Second Life Too Dark (2025)

1. Too dark - can't see much - Second Life Forums Archive

  • Aug 20, 2008 · Trying bringing your brightness all the way up? I see it fine, maybe you LCD displace is going into hiatus? Keep trying to change the Gamma ...

  • ‹ ›ÜLÿì[ÿSÛ:ÿùø+¶¾{%Ì%vœo|i€B>h9 ×{wsÃ(¶’¨Ø–Ÿ%'Mß¼ÿýve'˜|¡ÀљvÚCI»Z­VŸÝ•äö‹Î»ƒ«ßÎa Ã Îß€UqœõÇé\uà_ÇWg§àÚU¸JX¤„2bã¾µÀho9Îh4²Gu[&}çêÂùD¼\"Î+º@iûÚ·vVVVÚ¦ËOa©íŒÜÍÍ͌[·œùøõ¢RY9‘Ï£Sօ×2ICØK¼rµrŠ€¡Ÿ°x <ž9ô¯Cˆù‘{ZAéFÆ\sà¡Ô“‘Z[©TwÈ5’£ÂOÅpÛ:‘æ‘®\cn!7ókÛÒü“vH®Wà X¢¸Þ~õº²a9È$Ñ $<ضˆµiñ9d}î#߅—H%{ÚÎê ïm[εûÊé±!•RÕn­êV«Íº;ÃU d¢½TÃ<ûO•Ç°ÔB|ç’c¥§¢Ç3mª‰:¡WR‚Ï’|ôX´ªAqaê ÚNF}G0=¸p®'R=yJÝJ„?œïV†5—ñœzFÞyNh#ÿ=89„Ö—2.2¼e¸üí-}6þs®[Ãõ?<òEï¿d*+m'³Ç•vWúc¬õń¿mÐöbž ÅLՀùrt2™ŠB±É›O>Óº)Mõwj‹lƒŠ–2è2¤o;Xº¼] ûr† 6P1‹f±˜åÊɗ¤2& …ظ ¬Üd^F]¿"»i;lŽ³3Ïz‘„i`ì²Ë‚JĆ¸Ê¦"‘Ð}îϋˆLÕ¦…²`… +BóкoDÎRF¹Š&ÜÞӕ®Lf'lIóDô·í?`'™ÎNTö=«ÇÝEZ[®Ï¬|ê±Lc!‹Ÿ¤/¢³gÍàëjK&A®š3uÅ ¨ÆÏ`HKØ<§b.±‹XDý¯®’€Eþ3¨d ›çTÉ~:ÎöõÕõ‚ƒ ÓHèñ3(ç>^Ï©¡ƒI?_M;Sõxð,+)cŒs¾²^ŽQد¤’¶“KÜñG)¢J$GóŽ­èx*…ZÎáî,„·r/ö{*_ånüD¯*èaÄPƈ—ó2àb ÎÔøE>Ž9±çr± ð<œ`a š^™ÚPðO®G< Ð{êÌ{Uþ©8Þö ¶ó!kZ†9°<Å`«V¤'|EHFÂ"´“«Wëgt,áppúîò°cÃy€Jà0˜~˜~">š´›SxCŽYOw»Jó€íæðâÔÙv❕¿@ËCÀìa QG‡W0r©u÷¥ì¹es†£²Œº¿J^Bœð#È Œ°Ì(`+«j‹(ÆÀÿ66µ b!>ÿ>Õ4> YbŬóT*í†BO›«ióËLCÔ¦†ß1“Ù ï&Ÿz8Š®ºg¶!“dò5U»Sq×Î2¼û¦Ÿ™¡L¨5¿ìëW“:˵֘r½àJ`®¨s–gµÙšòºâÞ àŠ7få¶nÅ:ct„òR¥ÐL¦¬–+|%Ë0îjØ̀ÐTòä4Óz[³nÀMu,•¾35¦ª09mÌÀ‚ö1Õ hÛV­Hjr‘b§’“lq»;÷¤ŽX;ƒCÚ/ÈãšÈežˆ•KBô¦®¹n³Ñ¬-—QRÃJªxô¯ÞrÝuw™)èžWhÙaàÁÁ>KÖgɂüf)½ÒL§ŠÌ³/”F6>¼Çò{X<Œ/9ŒÜCøLó-؄7˜cÕªÕÖ}âa³¬é1Â0kç4ÚÊ]©fÁVÂã€y<Ó¢CŽN–…eȗˆ=™’Ùž“nA}}‰œwdÙtÞYÓáÿYxoEqÀF>-Ènª•ZÿªPml¹õ{¦f1‚þèÑ>¦J£ëمw —§€ë!ÆÙâÓÆ+úl¬vá„"tÑ7b-­Fõ S‰2ð!Úñh€ÿN°F“G…d6P›ì Ã%ÉÉ! µð%Œ„ÎÜT€Æ†rdî_Ùð›LiUùÔ®‹=á£7`QŸg^˜1ÔtMHq¥ Kn Ód1ÙÐN KQؐC_Fy§f ^}†Ðæ,ñGäü3Ž¨_r•£P8å‡ ÞëqOÛ°‡¾ÇŒ1’¨OT‡Aª‹{‚jÈ(&ڑb)2Ò¼...

2. EEP is confusing and very dark - Second Life Community

  • Jan 31, 2021 · When EEP was installed, the default settings for mainland were set too dark by mistake. But no system was provided to change the default ...

  • Either EEP is crazy, or it's not working for me as intended. For the record, I usually keep my graphics on ultra or close to it. I'm using Firestorm because almost everyone I know does as well. I prefer to set the viewer to "shared environment" because I want to see the same sky that everyone els...

3. Help! Environment seems dimmer in Firestorm - Second Life Community

4. why is it always dark ?? - General Discussion Forum

  • Mar 10, 2015 · why is it always dark when I login? this is a question that new people often ask. so what you tell them is can change the Sun to Midday so they ...

  • why is it always dark when I login?this is a question that new people often askso what you tell them is can change the Sun to Midday so they can see. So they do that and go: woooo!!! I can see now lol. I like !!+then in the latest viewer LL changed it so that if new person changes it to light the...

5. The view on viewer became darker since yesterday and also my friend ...

  • Jun 20, 2013 · Hello.. I have 2 questions , hopefully someone can help me. The first one is about the display/view on the viewer.

  • Hello..I have 2 questions , hopefully someone can help me.The first one is about the display/view on the viewer. I m using the viewer 3 from the second life site, the normal one, and yesterday there was an update before I entered to SL.. Since then the view on the viewer is changed for me. It's n...

6. Lighting Problems - General Discussion Forum

  • Sep 14, 2024 · I use Firestorm Viewer and Legacy Body, Since the last update the lighting is super bright on me (Everything else seems fine) I don't have any lights attached.

  • I use Firestorm Viewer and Legacy Body, Since the last update the lighting is super bright on me (Everything else seems fine) I don't have any lights attached, What can i do? (I am wearing white shorts despite how it looks)

7. Where to adjust lighting on newest version? - Second Life Community

  • Jun 2, 2024 · Lighting options in any event should be found in preferences / graphics / advanced settings. The advanced lighting model is indeed gone.

  • Hello, I have just been compelled to install the latest SL Viewer and despite having turned every element of my graphics down to minimum settings I am still lit up like a Christmas Tree. I can show you what I mean as yesterday I bought a new head and skin and had got it how I liked it. Today, cou...

8. One type of sun lighting makes my avatar look terrible.

  • Jul 22, 2021 · Some facelights can be good. I use one that has different settings, so on the lowest settings it does its job without lighting up the entire sim ...

  • I really wish Linden would discontinue the midday sun noon time lighting environment. It is the most unflattering lighting in sl. In all the the years I have been in second life, even before mesh heads were invented it's always made my avatar look terrible, no matter what shape I had or skin used...

9. Texture dark issue in world - Second Life Community

  • Mar 3, 2016 · I tweaked the ambient lighting and occlusion effect to the maximum so my textures don't become dark in here. I created my textures in 3ds max by ...

  • HiI am building a store in a place. I setup an environment settings which has its own lighting system and its cool. I tweaked the ambient lighting and occlusion effect to the maximum so my textures don’t become dark in here. I created my textures in 3ds max by vray with gamma of 2.2 (also set tha...

10. Initial thoughts on PBR in Second Life - Virtual Bloke

  • Jun 22, 2024 · And so I set off on a mission: check a bunch of EEP settings, both old and 'new-for-PBR' against both a dark and light background. At this point ...

  • As the world and its mother probably knows by now, the team at Firestorm have just released their long-awaited PBR viewer, and – having held […]

11. Building too dark inside, blender, AO textures - Second Life Community

  • Apr 7, 2019 · Hello! I am making a small building about 3 x 5 in size and baking AO map in blender render, but for some reason it appears too dark inside, ...

  • Hello! I am making a small building about 3 x 5 in size and baking AO map in blender render, but for some reason it appears too dark inside, the walls seem gray. How can I make it lighter but not lose the shadow in the corners? (the building has two doors and windows on all walls).

Second Life Too Dark (2025)
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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

Last Updated:

Views: 6530

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.