‎Can you correct my text, please? It's a bit long "부적" (Bujeok) or Talisman has been used for a long time in Korea. It considered a magical tool used to ward off evil spirits or bring good luck. It's made by drawing letters, pictures, or symbols on paper (2024)


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6 January

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‎Can you correct my text, please? It's a bit long "부적" (Bujeok) or Talisman has been used for a long time in Korea. It considered a magical tool used to ward off evil spirits or bring good luck. It's made by drawing letters, pictures, or symbols on paper or wood. Bu (符) means official document or order and Jeok (籍) means document. Talisman is drawn in red color on a yellow paper. The yellow color represents the light that ghost hate the most and red represents the colour that ward off evil spirits. Besides, warding off evil spirits, and bringing lucky charms functions. There are other functions such as a disease prevention, a ghost invulnerability, and a Samjae (3 calamities) annihilation, love, pregnancy, and Property talismans. Talisman can be bought from a Korean Shaman "Mudang" (무당) or can be found and printed from intrent. People keep it under pillow or in wallet or hang it on the wall. It just reminds me of Egyptian talisman called Hegab. (2)

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‎Can you correct my text, please? It's a bit long "부적" (Bujeok) or Talisman has been used for a long time in Korea. It considered a magical tool used to ward off evil spirits or bring good luck. It's made by drawing letters, pictures, or symbols on paper or wood. Bu (符) means official document or order and Jeok (籍) means document. Talisman is drawn in red color on a yellow paper. The yellow color represents the light that ghost hate the most and red represents the colour that ward off evil spirits. Besides, warding off evil spirits, and bringing lucky charms functions. There are other functions such as a disease prevention, a ghost invulnerability, and a Samjae (3 calamities) annihilation, love, pregnancy, and Property talismans. Talisman can be bought from a Korean Shaman "Mudang" (무당) or can be found and printed from intrent. People keep it under pillow or in wallet or hang it on the wall. It just reminds me of Egyptian talisman called Hegab. (3)


6 January

Show answer from the AI monga

بالتأكيد، يمكنني مساعدتك في تصحيح النص. ها هو النص المصحح:

"البوجوك" (Bujeok) أو الطلسم تم استخدامه لفترة طويلة في كوريا. يعتبر أداة سحرية تستخدم لصد الأرواح الشريرة أو جلب الحظ السعيد. يتم صنعه عن طريق رسم الحروف أو الصور أو الرموز على الورق أو الخشب. كلمة "بو" (符) تعني وثيقة رسمية أو أمر، وكلمة "جوك" (籍) تعني وثيقة. يتم رسم الطلسم باللون الأحمر على ورقة صفراء. يمثل اللون الأصفر الضوء الذي يكرهه الأشباح بشدة، ويمثل اللون الأحمر اللون الذي يصد الأرواح الشريرة.

بالإضافة إلى صد الأرواح الشريرة وجلب الحظ السعيد، يوجد وظائف أخرى مثل الوقاية من الأمراض ومنع الأشباح والقضاء على الكوارث الثلاثة (سامجاي) وجلب الحب والحمل والحفاظ على الممتلكات. يمكن شراء الطلسم من الشامان الكوري "مودانغ" (무당) أو يمكن العثور عليه وطباعته من الإنترنت. يحتفظ الناس به تحت الوسادة أو في المحفظة أو يعلقونه على الحائط. يذكرني ذلك بالطلسم المصري المعروف باسم "حجاب".

أتمنى أن يكون هذا المساعدة! إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة أخرى، فلا تتردد في طرحها.

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6 January

  • Arabic

The rest of the text

"It's written in red and folded in specific way mostly triangle shape and kept under a pillow or in pocket.

In the past years visiting Mudang Shops / "Mudang Jib" (무당집) became popular even many drama scenes featured dealing with Mudang."



6 January

  • English (US)
  • Hebrew

I’ll try."부적" (Bujeok) or Talismans have been used for a long time in Korea. A Bujeok is considered a magical tool used to ward off evil spirits or bring good luck. It's made by drawing letters, pictures, or symbols on paper or wood. “Bu” (符) means “official document”or “order”, and “Jeok” (籍) means “document”. Bujeok are drawn in red color on a yellow paper. The yellow color represents the light that ghost hate the most and red represents the colour that ward off evil spirits.Besides warding off evil spirits and bringing good luck, Bujeok have other functions such as a disease prevention, protection against ghosts and, and a Samjae (3 calamities) annihilation, love, pregnancy, and Property talismans. Bujeok can be bought from a Korean Shaman called a "Mudang" (무당) or be found on and printed from the internet. People keep them under their pillows, in their wallets, or hang them on the wall. They reminds me of Egyptian talismans called Hegab. Bujeok are folded in specific way, most often a triangle shape.In the past years visiting Mudang Shops / "Mudang Jib" (무당집) became popular, with Mudang even featured in many drama scenesI also cut out some repeated information in the process.If I misunderstood anything, let me know!

I’ll try.
"부적" (Bujeok) or Talismans have been used for a long time in Korea. A Bujeok is considered a magical tool used to ward off evil spirits or bring good luck. It's made by drawing letters, pictures, or symbols on paper or wood. “Bu” (符) means “official document”or “order”, and “Jeok” (籍) means “document”. Bujeok are drawn in red color on a yellow paper. The yellow color represents the light that ghost hate the most and red represents the colour that ward off evil spirits.

Besides warding off evil spirits and bringing good luck, Bujeok have other functions such as a disease prevention, protection against ghosts and, and a Samjae (3 calamities) annihilation, love, pregnancy, and Property talismans. Bujeok can be bought from a Korean Shaman called a "Mudang" (무당) or be found on and printed from the internet. People keep them under their pillows, in their wallets, or hang them on the wall. They reminds me of Egyptian talismans called Hegab.

Bujeok are folded in specific way, most often a triangle shape.

In the past years visiting Mudang Shops / "Mudang Jib" (무당집) became popular, with Mudang even featured in many drama scenes

I also cut out some repeated information in the process.
If I misunderstood anything, let me know!

Highly-rated answerer

‎Can you correct my text, please? It's a bit long "부적" (Bujeok) or Talisman has been used for a long time in Korea. It considered a magical tool used to ward off evil spirits or bring good luck. It's made by drawing letters, pictures, or symbols on paper or wood. Bu (符) means official document or order and Jeok (籍) means document. Talisman is drawn in red color on a yellow paper. The yellow color represents the light that ghost hate the most and red represents the colour that ward off evil spirits. Besides, warding off evil spirits, and bringing lucky charms functions. There are other functions such as a disease prevention, a ghost invulnerability, and a Samjae (3 calamities) annihilation, love, pregnancy, and Property talismans. Talisman can be bought from a Korean Shaman "Mudang" (무당) or can be found and printed from intrent. People keep it under pillow or in wallet or hang it on the wall. It just reminds me of Egyptian talisman called Hegab. (6)

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6 January

  • Arabic

Thank you so much

Here I was talking about Hegab

"Bujeok are folded in specific way, most often a triangle shape."
So I should say Hegab instead right?

I don't get why "with was added on the sentence below

"with Mudang even featured in many drama scenes"



6 January

  • English (US)
  • Hebrew

@Noorhan_Adel Yeah, for the first part, you should probably specify that you’re talking about Hegab.

“A, with B” means that B is a fact that is tied to A, so I’m saying that as a part of Mudang shops becoming popular, Mudang have been featured in many drama series

Highly-rated answerer

‎Can you correct my text, please? It's a bit long "부적" (Bujeok) or Talisman has been used for a long time in Korea. It considered a magical tool used to ward off evil spirits or bring good luck. It's made by drawing letters, pictures, or symbols on paper or wood. Bu (符) means official document or order and Jeok (籍) means document. Talisman is drawn in red color on a yellow paper. The yellow color represents the light that ghost hate the most and red represents the colour that ward off evil spirits. Besides, warding off evil spirits, and bringing lucky charms functions. There are other functions such as a disease prevention, a ghost invulnerability, and a Samjae (3 calamities) annihilation, love, pregnancy, and Property talismans. Talisman can be bought from a Korean Shaman "Mudang" (무당) or can be found and printed from intrent. People keep it under pillow or in wallet or hang it on the wall. It just reminds me of Egyptian talisman called Hegab. (14)

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‎Can you correct my text, please? It's a bit long "부적" (Bujeok) or Talisman has been used for a long time in Korea. It considered a magical tool used to ward off evil spirits or bring good luck. It's made by drawing letters, pictures, or symbols on paper or wood. Bu (符) means official document or order and Jeok (籍) means document. Talisman is drawn in red color on a yellow paper. The yellow color represents the light that ghost hate the most and red represents the colour that ward off evil spirits. Besides, warding off evil spirits, and bringing lucky charms functions. There are other functions such as a disease prevention, a ghost invulnerability, and a Samjae (3 calamities) annihilation, love, pregnancy, and Property talismans. Talisman can be bought from a Korean Shaman "Mudang" (무당) or can be found and printed from intrent. People keep it under pillow or in wallet or hang it on the wall. It just reminds me of Egyptian talisman called Hegab. (21)

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‎Can you correct my text, please? It's a bit long "부적" (Bujeok) or Talisman has been used for a long time in Korea. It considered a magical tool used to ward off evil spirits or bring good luck. It's made by drawing letters, pictures, or symbols on paper  (2024)
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