Ford F150: Fuel Pump Problems You Should Know! - The Driver Adviser (2025)

If you’re looking for a comprehensive overview of common fuel pump issues found in Ford F150s then you’re in the right place. Even though the Ford F150 boasts robust design and impressive engineering, it is not exempt from occasional fuel pump troubles.

But what problems does an American-made Ford F-150 usually have with the fuel pump?

2009 – 2014 model years of the Ford F-150 have problems with an overheating fuel pump fuse which needs to be relocated. 2018 model year had issues with misaligned welds of the high-pressure fuel pump, causing oil and fuel leaks. Additional issues include engine sputtering at high speed, power loss, or failure to start, among other.

However, that certainly doesn’t tell the complete story. In the rest of the article, we’ll discuss every possible fuel pump problem in detail. Furthermore, we’ll tell you how to identify it, repair it, and how much it costs to repair.

We’ll make sure to discuss every possible symptom so that you know exactly what kind of problems you’re having with your Ford F-150 when it comes to the fuel pump. Read on!

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What's Inside show

1. Problems With The Fuel Pump Fuse

If you own a 2009 – 2014 model year F-150 and are experiencing problems with your fuel pump, it’s most likely because of a failed fuel pump fuse. One owner was able to describe the issue perfectly, as can be seen below:

There are inadequate contacts on fuse relay for fuel pump, causing overheating without burning out the fuse (#27 in the fuse box). This caused the relay and fuse to start melting and resulted in immediate shut down of the fuel pump, and complete power loss.


This problem was quite common, and for that reason, Ford did issue this technical service bulletin. Replacing a fuse on a fuse box isn’t the most challenging task in the world, but also not the easiest one.

If you fancy giving it a try yourself, follow the instructions in the video below.

While it may not be a very challenging task to replace a fuse, if you’re not comfortable doing so, it’s always advisable to let a mechanic handle it.

2. 2018 Models Had A Recall

If you own a 2018 model year F-150 with a 3.5-liter Ecoboost V6 engine, it could be that your vehicle was part of a recall. It turned out that the high-pressure fuel pumps on 7,500 units had misaligned welds which caused them to be susceptible to high-cycle fatigue fractures.

If this happened, the fuel pump would move relative to its mounting flange, resulting in a loss of how well the sealings of the cam cover and fuel lines work. This would result in oil or fuel leaks, increasing the fire risk.

The solution involved having dealers replace the high-pressure fuel pump, high-pressure fuel discharge tube, and high-pressure pump and discharge tube mounting bolts free of charge.

Besides the earlier mentioned technical service bulletins and recalls, there can be other things happening to your fuel pump. If the solutions mentioned above did not help you, we’ve compiled a list of 12 different reasons why your fuel pump may be failing. They’re listed in the rest of this article.

3. Fuel Pump Malfunctions

When the fuel pump in your Ford F150 malfunctions, you will notice quite a few physical indicators.

Sometimes your fuel pump may work fine but not your fuel filter, and you may not even notice this. A dysfunctional fuel pump will have the same effect as a clogged fuel filter. That renders establishing whether you have a bad fuel pump or a bad fuel filter.

What distinguishes them? The pressure on the input side of a blocked fuel filter will be high, while the pressure on the output side will be low, while both sides of a dysfunctional fuel pump will have low pressure.

Additionally, check to examine whether your engine’s computer has any diagnostic codes saved before disassembling anything. The engine may generate a P0087 error diagnosis if the fuel pump fails to operate correctly, implying that the fuel rail/system pressure is too weak. Moreover, any error codes besides the P0087 may provide an insight into the root of the problem.

You may also obtain an oxygen sensor-related error diagnosis with low fuel pressure. The core problem with identifying a malfunctioning fuel pump is that the indicators are comparable with other automotive troubles. Likewise, the indications are roughly equivalent to those of a clogged or cracked fuel filter.

Below are the most prevalent indications of a dysfunctional fuel pump in the Ford F150:

Ranting Noise

A ranting noise is one of the most prevalent indicators of a faulty fuel pump. Even if there are no performance concerns, the ranting noise can deteriorate the fuel pump.

Having attentive hearing can prevent you from getting trapped with a faulty fuel pump. The noise, in some cases, might resemble a poor vibrating noise.

If you suspect such a noise, check the fuse box of the fuel pump with the help of a multimeter to see if it is working fine. The fuse box in the F150 is located under the hood near the battery. If needed, then replace it with a new one.

Soft Explosive Sounds When You Accelerate

If your F150’s fuel pump fails to provide adequate fuel pressure to keep the engine running under a huge burden or at full speed,you willknow it’s time to replace it.

You may notice this when heading up a hill or going with a full load, which requires more acceleration. The engine may feel like it is just running on fumes. That’s how a dysfunctional fuel pump feels.

A malfunctioning fuel pump may feel oddly similar to a bad catalytic converter. When you hit the accelerator, the motor might feel as if it is losing out of air.

A defective catalytic converter will not be as noticeable. It’s a gradual decrease in strength. If you use a scanner to acquire P0420 or P0430 fault codes, the catalytic converter likely is to blame.

In that case, check whether your catalytic converter is working fine. If some temporary problem occurs, then visit the nearest Ford service center. If the condition of the converter looks bad, then it is advisable to replace the whole converter rather than invest in minor parts.

4. The Engine Is Hard To Start

Your F150 is hard to start is one of the best symptoms of a congested fuel pump. This is because there’s insufficient fuel pressure in the combustion chamber to adequately break the fuel into small units.

Sometimes, it is just the spark plugs that wear out over time or a defective coil pack that hampers the ignition system. Also, check with your local service dealer for any dirt particles in the fuel pump.

Make a habit of periodically changing engine oil from the Ford service center to avoid over-greasing the engine and accumulating dirt particles in the fuel pump sock.

5. F150 Not Starting

The engine will not start if the fuel pump has entirely failed. To get your Ford F150 started, you’ll need the correct elements: air, fuel, and a spark. The engine will not start up if any of these elements are missing.

If there is no indication that the fuel pump is degrading, then it shouldn’t be assumed at first that the fuel pump or the material in it is degrading. There can be multiple reasons for which the fuel pump cannot process.

Check for some basic things in the car through which the fuel pump is connected. You can check it yourself, or the best is to get it checked at the Ford service station.

  • Check for the fuse in the fuse box. Generally, it is located near the battery under the front hood. If it is burnt up, then replace it. Also, check with the multimeter whether there is an adequate power supply in the fuse box.
  • Check for the power supply at the back of the car. Near the fuel tank, there is a wire harness that powers the fuel pump. Unplug it and then check with each prong for power supply. Remember to keep one lead of the multimeter to the ground to provide earthing in case of any negative sparks.
  • Check the inertia switch in the trunk to see whether it is turned on. Sometimes a hard jerk can turn it off, which cuts the power supply to the harness.
  • Check for the fuel pressure. A clogged fuel filter has high pressure on the input and low pressure on the output side, and a dysfunctional fuel pump has low pressure on both sides.

6. Inadequate Power Supply To The Fuel Pump

First, check the fuse in the fuse box located near the battery under the front hood. If everything is okay, check for the power supply using a multimeter.

Another more significant possibility is that the inertia switch is turned off. It sometimes does go off due to collisions or hard jerks.

The inertia switch is usually located towards the rear of the trunk, but it is located near the driver’s side of the dash in some models. You can pop the button to switch it on and check for the power supply.

7. Engine Boosts Up But Doesn’t Start Over

It might be the case of a broken wire in the harness that goes straight to the fuel pump. You can find it under the trunk near the silencer. If required, replace it. You can ask the service person to paste a durable sticker into the harness to prevent it from wearing out.

8. Ignition Turned On But No Fuel Pump Sound

Ford F150 uses two different fuel pump relays, which are located under the hood. One relay pump uses a four-pin charge while the other uses a five-pin.

Sometimes, low fuel pressure is created by the high pressure of the fuel pump, which causes a problem with the battery. So check for the fuel pressure and also de-check for the fuse.

9. Replaced All Parts, Even The Fuel Pumps But Still No Fuel Pressure

Check for the power at the fuel pump. The pump is wired using four wires. One has to be consistently warm, one should be neutral, one should be a fuel pressure input, and the other should be a switched warm wire which should have current when you start the engine to drive and then go dead after a few seconds before coming on and staying on once the truck begins.

While dealing with cabling near the tank, be cautious not to generate sparks.

10. Fuel Not Reaching The Engine Of The Ford F150

Initially, check for the wire lines. Look out for the burnt wires or loose ends. The next thing is to check for the fuel injectors. If they are clogged, clean them out, which would solve the problem and they should start to inject fuel to all parts to which your fuel pump is connected.

You can also jump the fuel pump wires inside the frame rails under the driver’s door. One fuel pumpis on the rail, and the other is in the fuel tank. Replace the relay and the connector if the pump starts up and gives a cranking sound.

The relay sometimes fails due to corrosion which causes a stoppage in the fuel supply. So check for the relay’s condition as well.

11. Fuel Pump Cranks Over But Doesn’t Start In The 2009 Ford F150. Also, Getting Less Than 12 V To The Pump

Check for the voltage at both the fuel pump at the tank and the rail. You can also check for the wire harness. You can unplug it and keep the black lead of the harness in a grounded position. Now check for any dirt in the plugging area of the harness and the fuel pump.

You can also look for the grounding strap under the passenger seating area, which connects the frame to the body. It might be broken there, which causes a cut in the power supply.

12. Truck Jerks Even After Giving More Fuel To It And Replacing Fuel Plugs

Check for the catalytic convertor. Sometimes, there is clogging inside the catalytic converter, making it difficult for the fuel pumps to function, resulting in difficulty reaching the fuel to all parts of the truck.

13. Replaced Old Fuel Pump With A New One, But It Isn’t Starting

You can check for the wirings and connections to the fuel pump initially. Sometimes, the wires aren’t connected properly, resulting in an inadequate voltage supply to the fuel pump.

You can also check for the fuel pump driver module, usually found on the frame above the spare tire. Check whether the bolts are tightly done or not. Check for any part which is eroded.

If the problem persists, replace the whole module with one that doesn’t deteriorate quickly. You can look for steel or aluminum modules.

14. No Power Reaching Towards The Fuel Pump

On the initial level, check for breakage in the power supply from wires or a burnt fuse.

15. Takes A Pickup Initially But Doesn’t Accelerate Further

Check for the broken cables which connect both of your fuel pumps. There might be an issue with loose wires as well.

Make sure whenever you are fixing the wires and reconnecting them, you don’t keep them too tight. It might break the connection whenever any jerk occurs, or the cables can wear out fast. Also, please don’t keep the connection too loose as it may entangle some wires, resulting in sparking.

The symptoms of a defective fuel pump are similar to those of several other frequent Ford F150 issues, among other models like the Ford F-150 Raptor. The most straightforward way to rule it out is to test the pump and pressure on both sides.

As a starting measure, you can check for fuses, broken wires, and clogged fuel socks. Then you can check for the power supply at the back of the vehicle. You can also check whether the ignition switch is turned off due to jerking.

Closing Thoughts

In conclusion, while the Ford F150 is a reliable workhorse, it’s not immune to fuel pump issues. Understanding these problems and knowing how to identify them can go a long way in ensuring your vehicle performs optimally and lasts long.

Now that you’re armed with the knowledge about the fuel pump, you might also want to explore other common issues that plague this model.

Shift linkage issues, for instance, are another common problem for F150 owners, as detailed in our guide to Common Ford F-150 Shift Linkage Problems.

If you frequently engage the 4×4 capabilities of your vehicle, be aware of potential 4×4 actuator problems. Knowledge about these issues can prove invaluable in unpredictable off-road situations.

Moreover, to ensure optimal vehicle safety, understanding the functioning and potential Ford F-150 problems with your ABS module and pump is crucial.

In conclusion, possessing an informed understanding about your F150 not only ensures a smoother driving experience, but it also ensures your safety on the road. Continue to educate yourself about these potential issues and enjoy your journeys in your F150.

Ford F150: Fuel Pump Problems You Should Know! - The Driver Adviser (1)

Stefan K.

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Ford F150: Fuel Pump Problems You Should Know! - The Driver Adviser (2025)


How do I know if my fuel pump driver module is bad? ›

Symptoms of a Faulty Fuel Pump Driver Module

When the driver module malfunctions, the pump won't produce the right amount of pressure, causing the engine to run low or misfire. Your engine can also stall because of it.

How do I know if my fuel pump is bad on my Ford? ›

How To Know If You Have A Ford Fuel Pump Issue
  1. Sign #1: Engine Sputtering. One of the most common signs of a failing fuel pump is engine sputtering or hesitation. ...
  2. Sign #2: Difficulty Starting. ...
  3. Sign #3: Poor Performance. ...
  4. Sign #4: Fuel Efficiency. ...
  5. Sign #5: Check Engine Light. ...
  6. Final Thoughts.

How much does it cost to replace a fuel pump on a Ford F-150? ›

The average cost for a Ford F-150 Fuel Pump Replacement is between $1,229 and $1,595. Labor costs are estimated between $230 and $290 while parts are priced between $1,000 and $1,305. This range does not include taxes and fees, and does not factor in your unique location. Related repairs may also be needed.

What does the Ford Fuel Pump Driver module do? ›

The Fuel Pump Driver Module controls the voltage delivered to a vehicle's fuel pump.

What is the code for a bad fuel pump driver module? ›

The P069E code indicates that the module responsible for keeping the fuel pump working has encountered a problem.

How much does it cost to replace a fuel pump driver module? ›

How Much Does a Fuel Pump Driver Module Replacement Cost? The cost of an aftermarket fuel pump driver module replacement can range between $100 to $550 for parts alone. Several factors affect pricing, such as brand and warranty. Labor can cost you an additional $125 to $300, depending on the rates in your area.

How long do Ford fuel pumps last? ›

Your vehicle's fuel pump should last at least 100,000 miles or more. If it doesn't, or if you've exceeded that mileage milestone, you may notice any of the following seven signs.

How many hours does it take to replace a fuel pump? ›

How long does it take to replace a fuel pump? In most cases, around two to three hours. However, job times can vary widely depending on how easy it is to access the pump. The fuel pump sits inside the fuel tank, and is attached to a plate on the top of the tank.

What are signs of a bad fuel pump? ›

Is My Fuel Pump Going Bad? Here Are 8 Signs It Is!
  • Fuel Tank Noise. A damaged fuel pump might make a loud, whining sound that you'll hear from your gas tank. ...
  • Difficult Starts. ...
  • Sputtering Engine. ...
  • The Actual Stall. ...
  • Power Loss. ...
  • Surging Power. ...
  • Lower Fuel Efficiency. ...
  • Dead Engine.
Jul 1, 2020

Does a fuel pump driver module need to be programmed? ›

Mechanic's Assistant: Yes, the Fuel Pump Control Module (FPCM) may require programming depending on the specific vehicle and situation, but the Mechanic will be able to provide you with the necessary information and assistance.

How do you test a fuel pump relay module? ›

  1. Most fuel pump relays have 4 pins labeled 30, 85, 86, and 87. ...
  2. To test the relay, remove it from the relay base and connect battery negative to pin 85 and battery positive to pin 86. ...
  3. If you get less than 1 ohm on the ohmmeter, then relay is working fine. ...
  4. Hope this helps.
  5. P.S. There's other ways to check the relay.
Dec 27, 2022

How long should a fuel pump module last? ›

It takes gas from the gas tank and sends it to the engine so your car, truck, or SUV can start and run. Your vehicle's fuel pump should last at least 100,000 miles or more.

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