe that those who voluntarily committed to am tho trust imposed la tha phtef asaculivs of tho republic will give to mo (onerous support in my duties to preserve, protect and defend tha of tha United Stale, and to cam -Uwt the lawn ha thieugh a- national aiaethm. -It is the-oonstimt tonal method ascertaining tha public wUL Whoa pace It la registered a law to an nil and faithful obsonf anoo should foHow Ita decresa. Strong haarta and beipful hands a fa needed and, fortunstelv, we have them in every part of our beloved country.

Wo am- reunited. SeqUuneHsm has disappeared. Divlsloa on publio queetlons oaa no longer bo traced by the war maps of 1M1. Theaa old differences less and laaa disturb tha judgment. Existing problems demand tho thought and nulcua tha oonodoaca of tho oountry and tha responsibility for their press nos, as wall as for their righteous net tie meat, rests utwa os all no more upon mo than upon yon.

There are aome national queatliuu la tho solution of whloh patriotuun ahould It -Vt 1 a I V-. flrei George Pfluger, a life term tot, wee suffocated lu a eelL He released with, tbe other, eonvtoto Aa-they walked put of tbe burning eell houad ho atjopped to na aids; Cpo. tloed, bo mads hla way baeic to ftba oelto aad laid, down la one of them. With hla fade -dowa he awaited death, whiob eSiue quickly He wpe iotsoed juat before daylight by tbe eonvlete: who ware being berded'k in 'the Open touri' 'Thep laformdd thoguapda' that, he was abaont aad a- search wae made the: Daring, the BMmlog! hours his lemalne woe found, Ha bad sot goes back tp hisowuoeir. but bad stepped Into one in another pert at the buildiagIt to heBeved that he.dellberately ootn milled eafrida.

He wae sent up Cuming sssatv eight ysars ago toy killing bto wifa. lt -to mid that during all this time be has ever uttered a word. He shunned the iMxnpa of other' eonvleto end -Wa BMroaoi had tor thesfi rsasnns ha waa quiokly miaeed sooner thaa might havu hie a. -7-fv r'7; -Tha toM to the Mate by tba barutng of the old eell bouae audthp adarinto' tratlou building eannobo aeearatetj estimated. To rebuild fiuoh a building ss Ih needed to, take place of Cbo wU oUm will coat in the neighborhood -of ooa Theaa eetimatea are Jitoeed by thoM familiar with th aoel at modern priMn bnlldlng.

It iaaon-eeded that the etate 'should never" again house oon riots la aa Inflammable ntructore. 4 Mem bora of the state board do no eoiuldar it neorxssry td send any of tbe convicts i' eared tor In state penitea, les. Unless soaothtog j'). nnforseea bsppeDs tobans i th plans the prisoner wiU be kept' In (M WwfeU.hotue until hew to eonsirneted -jl may be posalbto" tor Iffglristnr flttlag bp building with; eeltoand Mtor, prison furniture so that it may be need 'f "I' if -1 IT WAS A GAIA DAY WASUNGTON si-; Li j-J -a' e. a- 4 wim Pit! rf Nlif.

to IK What Vlee feeliaal Baaaaralt to Bay on the Oeaoal March Br-Willlaa McKinley at Ohio yeeUrday was la duetad into the proaliUntlal oBoh belli tha plghtli la the llltutrlutia im of ynaldeata thus hdaored by the Amort cia paopla wlu a eecond and eoaseea-Un tana. Blanltaajoiialy Toeodora Boomalt of New tlca praoideot. The eeremooy that mashed this eeeoad aaeamptloa Pneldeat MtfKlaley to the carea of etate wee meet Impreaelre and full of HUSHttoa of the development of the republic dor lay the laat four year The Whltefonee wee aettr early Ip the morning. Although the mteeca-tei from the eapttol kept the praa dent well eupplled with Mile for hU eooalderatloa aatll late la the night, waa.fUlly.a hair hour earlier thaa aaaal when breakfast wae nerved. Up 'V to It ocloek the admiral of the navy wae the only caller that the praideut oaw and their conference wae quit! i brief! v.

V- Several membare 1 of the 1 cabinet 5 called later la -the morning to look over any bills that had coma from eon-' grace, and remained until It waa time to go to the eapltol.r.-' v. It wee Jnat oelork- when the V. praaident entered the White carriage draws by. four hones belong Inf to tiie executive ntaMaa. him la the carriage were Senator Htahi RepraamtatlveU McRae aad-XIianoa.

Secretary Oortelyou and. tbe members of the cabinet took places la thnlr own carriage; and with a trumpet Meet the procession. started. progteec of the earrlage was marked by a coetynmma applause- cheering end women wavlng their handherchlefU a and elepptng- their tiende-ae the- msgnlflceut equip-gy drove down the avenua The preildent wee to high eplrlta end bowed from light to left to the 'cheering erowdn nnf waa hafleee moet of the tima Ben tof Hnona ettracted mneb attention na he eat beelde tue president Following thle came the carriage containing the maobere of the cabinet and Ihd com mlao'oan of the two honeea -W Then bane Admiral Dewey and Gen- eral Miles with their splendidly horsed carriage; Mach enthusiasm, waa devel. oped ae (he oommudera of the lead 11 XI aad aeafi paaaed alosf the areqaa, but erfiat about want in aa tha gray uUl-1 forma of tha-Waat mat cadet cam 1 lu right- Now the Porto 5 hattailona cama Into tha 'Una of march.

They had beau yea ting oa Pennaylvaula ava uue 'near nereuth etreet and aa tha Nd-qoatod artillery men paaaed them, they wheeled with reclaim Into their Km without enuring aeeond'a data tha marching Una. Tha crowd aent up a mighty cheer. Following th Porto Hlecne cama a regiment United State marlnea. ryii 7 7 7 They Weifi received With cheers by the srowdsi-t 1 There vu elsttsr of hoofs I I 1 1 I VVj J'-r i -s 1 1 D5: s'- '-f 1-? 1 -T-S'. Vi el mis partisanship.

Magnifying their difficulties will -not take tbma off our hand nor facilitate tbeiradj tit intent. Dlx trust of tho capacity, integrity and high purposes at tha American, people will dot ho aa inspiring theme for future political loyal eon teats. Mark pictures and gloomy forebodings are worse than useless These only becloud: they do- not help to point tho way of safely and -honor. Hops makath not sahamedV The prophats of avtl ware not the builder of tha rrpubUo nor In Its crises-unoe havp they ntwq The faith af the fathers ae a mlghtt force In Ua ersatioa ana the faith of fhtir daauetidanta has wrought progrem -and furnished Ita defendant. They are obstructionists who despair and who would destroy confidence In.

tha ability of our people to aolvo wisely and fur olvUiaatton and fuU not Wo loyal against whe Ftoua thoaa maka May and to bs af Vie to onahle tho Moqutlvo to vldad an army auppresn insurteetion, restore pesos; give security to tha in habitants and establish tha authority of tha United Staton throughout Urn arehlpelsgot. It has an thorised tho oraaaiaatoa of native troapa as auxiliary hi regular foroa. It has been advised from llai to tlmo at tho sets of tho military sad naval eOoera la tho islands of my action la appointing civil coaimtsalori. of -tho instnlellohx with which they were charred, of thair duties I powers of their rneommondationa aad ifnl i at tha several acta under sxectttlvs com with tha vary complete general Information they have submitted, These reports fully set forth tho oon dltiona, past and prsnent. In tho lalandd, and the laatruotlona elsariy show tha principles which wlH guide the executive until the oongrexa phalli ax it lx requlrod to do by treaty, datsreilns the.

civil rthteandjyf'Utlcai status of tho aaUvo 'The eongrem having added tha sanction of Ha authority to the powers already pecsemed by tha exeoullve under tho constitution, thereby leaving with the executive the responsibility for tho government of tha Philippi ass, 1 shall one tin ua tho efforts already begun unlH order shall be restored throughout the Islands and as feat aa conditions parmit will ostabllah local govern meets, in tho 'formation af which tho full -co-ops ration of Ur bonii already Invited, and when as taib-wlll anoouraga the people to minister them. The settled purpoaa, long ago promnl-gatmL- td afford the Inhabitants of tha Is la bus self-government aa fast aa they were ready for It, will bo pursued with earnestness and fidelity. Already something has been aooomplish-od la this direction. Tbe government's Stitatlvts, olvll and military, an aitbful and nobis work hi thair smxnctpatlan and marit th approval aad -support -of-thair eountry-mou. Tha most liberal terms of amnesty have already boon oommunleatedaa tha insurgents, and the way open for thoao who have raised I hair arm against the government for hoaorabto eubnil salon to Ha authority.

Our oountry man ahould not bo do-oolvad. Wa arc not waging war against the inhabitants of tho Philippines. A Portion of them aro making war against the United States. By far tho greater part of tha Inhahltants reoognlss Amori ran sovereignty and wolooma It aa a guaranty of 'order aad of security foe Ufe, property, liberty, freedom of consol eoca tho pursuit of happlnosa. To thorn protection wlU bo given.

Thor shall bo abandoned. will- not leave tho destiny of the millions la. tha Islands to tha. disloyal thousands who aro la rebellion th United States. Order in olvll Institutions will earns xs noon now brisk the psaco shall kwplt.

will net to naodsd or uasil when who it ao mors. It and without further bloodshed, than bo ushered I tha reign of panes made asrmanent by a govaramsnt Ubarty under the law. -M war aralnat as shall -V- Beoisveit Mskxe RIs President Roosevstt ssld: Tbs history of free government Is Is lsri part tbs history of those repro wutatlve executive bodiec, la Which, from the csrllsct tlpies, free govern ment has found Its loftiest eupneripn. They muct-cvcr -hold peculiar sud suited position -the which telle how the greet 'nations of the world have eqfleuypnd to achieve sud preserve orderly freedom. -w 'No maa can render to his 'fellows gras ter- asrvles than la rendered by him who, with -feurlaMneM -and honesty, with unity sad disinterestedness, doss his Ufework aa member of such body.

Especially la this the csss when the legislature in which th servlc ran derad Is vital part of the governmental one of these world poweta to whose hands, lu the- esurs trf- egos, -to entrusted leading part la ihijplng the destinies of mankind. For weal or Wo, far good or for evil, this to true of onr own mighty nation. -GfeSt privilege and gnat -powers sra ours and heavy are the responsibilities that go with these privileges sud then powers. Accordingly we do well or 111, so shall mankind in the future be raised or asst We belong to a. young nation, already of giant strength, yet whose present strength to but forecast of tha power that Is to corns, Ws stand supremo lu a continent, lu e.

hemisphere. end west, we.Iwk aeroM the two greet oceans toward the larger world life in whether will or not, must, taka an ever-increasing Internet. And as hern-eyed we gasa Into the coming years, duties, hew snd old, rise thick and tost to confront jis from within and without There to every reason why we should face time duties with sober appreciation silks of their Importance snd of their, difficulty. But there also every reason for facing then) with hgh-heartod resolutions had Mgrf and confident faith lu our rapacityto do thus1 light i A great work lies nady to ths hand at this geaeratoln; It should count It' I i of i- This bouss waa never equipped with eell and was sasely nBed to aoy purpose, As all tlte shops bd power hous are. unbanned the finest Mfevs uAMtlu's '111 prison rouUns will be eondueted -V uiiuil ui ftooa the prinoaatt eitlad lq thair lirinff auartenL i 'J af Haalhri twsen Levs aad Duty.

The marqnla of ITeadford, lieutenant In tha First Life Gnard, in bis deter' mtbatlon to make Mian Rosie. Boot of the Gaiety theatre, London, marchlon-ooa, aad which baa created ae mnoh talk, oow uBder osdars to sail for BouUt Africa aad la eon frosted whb the necessity of rmigning when told to gqapd fight er giving np bis flumes. 7 Hf dqelarsy he wlll neeept tho stig ma of reaignaiion rather thaa hla yeaqlntkul to Starry. Tbe ease has beea bmht jpllis Botjetof noleaa a tonoaafifi titaaKing Edward who haa banded1' ft over to Priaeo Edward of 8ao-Wl of tha First Ufa OutdawTb priaee of. Baxo-Wrimer mroto! the young marquis, totter, pointing out the ruin of -hia earner if he persisted la marrying Mina Boota.a she eould not be rrtelved by the regiment Tbe marqnls replied, Nfivh ting he eonld pot see Jt that way, bpt be seat hb reaignatioujpapera to Lord Roberto The comma uder-in-ehief, apparently was also involved in a little plot, for instead of aeeepting bis resignation, be ordered tbe marquis to bold himself in readlneaq to go.

to tha Transvaal." Tba dsnooeiaeat is'epeeted to bo a quiet marriage and tbe retirmnent of tbe youogl peer from hie majesty's Marquis aervioe. KEEP THE CONVICTS 'n Uksly te Be Beat to Other -V Acting Governor Savage haa 'issued orders tor thirty members of Obmpaay Lincoln Light to remain oa duty to. 'guard tha penitentiary walla. This company turned ont the night of tho fire at the penitentiary sod have been on duty over since, the. "sequent of the.

board of publio laqda and buildings the acting gorar-hoguve the ordef forthirty.membenr to rvmaln. These gnardamen will occupy a vacant bouse outside tbe prison stockade. In these quarters they will, maintain the usual military discipline the asiue aa jthey would la too same ssxney -woum is They will be. furnished with I rations sad cooking. Under, the military code they are I allowed fit.

a day for such tarries for not jto exceed ten days. that tinaq they will receive-lll a month Borne of the men who have good pay Ing situations do not relish the oh aa go, but they are willing to Ihpir I How long they will be kept to not legislature may be called upon to grant the' soldiers extra pay for thto nnasual duty; RIGE TO DEMAND DAMAGES JteforteA Maalls BAItev Tootofel bat George T. Rios, editor of the Manila Bulletin, who waa. ordered deported from the' Philippines, was a passenger the transport Pennnylvania, which arrived recently Ban -Francisocv Owing to the faet that stun papers wblcb he had expectied to receive here had not yet 'arrived Sloe waa unwilling to make any formial statement bin aide In the controversy between himself apd the military authorities. Rice expeeta to go to hia former hom*oat-Rad lVJogMinqlThese.h will lay hie caxe before the slate officials and congressional delegktlon with view of bringing the matter before President McKinley and also bringing against the national government Mr.

Riee claims that he waa kept is cloee oonOnement three days at Manila before- deportation was under gnard all the serous, being allowed the -freedom bf.thadeek when outside the li-'TT Mr. Rice went to the Phlllppines a member of th Minnesota I to nineteen yean at age. v- TWIDALE IN TROUBLE AGAIN AUagad Tblaf fiafee, Arveil at tltf- i Arthur Twidato, th yqsng man who employed in tho Hastings i oat Bdwu arrested hy laspeotora Swift and Sinelair on th ehargiTof haring foblwd tha 'maitoi but waa ra leased on boud until the nut term of ffttsit Jtatiw eonrt, hu-plaoed under arrest again. After released on bond young Twidato to Kansu City, where ho atayed the Charles hotel underthe asm Scott, Friday afternoon, it la charged, Twidato went to the Brunswick bowling alley in Raneu City, and while banging around noticed that Dr. E.

Grant of thfb city had hung np vest, which contained a costly gold, watch with a diamond charm and fifty dollars in bills. Twidato waited for opportunity and then walked off tho vest and valnableo. Maaari at Conge Th volume of busineee done by tbe eongreM Just closing ia ehown in asup-plement to the home calendar prepared by Tally Ceerk Wakefield of the staff. The congress wu In session JS7 days, which ia leas thaa any eongrem for yearn. Tbe following Jtw of acta, etc: Number of 11a, number of.

re porta, 1.000; public acta. 34K; private total acta, lAUitjhnihberof joint reeolu- 105. --I I of to by President MeKinlsy Inaugurated Forth Second Time. mi crowds cum 4 A 1 THDR CBD7 i Ontyonring of Xsthrt Poo- 1 b. Very Mod, Bat Ai of Crowd Molmokn In It.

A Washington, Marsh i. dispatch ajm Williain McKinley a seoond tima is president of jha United. Btatoa. Hr was nshered into that offlea today in city nhUaa with more and flqer deflorations than aver bare graced tha boll day-toring nallonalv capital, whose atraats today resounded to tha tread of mora marching ooldlsrs and aailora than over havu participated In a lilt function, and had aa witnesses to tho oeremoniea a vast multitude who olmarad frequently. wheaevttr ha Or hi, vloo-praaidontlal oolleagne was visible.

In tho presence of 30,000 aad in the sight. of twioe that standing in a aoaklag rain, the president took tho oath and delivered, bis seoond Jo hash sd mnltltuds waited to sea him kiss tho Bible and then, do pi to the min, they weakened the eoboea of Arlington aorosa the Potomac with applause. Hardly had tlm inaaguralbrea flniahed when" the rain abated, turning into a drixsling mist and later ceasing nltogotber. 't The oraning eager crowds had. ayes only for this open barouche 'drawn by fonr boraes in which tha prwddent and Senator sat.

The aa plosions of applause which greeted the chief magistrate wers redapbled as Vies President Roosevelt, in. another JHJoaovew, in. enotner eanrlage, drawn by two- came into' rlew. Tbo boro of Ban Juan re eelvea. If' anything, a more flattering ovation than tha president.

Both ae-knowtodged the. salutes of the crowds 7" I that ebfered theui by bowtaf rlgb ABO Mite -i1 7 1 I The military, whole, 1 attracted unbounded Tho crowds fslrl roM at; the jack tars rolling along with their sword 'bayonets like athjeket Of steel above them. Admiral Dewey, General Milos, beneral Wheeler and many other' officers who came Info prominence daring Uf Bpsnlsh war were lionised. crowd weal wild fiver the West Point end Annapolis cadets, marching with elook-work precision, and tbs rough riders upon their bronehoa. The Porto Rico regiment, the Richmond greys, ia confederate grey, apd tha college students from the principal universities set' the crowds off again and again.

Tha culminating event of the incog-' ami festivities was ths ball, held tonight in vast auditorium Of tho pension office, with man and woman distinguished lu 'every walk-of Ilfs tonchling elbows, dancing' and mingling with the plain American citisen. Governor Dietrich and the members hla staff did credit to Nebraska today, and along ths entire line of march received their full merit of applause. Dieirtob bowing tliauks to tbe crowds that continued to cheer as the delegation moved siong. Many eastern states furnished their governors an escort of MveraLraglmente, bnt Nebraska's staff was the finest in the line. i Governor Dietrich snd daughter and feveral at the staff officers attended, he ball Every of the party will start hnms vsry well pleased with his trip, and the state may justly feel gratified with their reception in thlaelty.

ENFORCE ALIEN LABOR ACT Workmen la flaaada Orioree DopovteA. Roaaland, ill, CL, dispatch of labor, and a result Of their effort sixteen men in ths era-jlqy of Messra' vranons and work for th Red, Mountain railroad, were ordered deported. Thr-con-treotora will end theu mem beck to the United where they wen engaged, This to tbe time a case of tho kind hu come up In thto tho penalty of 11,000 flue for cub eon-tract laborer brought la wu not enforced. The eommlsaloner stated that la the future the' law would bo enforced to tho letter. Tho intention of tho dominion authorities ia to protect tho Canadian workers from unfair eom-petltioa.

Charles NeiloW, aged twelve, waa killed by a lira wire at Kokomo lad. With fonr other boys he wu climbing on top of Mala street bridge and' wu bantered to touch the trolly wire, which ho did. Immediately 3,300 volte of electricity nud through him and the body fell llfotoM to Ihe floor belo w. -Tries to Kilt 1 Charles Morrill, out of tho firm of CL A Morrill A tea morehanta, at Chisago, III, wu shot ia the head aad severs ty injured by John Correa, a bookkeeper, who then committed suicide. The shooting la said to have re-1 salted from a dispute over the firm's books.

Mr. Morrill will i I Tho city firemen of Lincoln are circulating a petition for the pardon of Nicholas Fox, a Ufe prisoner, who heroically aided them during the fire at the Nebraska penitentiary. oh on Mr. a suit for Ho tru office ing went at of F. hla bis with house Cven tlons, i of April S' fc; -''Ax s'7.

If SStli St: VETERANS WILL mArCH Bpisii Ororj laaageral 7 -5 ably fettloA. iW dispute between the fnaugurht committee and tbe war veterans ever Aha matter ofprooedenee haw, guml. parade has resulted in a eompvo- -mim by whloh the veterans will take part la the, At a abater cues between Root, General Greene, grand marshal, of the parade, and Oea. 0. E.

Bieklea, it was decided that tha local and visiting Grand Army veterans will form the honorary escort -to the president from the white bona to the capitol oa the fourth of March. 1 MRS. NATION BACK TIN "JAIL Dagtlaed to Searala VatU ifrS ttm of Coxrl Carrie Nation, tho Kamiaii joint smasher, hag returned to Topeka from went to edlt a newspaper for a day. Bhewent aV ones to the county Jail, where she gave herself oyer to custody. The1 bond which Mra-'Nation was required to give before -she, left the city waa Canceled.

Her trial conies' np at the April term of the district eonxt. -MllleS by Clty MarakoIr While -reeixting arrest at Contrail, J1L, John Golden; a miner, Phot killed by George John-os city marshal and formerly mar-bhal at Olive Hill, Ky. After sonmik ting the act Jonnaoa gave himself up and wu placed 1 in jail, awaiting th verdict of tbe wwstrt jury. Golden, yrliile in toxic ted, wSs creating a die-1 inrbanoe, when Johnson arrested Mm. Gn arrival at iheprisop Golden showed fight and In a pouflto Johnson drew a revolver and fired.

Tbe ball entered Golden's htriCTauddbath "ranlled -l half an hour. -t J''- I -i i i up the avenue find two earriagee drove rspld-4y down tha lisa passing the prensfe slou a It were etsudlug etlll. They contained HrsTHcKfiner jiid her by AdJutsut.Gcfiersl Corhin1 on thrir wsy to the espltoL crowd. quickly -recognised' Mrs. McKinley snd her csrrlsge wse cheered SS tt drove down the line.

Mrs. Me Kldleye gueete were Miss Helen Me-Klnley, Mra Duncan, end Mrs. Abner Drr and MroBeer. Mr Marshal BcrMr, Mr. George Bsr beri Mr.

'Benjamla McKinley sud eon, end Ur, "tad Mra Wntlsm Bhsttnck New. York. Tbe Beeonp.brigsd following 'the regulsre consisted of the District Ns tiousl guard, oommsnded by Hrigsdlsr Genersl HL-Hurrla. who brought up Jtbs rest- i rmWnri Iseasaral Ur Fallow CtttacMS When wo sssem-- Mod bsr an March 4, IM, there was grant anxiety with rassrd to our aad eradlt. Mono oxtata now.

Then our trasxury recriPta wvrf lnsdrquste ta-meet tha current obligations of tho gev Now they sra uflleisnt for all 'piiblta ndeds sYifi we. have a surplus In- stand stS defett. Than I felt eonstrsined seavsasr fee -grass. ja.AX-tHMWdlnnrt tonslnn ttevderiM. -yevsnuss ty the ordinary ox pa ones of the SuvernmeW.

NoV I have tha eatlefsctloa to snnounoo tho mighty problems rooting upon th Tha Amorioan people eotrvachad la fraa dom at boms, taka their love for It whor ovorlhey-go and -they rajeot aa mistaken and Unworthy tho doctrine that wa loss our own liberties by securing tha enduring foundatlopa of liberty to othara. Our liuttltuUmia wd hot drieriorato by extension and our sense -or justice vQI abate under troplo suns in distant aoab. Aa heretofore, go hereafter will tho nation demonstrate Its fitness to administer any- estimate which events -devolve upon It and In tha fear af God wa taka oocaslon by tha hand and make the bounds of -freedom, wider ret." If there art those among ua who would make our way raoro dlfllault wa must hot be -disheartened, but the more earaeoti; dsvots ourasivts to ouy Uak. Thf. path of I) tost Ha is seldom suoGtu.

New things sra Orion found hsnl to do, Our fsthoro found thorn Wstfind so. Thsy sra Inoonvanlouti they oust tie somethin; but aro wo not mods batter tor tbs effort and ssorifico, and sra not those wa. hays lifted up and biassed Ws wlll bo oonsolsd, too, with tho faot that ooprsMltm haa confronted ovary on ward movement of the republic from Its opening hour until now, hut without success. Th NtHibUs has marched on and and its awry step has exalted freedom and Ws sra undergoing the im auvBMUjs wi tit unavriuini im same ordeal as did our predecessors uesr- ly century ago. Ws nrs following the routes-they -hlxsed.

They triumphod. Will their successors falter and tlunf or- gxnio Impoisncy in tho nation Surely after US years of achievement fur mankind wiH nsV Our equality with other powers on mat ten fundamental snd essential to nation silty. -With no such purpose was tha nation rested. In -no sulrft has It developed Its full snd Independent sovereignty. Ws adhere to principle of Susfity among ourselves and by no set ours wtU ws assign to ourselves subordinate rank In tho femlly of nations.

My fellow cltisoqa, tho public oven is of the Inst four years have gone Into history, They am too near to justify recital. thma wars unforsoen, many of thorn momentous and fxr-rreohlng In their oomwuuencea to ourselves and our relations with the real of the- world. The iwrt which the -United Btsteebura so honorably in- the thrilling scenes in Chine whlle-new-ee-Amerlcau-Jfe has been In harmony with ita true spirit and best traditions and In dealing with tha raaulte Its puUor will be that el moderation -and at this moment a moat Important Question that of the future rotations friends. Tbs daola'ratlon of. tho nurreoM of this goverums nt In' reeulutlon of April Mi UN, must bo mads good.

Bvor yluce the evaruatlon of tho Island by. tha HUfV'feiihitlir- ptactloable speed, has been CMlitlng-k peopm'Jn the euooenglve etepe aeceeoery le- the eetabllnhmeat gf free and Inile pvndeot gurgornment. prepared to usxums see. firxtm under the The convention elected by the rwhple to frama' a eonstltutlua- la approsehltig IM eempietlon of Its labors. Tho transfer at American control to tho'new government la of such grant Importance, that I i an obligation- of poaoa, that 1 am glad to bo advised by ths recent not of congress of tho policy which tho legislative branch of tho government deems essential to the liaet- Interests pf Cubs and the United tHnteai Tba principles which led to our intervention require that tho fundamental law upon which tha new government rests ahould bo adopted to secure a govern ment capable of performing the dutleo and discharging tho functions of a separate nation, of-observing Its International obligations, of protect Ing- life and property, Insuring order, safety and liberty and conforming to the aatabUnhed and historical, policy of the United Btstee In Us relations to Cuba.

"The, peace whloh are pledged tol to tha Cuban paopla must carry with It tho guarantlw of penunnence. Wo booamo sponsors for the pscltlcstlou of the Island and wa remain accountable to tha Cubans, no less than to our oountry and people, tor the reoonatructlon of Cuba as a free commonwealth on abiding foundations of Justice, liberty and assured order. Our aafranehlaamant of tho paopla will not bag Oumplsted uutU free Cuba shall be dfeballty, not a name; a perfect entity, not a hasty Itself tha rio- I pertinent bearing within I jBente af fsllunL" vv white tho treaty at ps poaco with' Bpslh Foreman Froora to DeatkT SHERIDAN, Wya, Mareh 5 Foramen Ed Smith of the Nlckel-Coppcr Refining mins was from to deatk Whllfi tolar to the mines on Tongas river. Smith and a companion started out to walk to tho mines aad Smith 'got lost In crossing th rlvtr fell through th tee and before he eonld ranch a tie camp or mb's fell exhauted and from to dejt'j. Th funeral waa held here under the auspices of the local lodge of Odd L- P.

Bremer, of'Vaneouver, and self hsplfl-) ndfiedllbal XLlfi; riln I ward-WUllamsdouiinion labor the trilvlleg 'ot. doing such work. A mlseiouen.bavs heeu looking Into the tlixaa WstaoA 1a tali a a Wss I saltan aJ (a 1 Mys: matter alien Ta Maka Wu on poh 1 Trenton, Nebt -the destruction pf grasshopper and jchinch-bugs, For the put three yeaxa graMhoppers have been the cauu almoat total failne crops, but -the lust two years tho farmers nave been -f using parte green end a muhin sailed the hopper catcher "with good effort 1 1 and this yur with the aid of Professor Bruner will, by hard, Constant work, neeud ia destroying what renmln. adlffk part therein must token by thh, ths sugust snd pawerlul lesto's hve; bsra the prlvlleii nt my podtlon; fof high ludfed to th honor of presiding Amercin fiCnate at -the outset of tha twenUeth oentury, i. Fat Crowa la 1 SIOUX March 4.

The positive statement to mad hers that Pat Crowa waa In Crawford oounty. Iqwa, near th little town of Veil, withtai ths teat two Crowe formerly lived between Veil and West Side and It to under stood he hu numerous friends In that It to said he staid nt farmhouse 'and. toft th. place quietly as ha came. The-source of Information Mjs doe not dais to ha trt hla name dhulgcd.

College Ops tees. DES MOINES, Mrch L-Th fourteen low -colleges will be represented nt th interstate oratorical cos-tost In this elty Msy pub by Mr. O. M. Cavsnee, a stndsat of the Iowa Waalayan university of -Mount Pleasant, who laat.

week won this honor in a oontsat at Mount Pleuant with np aU other toUsao orators. a IpyfiprttllM Dial, WASHINGTON, March I. The pros Went signed nil th appropriation bills, sxcept th rlvsr and harbor bill, Which fellsd to pau ths eonferenc staffs; Th Bt. Ixphi exposition bill was ntoo signed. Oaoesal a Hoag Song.

WASHINGTON, March The sen-ate In sxerutlrs session confirmed William A Rublee of Wisconsin to be consul general of tha United S.atsa at Hong Kong, China. i Just ekwrd haa reduced taxation In, thoisum of Hl.000.80a Than there was deep aollotludo beeause 6f the long denreeelan la our msnufseturing, mining, agrtuvltural sad -uteraastlle' Industries and tho consequent dlstraxe of our laboring tjUsulSttocu. Now every tvti ana at BradaatkMi -to efewde -with activity. labor-la wall employed and Amar load pradsota fltad good markote at hoeM ana abroad. -Our alverained product tons however, -Sra ineraaatsg In such 'unprecedented volumo as to admonish us of tho nteeaatty of atlll further shlnrglng -our foral an umrkota by broader aomnwrolal nlatloua For this purpose reciprocal trade arrangamcma with other nations ahould tat liberal spirit ba painfully cultivated end promoted.

Tho national verdict tor tho moot part hem executed. Whatever remains unfulfilled Is a- continuing obit- gallon rioting with undlmlnlahed force upon tbs executive and tha congress. But tort units -as our soadltlon ia Its perms neuna can -only-bs assured by sound bual-ueaa mot bods aad strict aoqnomy In na ttonal administration and legislation. Wo ahould not permit our gnat prosperity to iead-ua to reeklaas vsnturaa In hurt-pens or profligacy In our oxpandlturao. While the oon grass dotermlMs the ohjeeta and tha sum af appropriations tha ofll i-i els la of the oxeeutlva-departmenta aro ro-aponslbls for honest and faithful dls-, bunemant and It ahould bo their constant to pvoM waste aad -extravagance.

Honesty; capacity and Industry an now .4 t4 IHttMUBl OtfH WVb- NEW YORK, March I. The pries at routed, coffee has been advsneed ons-balf of I sent pgr pouodito lOVi -unto net by the Woo toon Splu com-! psqy, which Is- oAntrolleJ by' -ths Amerlrgn Sugar Refining oofepany Interest. Thls bringg the price up to level with that of tho Arboekles, the first time that thto hu bean so In two Th Bupplemratary Baltlsb navel --tlmateg, amounting to 1,300,000, hu been Issued. Fin ta OearssWoasqr Qiaos. yTha stock of confectionery, canned goods and1 belonging to T.

Clemente, at Wilbur, wu almoek totally 'yulned by fira, and hie' restaurant furnishings badly damagvd by smoko. It ig insured for 1800 ia tha Seward Mutual company. This gum will not cover the loeq. damage tho building, which belongs to Frank Jananch, to not aerionat and to covered insurance. Tho fin started from a cigar atuband smouldered all night.

Mra at Baltimore, The extensiva esUblishment of' ITerarhbergi Hollander A Ca, dealer In paints and oils, at Baltimore, MA. burned, entailing a loss of -vi ll Mora Money for library. I H-THacktoybbi mimoualra' lumberman of Muskegon, offered tho board- of education 315,000 for the enlargement of the Haektoy public library, which waa originally' presented to the city by Mm at a cost of 3135.000 ani to whieir he aebae-quently added aa endowment fund of -i Au-CaW a It wu anitonneed at Chicago, by on the of tho company that tha Illinois Klectrtoal Vehicle company, operating' auto-eaba, and capitalised at 11,500,000, will go. outif existence because of looses due to the bad condition of the Tbo Foots Arrests Charles A. Foots and Arthur Foote, father and eon, have bun arrested at llurmiugham, on the charge of having murdered Mra.

Foote, wife and mother, to secure Insurance. -l I I.

Bruning Courier from Bruning, Nebraska (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

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Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.