How To Create A Matlab 3D Plot: Step-By-Step Instructions (2024)

Creating 3D plots in MATLAB can elevate your data visualization to the next level. Whether you're working on data analysis or scientific research, understanding how to effectively use 3D plotting can be a valuable skill. Let's get started on how you can make the most out of this feature in MATLAB.

Article Summary Box

  • MATLAB's 3D plotting capabilities significantly enhance the visualization of complex data, making it an essential skill for data analysis and scientific research.
  • The `plot3` function is integral for creating 3D line plots in MATLAB, offering a simple syntax for effective visualization.
  • Creating 3D surface plots is streamlined with the `surf` function, utilizing matrices to define the dimensions and shape of the plot.
  • The `scatter3` function in MATLAB is particularly useful for 3D scatter plots, allowing the visualization of data points in three-dimensional space.
  • How To Create A Matlab 3D Plot: Step-By-Step Instructions (1)
  • Setting Up Your MATLAB Environment
  • Basic Syntax For 3D Plotting
  • Types Of 3D Plots
  • Customizing 3D Plots
  • Plotting Multiple Data Sets
  • Exporting 3D Plots
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Setting Up Your MATLAB Environment

  • Installing Toolboxes
  • Setting The Workspace
  • Code Editor
  • Running Your First Script
  • Before you start plotting, it's crucial to set up your MATLAB environment properly. This involves installing the necessary toolboxes and ensuring your workspace is organized.

    Installing Toolboxes

    MATLAB offers specialized toolboxes for various applications. For 3D plotting, the basic MATLAB package is usually sufficient. To check if you have the required toolboxes, go to the MATLAB Add-Ons menu and search for any additional packages you might need.

    Setting The Workspace

    Your workspace should be clean and organized. Create a new folder specifically for your 3D plotting project. This will make it easier to manage your scripts and data files.

    Code Editor

    Open the MATLAB Editor to start writing your code. You can access it by clicking on the 'New Script' button or pressing Ctrl+N.

    % This is a new MATLAB scriptdisp('Hello, MATLAB!');


    In this example, the % symbol is used for comments in MATLAB.

    The disp function displays a message in the MATLAB console.

    Running Your First Script

    Once your script is ready, you can run it by pressing the Run button or using the F5 key. Make sure to save your script before running it.

    % Save this script as 'hello_matlab.m'disp('Hello, MATLAB!');


    After saving the script as 'hello_matlab.m', press the Run button or F5 to execute it.

    You should see the message "Hello, MATLAB!" displayed in the console.

    Now that your environment is set up, you're ready to dive into the world of 3D plotting in MATLAB.

    Basic Syntax For 3D Plotting

  • 3D Line Plots
  • 3D Surface Plots
  • 3D Scatter Plots
  • Customizing Axes
  • Understanding the basic syntax is the first step to creating 3D plots in MATLAB. The language offers a variety of functions specifically designed for this purpose.

    3D Line Plots

    The plot3 function is used for 3D line plots. The syntax is straightforward: plot3(x,y,z).

    % Create a 3D line plotx = linspace(0, 10, 100);y = sin(x);z = cos(x);plot3(x, y, z);


    In this example, linspace generates 100 points between 0 and 10 for the x-axis.

    sin and cos functions generate y and z values, respectively.

    The plot3 function then plots these points in 3D space.

    3D Surface Plots

    For 3D surface plots, the surf function is commonly used. The syntax is surf(X,Y,Z) where X, Y, and Z are matrices.

    % Create a 3D surface plot[X, Y] = meshgrid(-5:0.25:5);Z = X.^2 + Y.^2;surf(X, Y, Z);


    meshgrid creates a grid of points for X and Y within the specified range.

    The surf function then uses these points along with the Z matrix to create the surface plot.

    3D Scatter Plots

    To create 3D scatter plots, you can use the scatter3 function. The syntax is similar to plot3: scatter3(x,y,z).

    % Create a 3D scatter plotx = rand(1, 50);y = rand(1, 50);z = rand(1, 50);scatter3(x, y, z);


    Here, rand generates 50 random points for each axis. The scatter3 function then plots these points as individual dots in 3D space.

    Customizing Axes

    You can customize the axes using the xlabel, ylabel, and zlabel functions.

    % Add labels to the axesxlabel('X-axis');ylabel('Y-axis');zlabel('Z-axis');


    These functions add labels to the x, y, and z-axes, making the plot easier to interpret.

    With these basic syntax and functions, you're well-equipped to start creating various types of 3D plots in MATLAB.

    Types Of 3D Plots

  • 3D Mesh Plots
  • 3D Contour Plots
  • 3D Bar Plots
  • 3D Quiver Plots
  • MATLAB offers a variety of 3D plot types to suit different needs. Whether you're visualizing complex data sets or simple mathematical functions, there's likely a 3D plot that fits the bill.

    3D Mesh Plots

    Mesh plots are useful for displaying grid-based data. The function mesh(X, Y, Z) creates a wireframe mesh.

    % Create a 3D mesh plot[X, Y] = meshgrid(-5:0.5:5);Z = sin(sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2));mesh(X, Y, Z);


    meshgrid creates a grid of points, and mesh plots them as a wireframe.

    The Z-values are calculated using the sine of the distance from the origin.

    3D Contour Plots

    Contour plots are another option, displaying isolines in 3D space. Use contour3(X, Y, Z) for this.

    % Create a 3D contour plotcontour3(X, Y, Z, 20);


    Here, the contour3 function plots 20 contour lines based on the Z-values.

    It uses the same X, Y, and Z matrices as the mesh plot.

    3D Bar Plots

    For categorical data, 3D bar plots can be useful. The function bar3 will create a 3D bar plot.

    % Create a 3D bar plotdata = randi([1, 10], 5, 5);bar3(data);


    randi generates a 5x5 matrix of random integers between 1 and 10.

    bar3 then creates a 3D bar plot based on this data.

    3D Quiver Plots

    To visualize vector fields, 3D quiver plots are ideal. The function quiver3(x, y, z, u, v, w) plots vectors as arrows.

    % Create a 3D quiver plotx = 0:0.1:1;y = 0:0.1:1;z = 0:0.1:1;[u, v, w] = peaks(length(x));quiver3(x, y, z, u, v, w);


    peaks generates the u, v, and w components of the vectors.

    quiver3 then plots these vectors as arrows originating from the points (x, y, z).

    Each of these 3D plot types serves a unique purpose and can be customized further to meet your specific needs.

    Customizing 3D Plots

  • Changing Colors
  • Setting Axis Limits
  • Adding Titles And Labels
  • Customizing Surface Plots
  • Once you've created a basic 3D plot, the next step is to customize it. MATLAB offers a range of options to make your plots more informative and visually appealing.

    Changing Colors

    To change the colors of your plot, you can use the 'Color' property.

    % Change the color of a 3D line plot to redplot3(x, y, z, 'Color', 'r');


    In this example, 'r' sets the color of the line to red.

    You can also use RGB values for more specific colors.

    Setting Axis Limits

    Adding grids can make your plot easier to read. Use the grid on command to add a grid.

    % Add a grid to a 3D plotgrid on;


    Simply add grid on; after your plotting function to display a grid on the 3D plot.

    Setting Axis Limits

    To set axis limits, use the xlim, ylim, and zlim functions.

    % Set axis limits for a 3D plotxlim([0 10]);ylim([0 10]);zlim([0 10]);


    These functions set the minimum and maximum values for the x, y, and z-axes, respectively.

    Adding Titles And Labels

    Titles and labels can be added using the title, xlabel, ylabel, and zlabel functions.

    % Add titles and labels to a 3D plottitle('My 3D Plot');xlabel('X-axis');ylabel('Y-axis');zlabel('Z-axis');


    These functions add a title to the plot and labels to each axis, making the plot more informative.

    Customizing Surface Plots

    For surface plots, you can add a color map to represent the Z-values better.

    % Add a color map to a 3D surface plotsurf(X, Y, Z);colormap('jet');


    The colormap function sets the color map of the surface plot.

    'jet' is just one of the many available options.

    By utilizing these customization options, you can make your 3D plots more effective and tailored to your specific needs.

    Plotting Multiple Data Sets

  • Combining Line And Scatter Plots
  • Overlaying Surface And Mesh Plots
  • Adding Multiple Bar Plots
  • Customizing Legends
  • When working with complex data, you may need to plot multiple data sets together. MATLAB makes it easy to overlay different types of 3D plots in a single figure.

    Combining Line And Scatter Plots

    You can combine 3D line and scatter plots using the hold on and hold off commands.

    % Plot a 3D line and scatter plot togetherplot3(x1, y1, z1, 'b');hold on;scatter3(x2, y2, z2, 'r');hold off;


    First, plot the line using plot3.

    Then, use hold on to keep the plot, and add the scatter plot using scatter3.

    Finally, use hold off.

    Overlaying Surface And Mesh Plots

    Surface and mesh plots can also be overlaid using the same hold on and hold off commands.

    % Overlay a surface and mesh plotsurf(X1, Y1, Z1);hold on;mesh(X2, Y2, Z2);hold off;


    The surf function plots the surface, and mesh adds the wireframe.

    Use hold on and hold off to combine them in one figure.

    Adding Multiple Bar Plots

    To add multiple bar plots, you can use the bar3 function with different color options.

    % Add multiple 3D bar plotsbar3(data1, 'b');hold on;bar3(data2, 'r');hold off;


    Here, data1 and data2 are the two data sets.

    The color options 'b' and 'r' distinguish the two bar plots.

    Customizing Legends

    To make it easier to differentiate between data sets, add a legend.

    % Add a legend to a 3D plot with multiple data setslegend('Data Set 1', 'Data Set 2');


    The legend function adds a legend to the plot, labeling each data set for clarity.

    By understanding these techniques, you can effectively plot multiple data sets in a single 3D figure, making your data visualization more comprehensive and insightful.

    Exporting 3D Plots

  • Save As Image
  • Export To PDF
  • Export To MATLAB File
  • Export Options
  • After creating and customizing your 3D plots, the next step is to export them. Whether you need them for a presentation or a report, MATLAB provides several options for exporting your plots.

    Save As Image

    One of the simplest ways to export is to save the plot as an image. You can do this manually by clicking on the 'Save' icon in the figure window or programmatically using the saveas function.

    % Save the current figure as a PNG imagesaveas(gcf, 'my_plot.png');


    Here, gcf gets the current figure, and saveas saves it as a PNG image named 'my_plot.png'.

    Export To PDF

    For high-quality prints, you might prefer to export to PDF. This can be done using the print function.

    % Export the current figure to a PDFprint('-dpdf', 'my_plot.pdf');


    The print function with the -dpdf flag exports the current figure to a PDF file named 'my_plot.pdf'.

    Export To MATLAB File

    If you want to share the plot with other MATLAB users, you can save it as a MATLAB file using the savefig function.

    % Save the current figure as a MATLAB filesavefig('my_plot.fig');


    The savefig function saves the current figure as a MATLAB .fig file, which can be opened later for further editing or viewing.

    Export Options

    MATLAB also provides a File > Export Setup option in the figure window for more advanced export settings, such as resolution and size.

    By using these export options, you can easily share your 3D plots in various formats, ensuring that your data visualization is accessible and useful in different contexts.


    Visualizing Geological Data with MATLAB 3D Plot

    The aim of this case study is to demonstrate how a team of geologists used MATLAB's 3D plotting capabilities to visualize underground rock formations.

    The team needed to understand the spatial distribution of different rock layers beneath the Earth's surface for an upcoming drilling project. Traditional 2D plots were insufficient for capturing the complexities of the geological formations.



    The team decided to use MATLAB's surf function to create a 3D surface plot of the geological data.

    They collected data points for the X, Y, and Z coordinates, where Z represented the depth and the values at each (X, Y, Z) point represented the rock type.

    % Sample code to create a 3D surface plot[X, Y] = meshgrid(-5:0.25:5, -5:0.25:5);Z = -sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2);surf(X, Y, Z, 'FaceColor', 'interp', 'EdgeColor', 'none');



    The 3D plot provided a comprehensive view of the rock layers, allowing the team to identify critical zones for drilling. The color interpolation feature helped in distinguishing between different rock types.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How can I change the color of my 3D plot?

    You can change the color by specifying the 'Color' property when plotting. For example, plot3(x, y, z, 'Color', 'r') will plot a red 3D line.

    What is the difference between plot3 and scatter3 in MATLAB?

    plot3 is used to create 3D line plots connecting points in the order they are given, while scatter3 creates a 3D scatter plot where each point is plotted individually without being connected.

    How do I add a legend to my 3D plot?

    You can add a legend using the legend function. For instance, legend('Data Set 1', 'Data Set 2') will add a legend with two entries.

    Can I overlay multiple 3D plots in one figure?

    Yes, you can overlay multiple plots using the hold on and hold off commands. Plot the first data set, use hold on, then plot the second data set, and finally use hold off.

    Is it possible to animate a 3D plot in MATLAB?

    Yes, MATLAB supports animations. You can update the data in your plot in a loop and use the drawnow function to refresh the display, creating an animation effect.

    Let’s test your knowledge!

    Continue Learning With These Matlab Guides

    1. How To Use Matlab Find Function Effectively
    2. How To Create A Matlab Plot: Step-By-Step Instructions
    3. How To Use Matlab Absolute Value Function
    4. How To Calculate The Matlab Norm In Your Projects
    5. How To Use Matlab Save Function For Efficient Data Storage
    How To Create A Matlab 3D Plot: Step-By-Step Instructions (2024)
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