The Astrology of Now: Current Transit Chart (2024)

    On this page:

  • Today's Chart Wheel
  • Planetary Positions by Sign, Degree, and Aspect
  • Interpretations of Key Astrological Factors

The following table shows the position of the planets today by sign and degree.

How are these ten bodies distributed among the zodiac signs? The following table shows their distribution by gender, mode (Cardinal, Mutable, or Fixed), and element (Fire, Earth, Air, or Water).

The following is an aspect table, displaying the aspects forming between the planets at this time.

If someone--or an event--were born at this moment, the corresponding birth chart report is below.

Chart Report

This report shows the positions of the planets for right now.

The planets in the signs

The position of the planets in the Zodiac signs influences the nature of an individual, event, and current affairs.

The Sun is in Gemini

The Expressive. Multitasker. Collecting and sharing information. Seeking variety. Curious to a fault. Quick mind. Excellent memory. A finger in every pie. A strong urge for self-expression.

Flexible and changeable. Adaptability, popularity. A uniter. Clever and witty, enjoyment of intellectual conversations, easily bored with low mental stimulation.

Adept at fitting in with different environments and with others. Friends with people from all walks of life. Not easily intimidated. Detachment enables great objectivity. Observant but difficult to get close to. An easy friend, but intimacy takes far more effort. Impressionable, skilled, and scattered. Nervous or high-strung energy. Keeping busy, making deals, knowledgeable. Short attention span, restless. Needs to know. Affable, light, engaging, good listening skills. Pleasant, interesting, and interested. Dazzling wit, dizzying changeability. Never boring.

Weaknesses: Changeable and diffuse, opportunistic. Wasting energy by doing too many things. Lacking persistence in achieving set goals.

Key traits: Easy expression, quick learning. Welcoming, gentle, intellectual, adaptable, entertaining, and delightful.

Qualities to develop for greater balance: Persistence, willingness to go deep, focus.

Favorable day: Wednesday. Number: 5. Color: Yellow. Metal: Mercury. Stone: Agate. Flowers: Lily of the valley, lavender.

Mercury, the messenger of the gods, is the ruler of Gemini. It is the planet of day-to-day expression and communication. Mercury's action is to take things apart and put them back together again. Mercury analyzes, sorts, groups, and makes sense of things.

Gemini is of the element AIR. Air signs are intellectual, detached, and fair-minded. Gemini is of the MUTABLE mode. Mutable signs are flexible, adaptable, and changeable. Although they can be inconsistent or lack follow-through, they are ready to adjust to accommodate others.

Parts of the body or anatomy associated with Gemini are the shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, and lungs. Health issues associated with Gemini relate to breathing and the power of a positive mindset. Gemini rules connectors and tubes in the body and the nerves. Learning, breathing, or speech difficulties can come under its rule.

Gemini is the zodiac's third sign and is associated with the third house. The symbol for Gemini is the Twins.

Lucky days for Gemini are 5, 14, and 23. Lucky years include 1976, 1985, 1994, 2003, 2012, 2021, 2030.

The Moon is in Taurus

Convicted, rooted, and strong. Familiarity is security. Emotional need for earthiness, stability. Feeling with the senses. Reveling in material comforts.

Steadiness unless the Moon is very challenged. Conservative, cautious. Avoiding "messy" or unpredictable situations, crises, and emotional displays.

Romantic, simple pleasures. Affections are strong, deep, and unwavering. Protecting oneself and one's interests. Cautious moves. Reliable instincts. Strong ties to the physical world. Patience and calm. Uncomfortable with surprises. The good life. Capable. Appreciation of nature.

The Moon is exalted in Taurus and performs well. Throat, voice, music. Financial activities. A time for buying, acquisition, stocking up, attending to valuables, gardening.

Lessons: Sticking things out, dedication to building something special brings rewards. Slow and steady wins the race.

Downfalls: inflexibility, stubbornness, lack of spontaneity, excesses in pleasure, laziness, thoughtlessness.

When judging the Moon in Taurus, consider the condition of Venus.

Mercury is in Gemini

The Quick-witted. Logical. Eclectic interests, somewhat scattered, knowing a little about everything. Learning best in a stimulating environment, bored easily, distractable, and quick to learn.

Impressionable to a fault, picking up much, observant, and processing information at lightning speed. Nervous energy, restlessness. Curious, adaptable, interesting, and clever. Presence of mind. Fun with words, engaging communicator. Astute. Favors negotiations, detached observations, flexibility, and adaptability.

Venus is in Gemini

The Scintillating. Intellectual appeal, flirtatious, captivating, and adaptable. Asking questions and keeping things light and lively. A desire for variety, mental engagement, and social stimulation. Good fortune with transportation and communication. Willingness to talk but not always ready to go deep. Changeable tastes, pleasures. Attractions begin with words.

Mars is in Aries

The Spontaneous. Impulsive. The first instinct for Mars in Aries is to take action. Quick flare-ups, but the angry period is brief. Not holding grudges or feeling resentful for long. Quick temper, dealing with things right away with little room for festering. Fast decisions, relying on gut instincts. Rarely stopping to smell the roses or considering other viewpoints. Excellent at building momentum and exciting enthusiasm. Spontaneity, simplicity, purity of action, and innovation.

A step ahead. Thriving on starting fresh--new ideas, pioneering action, and fresh projects are desirable. Enjoying challenges but not as good at following through. Physical energy is great but losing initial enthusiasm quickly. Annoyed by indirectness, convoluted plans, or passivity. Rude and impatient but direct and straightforward. Few hidden agendas. A master of initiative.

Jupiter is in Gemini

The Versatile. Attracting good fortune through wit and ingeniousness. Versatility, sociability, curiosity, and putting people at ease with friendliness and sincere curiosity. Valuing the intellect, communication, and contact. Seeing opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written channels. Belief that intelligence and knowledge are vital to solving problems and improvement/growth.

Possible pitfalls: Overstimulation with superficial information and skimming the surface of issues; unwillingness to go deep in an attempt to preserve happiness.

Enjoying: herding, gathering, fact-finding, dabbling, gadgets, puzzles, tinkering, clarifying, and informing.

Saturn is in Pisces

Reclusive, with sullen humor. Liking solitude, contemplation, and working alone.

Testing faith. Fear of being vulnerable. A time for turning a critical eye to (and gaining a new perspective on) our dreams, mental health systems, and sense of compassion and empathy.

Watch for: avoiding scrutiny at all costs, which can lead to missed opportunities. Persistent or formidable enemies.

Uranus is in Taurus

New ways to approach money, personal possessions, personal comfort, sensuality, food, self-love, body love, and pampering. Nontraditional approach to these matters. Progressive ideas in business. Ups and downs with money, things.

Neptune is in Pisces

Religion, spirituality, the arts, and fantasy dominate, but they're also subject to confusion, lack of definition, and misunderstanding. Passivity. Mass confusion. Blurring boundaries. Looking within, valuing compassion, de-emphasizing the material world, dissolution. The belief that the key to nirvana is through increased acceptance and breaking down walls/boundaries.

Pluto is in Aquarius

A major reform of social structures, politics, friendships, and networks. Intensity and drama in these areas. An overhaul through science, inventions, and the mind or ideas.

Interplanetary aspects

The interplanetary aspects strongly influence the character and disposition of an individual or event and, consequently, its destiny.

The conjunction aspect is variable and depends, above all, on the nature of the conjoined planets.

657 Conjunction Sun - Venus

The Peace-maker. Compromising. Social relationships assume more importance. Charming, easy-going, personal popularity, pleasant appearance or manner, wanting to be liked and appreciated, attractive. Refinement, kindness, and gentleness. Seeking harmony; a dislike of bluntness or crassness. Diplomatic, expert at smoothing over (or glossing over) problems. Openhanded, tolerant, and accepting.

Negative potentials: Vanity, superficiality, being two-faced, people-pleasing, too agreeable, too pleasant (at the expense of honesty), lazy, easily bored, indulgent, working on charm, conniving.

A fine eye for style, dressing well, luxury. Gracious, romantic, and romantically impulsive. Relying on the power of attraction rather than pursuit.

A time of social pleasure, improved money, relationships, comfort, and satisfaction.

446 Conjunction Mercury - Jupiter

Good faith, optimism. Great interest in learning and sharing the truth. Big ideas, tolerant, fair. Strong sense of justice, ethics. Good judgment. Excellent communication skills and inclusiveness. Full enjoyment and appreciation of knowledge, literature, and learning. Successful exams, publishing, interviews, legal or educational matters, promotions, travel, and communications. Motivational speaking/writing, good teacher/guide.

413 Sextile Mercury - Neptune

The Imaginative. Mental imagery. Inspiration. Creative intelligence. Quickly and naturally understands.

Ability to verbalize what the imagination and intuition dictate: interpreting dreams, symbols, and hidden meanings. Sensing trends, intuiting the next step. Interesting, odd, and varied daily experiences. Non-linear thinking.

Applying imagination to daily affairs and interests. Suitable fields include journalism, teaching, writing, design, and social welfare. Distractable. Dreamy. Idealism.

Resisting hard/strict answers and definitions. Disliking being labeled, labeling things, black-or-white statements, and hard boundaries. Intuitive insight. Thoughtful, contemplative. Using knowledge to help, heal, and assist others. Relating to one another kindly, freely, and understandingly.

Relatable communications: ability to describe or give words to concepts or otherwordly ideas. Enchanting words and descriptions. Descriptive. Poetic. Fantasy, imagination, and science fiction are appealing.

Delicate words. Keeping secrets; discreet. Impressionable. Following hunches. Perceives with all the senses, paying special attention to nuance. A desire to articulate concepts, beauty, and wonder. A strong memory for moments more than facts. Great storyteller and collector of information. A time to interpret, delight, and entertain.

276 Conjunction Mercury - Uranus

Sharp, ingenious, binding intelligence and originality together. Enjoying literature, debate, and science. Spontaneous friendships. Original ideas and unique views. Intellectual freedom. Self-directed, non-linear learning, skirts routine. Intuition is quick and accurate.

133 Conjunction Moon - Mars

Emotions are immediate, powerful, and insistent. Frankness, honesty. Passionate. Impulsive, too direct, easily annoyed, or impatient. Craving action or activity.

-127 Square Moon - Pluto

Intense emotions and passionate feelings. Fearing the loss of control of emotional and domestic matters/change and, at the same time, attracting change and disruptions. Provocative. Emotional scenes, jealousy, and possessiveness.

103 Trine Mercury - Pluto

The Astute. Incredibly perceptive and resourceful. Ability to focus, concentrate, diagnose, and discern intelligently. Great sense of observation, quickly grasping the situation. Crafty, subtle, and critical.

A successful investigation, solving a mystery, research. Probing the psyche, getting to the bottom line. Financial savvy. Understanding. Not content with superficial explanations. "All or nothing" approach to learning and specific topics. Persuasion. The spy or psychologist.

81 Sextile Jupiter - Neptune

The Dreamer. Guiding principle: trust in people/the universe. Generous and altruistic, helping those in difficulty. Listening, or making others feel heard. Imagination to spare, fully enjoying and appreciating the Arts. Vital awareness of inner spirituality. A love of humanity, compassion, and mercy. A strong belief in the power of empathy. Psychic sensitivity. Possibility of skirting/avoiding reality, impracticality.

Prosperity in creative, imaginative, artistic, or spiritual fields. An innate optimism and belief in positive outcomes. Inspiring, inspired, and a mission to do good. Fortune comes from unexpected sources, when it's least expected, or just in the nick of time.

74 Trine Mercury - Lilith

Provocative in communications, persuasive, interesting conversations, quick to see the flaws of a situation.

52 Conjunction Jupiter - Uranus

The Visionary. Quick to size things up, accurate instincts. Craving knowledge, independence, and freedom of action. A non-conformist. Interesting and in demand. Unexpected good fortune and lucky opportunities. Sincerity and openness. Unconventional ideas, beliefs, worldview, and opinions. Prophetic.

49 Sextile Neptune - Pluto

Ability to see the layers of a situation. Intrigued by what makes things work, motivations.

42 Trine Jupiter - Pluto

The Director. Intelligent planner and strategist. Organizer of the first order. Opportunities for wealth, abundance. Publishing, teaching, exporting. Willingness to change, transform, grow, and improve. Having a higher purpose. Goal-oriented.

-42 Opposition Neptune - Lilith

Love dominates her life. She could lose her head over someone to whom there's an intense attraction, which can become troublesome, because she loses all idea of reality. If she is not loved in return, so what - she will love for the two of them. With time, if the loved one loses patience, she will have difficulty disentangling herself and she can suffer enormously. It's best to look to a trusted outside source for guidance in vulnerable times.

20 Trine Uranus - Lilith

Experimenting, trying new things, without much follow-up. Breaking free, liberation, freedom from limiting thoughts or habits.

13 Trine Jupiter - Lilith

Great understanding. Outstanding resilience. Rising above pettiness. An ability to help heal and give people breathing room. Independent. A master problem solver.

-10 Square Sun - Saturn

Facing obstacles and challenges. A sense of being underestimated, unrecognized, unlucky, or unrewarded. Setbacks. Unfortunate circ*mstances. Seeking control, self-control.

Fear of failure. Self-consciousness, self-censoring. Facing rules, limits, boundaries, and traditions. Setting unattainable standards. Caution. Lowered vitality, troubles with the bones, teeth, and circulation, stress.

Sacrifices may be necessary; a dose of realism emerges. A time to strengthen, lay low, and conserve energy.

-7 Opposition Saturn - Lilith

Inflexibility, fear of loss of control or of being in the dark on a matter, perfectionism.

4 Trine Pluto - Lilith

Knowing where the bodies are buried. Experiences taking one to the deeper places in the soul; exploring inner desires. Seeing in the dark. Strong deduction skills.

-2 Square Venus - Saturn

Difficulty expressing feelings, affections, or joy. Disappointments, break-ups, inhibitions, lack of satisfaction, denial, rejection, parting with something cherished or enjoyable. Problems in love or friendship. Doubting others' feelings. Feeling undeserving, unattractive, plain/dull, or insecure. Restrained, self-pity, loneliness. Tightness with money. Keeping feelings close to the chest. Reminders of responsibilities or duties make it challenging to fully let go.

1 Trine Uranus - Pluto

Motivated to improve daily life. Persevering. Championing for the underdog, personal freedoms, reform. Scientific progress. Heightened perception. Unusual ideas.

Here, you'll find the current planet signs and core aspects. Taken together, they can help describe the fundamental energies of the moment.

This report features more succinct text than the general natal chart report, designed to apply not only to people born at a specific time, but also to current events and electing activities or new beginnings.

While the chart and planetary positions on this page are for today's transits, you can create birth charts for yourself or the people in your life here:

After producing a report for your chart, you can select options for transits or horoscopes and compatibility reports.

The Astrology of Now: Current Transit Chart (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.