The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

A A A a bus lose, -In one the B. 6 SECTION TWO THE ENQUIRER, CINCINNATI, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1913 AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE New proposition just out; does away with exautomobiles; agents. making 15 dollars a day; write quick for details.

McCLEARY, 5926 Washington Philadelphia, Penn. 23-StSu AGENTS AND WINDOW WORKERS, LISTEN-Make 800 per cent profit selling our self-filling fountain pens; they sell nearly as fast as you can hand them out from window in location. They are well made, with a 14-karat gold-plated point; will stand close inspection and demonstration. Send 35c In or stamps for sample and price list. Write to-day.

CONTINENTAL SPECIALTY CO. Continental, Ohio. AMBITION without action is useless; our mallorder plan has proved the most succe-sful of any: it is perfect, legitimate, and a guarantee, with your ambition, to give you in return for a couple of hours daily $20 to 830 per weeks no outfit to buy; no canvassing or advertising; you can start the ball roiling at once; send 50c and we will send you full particulars. FLORENCE TOILET 215 Pearl New York, N. Y.

AGENTS-850 weekly; we manufacture the best Needle Case made: wonderful seller; 500 easily carried; 200 to 400 per cent profit; talking unnecessary; our copyrighted "Trust Scheme Envelopes do the work; we prove that our general agents can make over $200 weekly; particulars tree; 25c sample outfit for 10c; satisfaction guaranteed or 10c refunded. PATY NEEDLE 94 Union Somerville, Mass. oct-51t-Su AMAZING INVENTION--Entirely new kind lamp burner; generates gas; makes extremely large, powerful white light; smokeless; odorless; sells everywhere; nothing like It; exelusive territory contracts granted; coolest. therefore safest on market; agents making big unnecessary: sampie BUTLER outfit money; experience 350 postpaid; particulars FREE. MEG.

Dept. 103, Toledo, Ohio, AGENTS -Do you want a clean, bonafide hosiery, underwear and ness sailing sweaters exclusively in your community? Sold representatives direct to wearer: only through straightforward business, quality merchandise, liberal comm.ssions and our hearty tion; good income assured: reputable agents investigate. Write SUPPLY 13 Catherine Utica. N. Y.

AGENTS- Here's a absorbs money dust; maker: Acme on carpets, SweepCompound rugs, mattings. linoleums; large package; -domestie proposition; no sand, grit or strictly free oll: highest quality; proved a repeater; I brings permanent package; see for yourself. DAVIS business: 20 per cent profit; 15c DARLING. Dept. 108, Toledo, Ohio.

AGENTS SELL. RICH-LOKING 36:08 PORTED RUGS, $1 each; Carter, Tennessee, sold 115 In days, profit you can do the sumne, write for sample offer selling plan; exclusive territory; sample rug by parcel post prepaid 98c. CUNDAN. Importer, Stonington, Maine. AGENTS--Write at once for particulars about the newest hand power vacuum cleaner, the Rex.

the king of vacuum cleanets; tremendous seller: large profit; light to carry; easy to operate, most fully guaranteed; double action; retails for $6. REX CLEANER 2 East Twenty-third New York. AGENTS -New combination tool. 16 in ented: forged steel: saves repair bills; tocl of a uses; sells to auto owners, farmers, mechanics and In the home: unworked territory right in your locality; write for terms of agency and free sample. NEVER-STALL TOOL 1506 Hopper Dayton, Ohio.

AGENTS new model vacuum cleaner at price that will interest a big clean-up on this machine for crew managers: patented and nozzle; equipped it's a beauty; write to-day for particuwith the metal adjustable lara. THE HUGRO MANUFACTURING 471 S. Dearborn Chicago. AGENTS you are looking for the livest proposition. on earth and are anxious to make $5 to $15 per day send for frue particulars regarding our Old Mammys 10-In-1 Kitchen Helper: house-to-bouse necessity that every woman needs and buye at sight; over protit to agents.

WHEELERS MFG. Dept. 13, Creedmoor, N. C. AGENTS WANTED- Complete highest-class torlet articles: compact sample line; Illustrated catalogue: wonderful money maker for agents.

Address. giving NATIONAL CLOTH AND APPAREL St. Louis, Mo, AGENTS- business: new feld: big profta; selling waterpower massage machine: Parker sells 8 first day; Margwarth says, making $19 daily; Lewis sells 4 first hour; investigate now; to-day: postal will do; big surprise awaits you. BLACKSTONE 608 Meredith Toledo, Ohio. AGENTS- Get away from the old line of useless novelties; here is something brand new, something extraordinary; something that nearly every man will buy and reorder; good profite; send for free sample.

ANDRON 114 East Sixty-second New York. AGENTS -Be quick: get the agency: never such sel er; make 8100 wok: Model Vacuum Cleaner: steeper type; wonderful suction. your pront over 100 per cent: no competition; patented; we start workers. you; the BRAHAM cleaner sells itself: tree sample to CO. 76, Cincinnati, Ohio.

POSTAL brings absolutely free our Monthly Directury, containing compete information ol best selling articles and of responsible manufacturers and dealers throughout United States. DISTRIBUTOR, 28 Cedar New York. AGENTS WANTED- -Sell Prof. Aug. Koenig's Well-known corn remedies, corn plaster, corn salve and liquid form: est.

19 years; write for terms and particulars; sample 10c. PROF. AUG. KOENIG. 32 W.

Twelfth Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS- $50 weekly handling our wonderful needle cases, with our "trust envelopes; they are self sellers; no talking necessary: a proposition that no one can beat; a 250 sampie for 10c. CORTLAND 446 D. Spruce Cleartleld, Penn. AGENTS on salary or commission; the greatest Agents' seller ever produced: every user pen and ink buys it on sight; 200 to 500 per cent profit; one agent's sales amoufted to $120 in mix days; another $32 in two hours.

MONROE MEG. 229. La Crosse, Wis. AGENTS, make big money selling our $1.000 accident policies for $1 yearly; $1,000 death, $7 50 weekly benefit: also, health and accident policies at $5 yearly. PACIFIC COAST CASUALTY Dayton, Ohio.

AGENTS -RAINCOATS DIRECT TO WEARER. The services of able salesman required; good proposition for Industrious men; state rience, CARLTON RAINCOAT COMPANY, 21 Washington place, New York. AGENTS- ATTENTION! We have an article that sells on sight; needed in every home; helps reduce household expenses; write to-day. STERLING SPECIALTY HOUSE, Painesville, Ohio. fe9-3tSu AGENTS Our telephone specialties sell on sight; pocket sample; exclusive territory: three milion phones within 500 miles of Chicago alone.

COLYTT LABORATORIES, 565 Washington Chicago. AGENTS Men or. women; colored wool dusters, lamb' wool brushes. feather dusters, oil mops. sanitary necessities; sell everywhere; legitimate, profitable business.

RAINBOW MFG. Libertyville, IU. AGENTS -Manufacturer of popular brand guaranteed local representatives to Bell direct to consumer: catalogue explains everything. THE PERFECTION MILLS, 1216 W. Allegheny Philadelphia, Pa.

AGENTS WANTED 100 per cent profit made selling modern office necessity: easy seller; unlimited field; live wires wanted; send 25c for sample and particulars. AZORA RUBBER 171 Green st. Chicago, Ill. You look good to me; you can make $75 or more each month with my corking line of snappy household goods; postal brings you particulars. E.

M. DAVIS, 541, Davis Block, Chicago. AGENTS -Field is unlimited for this rapid seller: every home, office and factory needs it; sella on sight: profit: send postal for free particulars. J. 0.

EDGERTON, No. 236 Pearl Richmond, Ind. AGENTS profit selling useful specialty: used in homes, hotels, stores and by auto owners: good repeater; sample free. AUBURN SPECIALTIES Dept. 189, Au- I burn, N.

Y. 23-mh0-4t AGENTS MAKE BIG MONEY and become salesmanagers for our goods; fast office sellers; fine profita; particulars and samples free. ONE DIP PEN COMPANY. Dept. 310, Baltimore, Md.

fe9-4t'Su AGENTS Within 50 miles of Cincinnati; earn $5 to $20 a week on side line: send names; if sale made you get commission: carry no samples. to Write A. P. 0. Box 73, Cincinnati.

ja5-Sutt AGENTS- Our absolutely square $30 to $67 50 weekly salary and commission, farmers' order proposition assures your prosperity. COMPANY. Division 119, Waterloo, Iowa. AGENTS- Our great luminous picture. "Rock of wonderful, mysterious; cross shines brilliantly in darkest room: sample 25c prepaid: exclusive territory: big profits.

PIONEER PORTRAIT 1205 W. Sixty-third Chicago, Ill. AGENTS WANTED -Sell an article used in home: sells on sight and clears profit; send 10 cents and receive 25c sample and particulars. CHAMBERS SUPPLY Suterville, Penn. LACE AGENTS -Season's winner for hustlers: liberal commission on automobile specialty all owners want; free particulars; write to-day.

DETROIT INTRODUCTORY 377 Canton Detroit, Mich. AGENTS- New 15-piece solid aluminum kitchen or set; nothing like It on the market: demand enormous; unworked territory everywhere; low price; quick sales: big profits; free sample. GUARANTEED ALUMINUM 8605 Penn Dayton, Ohio, Information," a new book on the agency business. every agent should have one; 5,000 copies free while they last: send for one to-day. FINCH PUBLISHING 1405 State Dayton, Ohio.

AGENTS $25 a week for 2 hours' work day; a brand-new hosiery proposition that beats them all: write for terms and free samples if you mean business. GUARANTEED HOSIERY 1705 Hopper Dayton, Ohio. AGENTS earn big money taking orders, whole or part time; weekly pay: outfit tree; experjence unnecessary: business easily learned; start immediately. WESTERN NEW YORK NURSERIES, Desk Rochester, N. Y.

AGENTS- Orchard truck farms: easy sales; good commissions: successful settlement development: 3 big crops; healthiest of South. BAY MINETTE LAND 87 Wall, New York. AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS -Drop everything and write us for special terms on Paine's automatic tray, our money maker for nothing like it for putting coin in your PAINE SPECIALTY Milwaukee, Wis. AGENTS wanted everywhere; household ty; sells at sight; send 25c for particulars; no triflers.

CHEVIOT SPECIALTY Station Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS- -In every town to handle our grade household specialty; easy to sell; profits: write to-day. LAUREL SUPPLY Tremont, AGENTS WANTED- Ladies or gents, for new washboller tablets; big money for hustlers; write for sample. CHAS. E.

MENIER, McMicken Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS make $25 to $100 every week sign letters for stores and offices; success anteed; sample and particulars free. TALLIC SIGN 437 N. Clark, Chicago. AGENTS- To sell new portable desk lamp; at sight; $15 per day; write at once for offer.

RUNKEL MFG, Milwaukee, Wis. AGENTS- -Make prodt selling our Tempest Vacuum Washers; retails for does work than any $5 washer; exclusive territory given. TEMPEST 830 Orleans Chicago. AGENTS and mail dealers, $5 to $10 daily made with Premier Shaving Sets; new big prodis. COLUMBIA COMPANY, 33 Linden Ossining, -N.

Y. a day: work all winter fur men demonstrating to housekeepers; write free sample and catalogue. DeVALK 444 W. 103rd place, Chicago, Ill. AGENTS- Send for our new premium plan sample; both are free; easy.

quick sales; money for good men. THE KOLZOW Box 63, May wood, Ill. AGENTS and house-to-house canvassers to furniture and metal polish; cleans everything; something new; big profit. THE BOSS NITURE 1037 Vine Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS Steady employment and good pay winter season to a few reliabe men: at once for particulars.

CENTRAL SPECIALTY 434 W. Battell Mishawaka, AMBITIOUS MEN AND WOMEN-Income weekly copying letters at home; experience necessary: send stamp for particulars. SALES 2816 Vine Milwaukee, Wis. AGENTS-Earn to $10 dally; write for new spring catalog; I give valuable premiums and sample free. E.

C. PRUCKLER, 659 One Hundred and Third Cleveland. Ohio. AGENTS-Make 500 per cent profit selling elty sign cards:" merchants buy 10 to 100 sight; 800 varieties; catalogue free. BULLIVAN 1234 Van Buren Chicago, Ill.

AGENTS and house-to-house canvassers to Skiddoo; sells in every house; good commissica. N. e. cor. Court and Baymiller sts.

AGENTS -To sell an article used by member of the family; sells on sight; profits; particulars on request. G. S. NEILL. 253 Broadway, New York.

AGENTS Sell the the best $5 Vacuum Cieaner made; the leader everywhere; our terms best them all. HOOSIER COMPANY, Logansport, Ind. AGENTS -Start a business of your own; profit; costs nothing to find out: write quick. S. IRONS, 107 N.

Vermillion Danville, Illinois. AGENTS and salesmen; experienced and clever producers; aluminum household specialties, rect from factory: write to-day. ALUMINUM PRODUCTS COMPANY. La Grange, Ill. AGENTS One in every town to sell Brockman's Tasteless Laxative Lozenges; big profits; repeat onters; for sample and particulars.

W. BROCKMAN. Mt. Ster ing. Ill.

AGENTS Ask us about our snappy household specialty line that will clear you $30 to weekly. NATIONAL ALUMINUM MFG. Box 1928, Lemont, Ill. BE INDEPENDENT of conditions; here 18 portunity: -making work: work: the is needed in 50 homes in your immediate vicinity; you have an dependent income from very small capital this unusually attractive business; write now. THE VICTORY COMPANY, 211 Pearl talo, N.

Y. BE a mail-order bustness in your own home; we tell you how furnish everything needed wholesale; an orable and profitable business for man or woman: particulars free; many make $3,000 a year. MURPHY MFG. South Norwalk, Conn. no17-eoSu-tt BIG PROFITS -Manufacture Barley Crisp; confection: De package; cost to make: instructions $750 prepaid: samples 10c.

CARTER COMPANY, 1612 S. Kedzte, Chicago. BIG CASH BONUS MONTHLY and profit; best 25c seller; a two-minute demonstration makes every call sale; free sample and ticulars. G. V.

SALES 24 Spruce New York. BEST-PAYING agency U. sures $1,500 yearly; inexperienced taught how to make it; let us show you. NOVELTY CUTLERY 571 Bar Canton, Ohio, BIGGEST -making proposition ever offered; anybody can sell; everyboly buys; under new, profitable plan; profit. M.

MYERS, Secretary, 1735 Ogden Denver, Colo. BIG profits for you; manufacture Barley Crisp; new confection: 5c package costs you 1c; machine, instructions complete, $7 50 prepaid; send 10c for samples. BARLEY CRISP 1553 Hyde San Francisco. CHEWING GUM-Sell to dealers in your ritory; clean profitabie business bulit up quickly with our brands: four flavors: novel packages to-day. HELMET Cincinnati, Ohio.

ELEGANT opportunity for salesman with small capital to control the Cincinnati territory the best style vacuum cleaner made. Call Sunday. Munro Hotel. Ask for MR. RATTAY.

FREE-Boys and girls: bracelets, skates, dolls, air rides. for selling 24 10c packages. Write KENT SON, Dept. 19, 2120 Faraon St. Joseph, Mo.

FRECKLE OINTMENT positively removes freckles, giving beautiful complexion; druggists; mail 50c free ho 'How DR. C. H. BERRY COMPANY. Desk 23, Chicago.

HERE IS ONE LIVE AGENTS' SELLER THE YEAR. Needed in every home, office and factory; sells on sight; a sure repeater: profit; send proofs; tree particulars Desk THE COLLINS COMPANY, Box 533. Greensburg. Penn. HALF-TONE and zine etchings, designing and engraving for catalogue, newspaper cuts, magazines, letter heads, post cards: half tones on copper 10c sq.

in zinc etchings, 5c sq. write for catalogue. CENTRAL ENGRAVING 25 and 27 Opera place, Cincinnati, Ohio. no 10-Sutt HAVE YOU A FEW HOURS TO SPARE? We want a man or woman in each town: no capital needed: an hour's work shows dollars earned in spare time; pocket sample; profit. G.

C. MFG. Dept. 64. 20 Warren New York.

HERE is the one live agents' seller of the year; needed in every home, office and factory; sells on sight; a sure repeater; profit; send postal for particulars. EARLE R. EVANS. D. Freemont, Neb.

fe16-21Su HERE is the one live agents' seller of the year; needed in every home, office and factory; se'ls on sight; a sure repeater; profit; send postal for free particulars. THE HEJON Dept. 3, 4866 Evanston Chicago, Ill. HERE is the one live agent's seller: needed in every home, office and factory; sells on sight; a sure repeater; 100 per cent profit; send a postal for free particulars. WINMAC NOVELTY 912 W.

Main Decatur, Dept. C. HOLD ON. BOYS--Don't let this one escape notice; big profits fur you; grab this chance now: absolutely new proposition; free particulars. L.

HOPKINS, 3214 E. Sixth Los Angeles, Cal. HOUSEKEEPERS' wonderful metal polish: send 10c for sample; agents, either sex; sells like wildfire: big commission; send for circulars. JENKINS CALVERT 1519 Harrison Chicago, Ill. TAKE ONE'-Agents send for sample and particulars and hear this every few minutes; big profits; permanent employinent; write to-day.

HARTMOORE SUPPLY Box 20. Racine, Wis. HAVE had 10 years' experience and have made good in the mail order business: began with $5: send for free booklet; tells how. HEAco*ck, 5012, Lockport, N. Y.

fe2-4tSu INTELLIGENT AGENTS carn: $50 weekly selling "Peerless Matchless Pocket Lighter;" particulars, sample, 25c. MELROSE MFG. Bronx, New York. LIBERAL SALARY AND COMMISSION PAID hustlers. We have about 500 openings in our great talloring business and must All these places at once.

To do this we make a most unusual and attractive offer for your spare time, Any one can make big money since all we ask you to do is to wear and show a swell made-to-measure suit and English silp-on raincoat which we gladly furnish free. That's all we will pay you a liberal weekly salary besides big cash profits on every sale. Send us your name and address to-day for big sample outfit and complete details of our salary offer. Everything necessary sent free and postpaid and your name goes on payroll at once. Send no money, just your name and address on a postal card.

BUT DO IT NOW! KNICKERBOCKER TAILORING Dept. 882, Chieago, Ill. fed CURTAINS -Energetic agents, men and women, wanted in every town to sell lace curtains; we sell direct the newest and quickest selling styles at merchants' prices; $3 cash with order will buy samples of curtains that retail from 75c to $3 per pair: we carry the stock, you carry only samples; order to-day send stamp for further particulars. CINCINNATI LACE 807 Main Cincinnati. Ohlo.

fe23-Sutt LADY WANTED To sell new washable elastic sanitary belt and sanitary skirt protector; make $10 to $20 weekly: no money required; all or spare time; not sold in stores; every woman wants both. Send postal to THE MOSS 312 CENTRAL ROCHESTER, N. Y. fe16-2tSu LADY AGENTS are earning $40 a week selling my new patented articles: everyday necessities at bargain prices; I make and sell exclusively to agents; profit, credit plan and liberal terms; no offer is better or as good; mine is by far the best, 80 write. A.

M. YOUNG, 16 Young's Kalamazoo, Mich. LADIES- Sell dry goods remnants to friends and neighbors. REMNANT STORE, Linn Cincinnati, Ohio. MANUFACTURER of guaranteed hosiery wants agents everywhere; liberal commissions; reorders insure steady increasing income.

CLARK MFG. Dept. Germantown, Penn. quick change agents; fist. speical- highbig my 2902 selling guarME- sells special better easily plan; for and x004 MFG.

sell FUR- for Ind. $25 unEARL my E. "nov. on sell AGENTS WANTED. per 100 assorted, delivered, 40c.

GROSS every ONARD 2149 Arthur av, New York. large PICTURE week easy; 16x20 Mac- framed pletures complete, 12c; our Johnson' and 16 other negro Hand pictures are making our agents rich; samples portraits, frames, pillow tops, catalogues, MFG. free. BERLIN ART ASSOCIATION. Dept.

171, Chicago. READ the Agents' Magazine and make more money; 2 months. 10c. AGENTS' MAGAZINE. Chicago.

SPARE TIME is your opportunity to make money; start mail-order business; small capital, di- big profits; I furnish advertising assistance and teach you all about the business; free booklet explains: succees certain. WINFIELD JUKES, Dept, 908 Walnut Philadelph.a, Pennsylvania. P. SALESMEN for exclusive proposition; unlimited Held; splendid side line; big money to right men. EVERSHINE SHOE POLISH Dayton, Ohio.

$50 SEND for my new list of articles for home manufacture; all big profit payers. A. BENSON, op- Stewartville, Minn. STOVINK-Agents making big money on this unusual, extraordinary article that sells to evin- ery home; a blacking for stoves; will not burn In off; the hotter the blacker: STOVINK repeats, thus giving you rich opportunity for valuable But- permanent. bus ness: experience unnecessary; Reason on; start now.

Write HAYDEN-GRIFFIN Toledo, Ohio. and SELL BY MAIL -New patented specialties; fachon- tory prices: now selling plans; small capital; spare time; copyrighted; prospectus and sam free. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY CO. Box 629, Pittsburg. Kan.

SWELL-LOOKING hatpin point protectors; just new out: easiest sellers on earth; everybody grabs ma- them: send 10 cents, sample; surprising terms. HATTON. 305 Merrick, Detroit, Mich. SEND 10 good mail-order names: we, do all the work and pay 25c cash for each customer secured; $7 50 if all order; try it. PEERLESS WOOLEN MILLS (Est.

1840), Chambersburg, par- Pennsylvania. SWEEPER TYPE VACUUM CLEANER. New model three-bellows machine; sells Itself as- on demonstration because it does the work; salary guaranteed hustling crew managers; agents wanted in all territories. Address SWEEPER 1041 Gas Chicago. SALES MANAGERS, distributing agents, multiply your Income: new selling plan: good for 850 or more weekly; free sample.

PROGRESSIVE MFG. Dept. 5. 11 Broadway, New' York. SAFETY RAZOR, with blade.

sold regularly for 25c; sample and price list of other specialties sent for 12c stamps. GROSS 2147 Arthur New York. ter- STOP WISHING for more money; make FIFTY dollars weekly handling our new specialty; fastest seller on market; particulars for stamp. BAR VAU SPECIALTY 308 Parkdale Buffalo, N. Y.

ST. PATRICK'S DAY special neckwear propofor sition; fine premium with each sale: Collins made 28 sales in one hour; profit $18 20. WILSON MFG. A. 19.3.

Lancaster, Ohio. MACHINISTS can make big money selling new patented time-saving lathe attachment; write for agency proposition. W. W. BLAKELY, Detroit, Mich, MAIL ORDER PEOPLE- Add jewelry department to your mail-order business; $2 50 to $3 starts you; no stock to carry; printed matter furnished; profits one half; particulars free.

THE HAYDEN Box U' 684, Buffalo, N. Y. MAKE AND SELL YOUR OWN GOODS -Formulas by expert chemists; we obtain your Government serial number; catalogue for stamp. T. MYSTIC COMPANY, Washington, D.

C. MAKE $5 a day, more if you hustle, selling high-grade specialty; don't delay. Write PEARCE SPECIALTY Dept. Box 77, Oakland, Pittsburg, Penn. MEN AND WOMEN to sell daily expense records; sells at sight; profit; particu are free.

BROOKS COMPANY, Kinnard Dayton, Oblo. MAN wanted as exclusive agent; we manufacture six styles self-wringing mops, for all purposes, including an absolutely new combination scrubbing brush-mop that Is self-wringing: every woman wants this proved success; new, inexperienced men make $9 per day; one man made $120 the second week: no Investment; send for catalogue and exclusive territory proposition that will make you independent. HILKER MOP 1313 Grand Chicago, Ill. NEW proposition to agents and salesmen; Swedish Vibrator for home vibratory treatments; 130 per cent profit; one sale a day gives you $90 a week; 100,000 already sold; a million to be sold this year; some men now averaging 5 to 10 sales a day; most amazing real moneymaking offer ever made; grand, new, easyselling plan; exclusive territory: complete information free; write to-day; state county you desire. Address SWEDISH VIBRATOR Dept.

73, Chicago, Ill. NATIONAL VACUUM CLEANER. Patented and guaranteed; over 197,00 satisfied customers in United States and Canada; bestknown vacuum cleaner on market; write for prices. LANNING STONE SALES COMPANY, Gas Chicago. PORTRAIT AGENTS for solar and bromide prints, pillow tops, crayons, water colors and sepias; write for prices.

F. B. NEHUS, 802 Plum Cincinnati, Ohio. PORTRAITS pillow tops, photo china plates, medallions, frames, sheet pitcures, luminous crucitixes and Rock of Ages, at prices below the lowest: rejects credited: prompt shipments: 30 days' credit; catalogue and samples FREE. JAS.

C. BAILEY Dept. 25, Chicago. PORTRAIT AGENTS -Take notice, radium portraits at common portrait prices: new, unique; write to-day. STERRICK ART Pittsburg, Penn.

POST CARDS 90c per 100 up: high-grade Easter, St. Patrick's, motto, pennant, love, $2 50 per 100 assorted, delivered, 40c. GROSS ONARD 2149 Arthur av, New York. THIS GETS THE MONEY Patented article; everybody demands It; for agent; unlimited field, no competition; all opportunity establish permanent paying business. CROWELL MFG.

Newton Center, Mass. THE HOUSE OF GOOD THINGS needs live OF up-to-date agenta for the new year; ventlets. the big seller, costa 81c, sells for 25c; our claim, we sell more repeaters than any house for in America; our guarantee, your money back for any reason; you can't lose; write to-day, CADILLAC NOVELTY Desk Detroit, Michigan, USE your spare time to build up a mail-order business of your own; we help you start for a share in 27 opportunities: particulars free. MUTUAL OPPORTUNITIES EXCHANGE, Buffalo, N. Y.

U-KAN-PLATE. the polish that plates; Week year round; exclusive field: free booklet. C. B. SEABURY, Dept.

21, Boonton, N. J. VACUUM CLEANER AGENTS -Exclusive, new design, $7 50; wheel eperated; type cleaner; without clumsy box or dirty dust bag; big profits. Write DOTY COMPANY, Dayton, Ohio. VACUUM CLEANER YOU CAN ATTACH TO ANY CARPET SWEEPER.

The only real cleaning device cf modern age; patented; we can protect you In territory; write for photograph and terms. HARVEY CORPORATION, People's Gas Chicago. MILLS celebrated seamless hosiery and the knit underwear. sweaters, caps and undershirts are the best to be had from any source. Live agents--gentlemen or ladieswanted in Covington, Newport and other towns in Kentucky to take orders for these goods; good commissions, soliciting work: some money required to handle the work; permanent representatives desired all over Kentucky; give references first letter.

ROBERT COUCH, Manager, Lock Box No. 57, Dallas, Texas. WANTED, everywhere, agents to sell tea, coffee, spices, extracts and baking powder; good inducements and chance for advancement: surety bond required. THE GREAT ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEA headquarters, 1526 Vine Cincinnati, Ohio. fel6-Sutt WE START you in business.

furnishing everything; men and women, 830 to $200 weekly operating our "New System Specia ty Candy hotne or small room anywhere: no canvassing: opportunity lifetime; booklet free. RAGSDALE CANDY East Orange, N. J. WANTED. AGENTS -Legitimate substitutes for slot machines; patented: sells on sight for Particulars, GISHA Anderson, Ind.

WE POSITIVELY HAVE THE FASTEST SELLING HOUSEHOLD PATENT ON THE MARKET. WOLVERIN PITTSBURG, PA. fe-20-7t WRITE us maker for particulars about the biggest money ever offered to agents. POMPEIAN CHEMICAL I-807 So. Washington Denver, Colo.

WANTED--Agents to place punch boards; best substitute for slot machines. Particulars, MicOhio. INTIRE 206 Church Chillicothe, WANTED -Agents to handle a preparation that will W. positively straighten curly or kinky hair. H.

HOPEWELL Mt. So on, Va. $30 A WEEK OR WE DON'T WANT YOU These are big words, but they are Just what we mean--we guarantee to show you how you can make $30.00 a week and over. If can't earn this money on our new selling planwe don't want you. Be the first in your territory offer to for write selling and get Linro details of our big agents Spices, Perfumes Soaps, and Tale.

Face Powder, Cold Creams, Coffee, Flavorings, 132 other household necessities. IT'S A SENSATION Biggest line manufactured-140 products 20 years on the market. No money required--no experience necessaryeverybody Over buys. a Quickest gelling products known. million familles buy now.

We advertise for you, give your customers beautiful premiums- you HOW and start you with big SAMPLE OUTFIT FREE Can you think of anything more liberal? We really start you in a business of your own. Not. a cent of your money wanted-we tion you. This is a bona fide, legitimate proposito hustling men and women. Ask the Union Station Bank of St.

Louis about It1.000 agents wanted. Send name and address and mention express office. THE LINRO DEPT. 457, ST. LOUIS, MO.

$60 capital; new WEEKLY-Absolutely proposition; guaranteed investiga- 00 tion. GEORGE HICKS, 212 Walnut Columbus, Ohio. 830 mail, WEEKLY can be male se ling sheet music by why not try it? Ten cents for facts and sample music. C. L.

WHEELER FOXboro, Mass. AGENTS WANTED. YOUR CHANCE. Less than $10 starts an independent, clean, legitimate mail-order business of your own; indisputable proof, facts and details free. Address EXPERT, 412 Home Bank, Baltimore, Maryland.

YOUR CHANCE TO MAKE GOOD Bay- sales; CO big profits; Cleaners, write territory. SAYRE best on market; quick 168 N. Michigan Chicago. 810 A DAY and more to live agents: profit; sells to every colored man and woman 00 earth; this is the quickest kind of easy money; send 15c, stamps or coin, for 500 sample and terms; money back 11 not matisded at frat glance. INTERNATIONAL SPECIALTIES Republic Chicago, Ill.

$300 IN THREE WEEKS: Limited number of this perfectly legitimate plan for 25c; three other plans free. Address Box 148, Portamouth, Ohio. SALESMEN WANTED. initial letter. IROQUOIS MFG.

Cleveland, Ohio. ADVERTISING SALESMEN Largest line of advertising pencils, penholders, paring knives, ice picks and bread knives in the country; wants exclusive representative. We have many features in our line that It will occupy your entire time and pay you well; commission basis; exclusive territory given. Write for our proposition. STANDARD PENCIL Hutchinson, Kansas.

ARE YOU WORTH $400 TO $800 PER MONTH? We have position open that will pay it; newest, snappiest, most meritorious proposition ever offered; general retail trade; brings reorders as well as the first one; liberal drawing arrangement; permanent. 508 Madison Terminal Chicago, Ill. A MAN of unquestioned ability and integrity, on high-class proposition. Call Sunday 10. A.

L. SCHMIDT, Munro Hotel. BUGGY SALESMAN-Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee, to call on established trade; none but worker need apply. 19, care Enquirer. SPECIALTY SALESMEN WANTED -Experdenced, energetic salesmen wanted immediately to as manufacturer's representative for -class toilet and specialty line; selling on sight to druggists, department stores, barber supply houses and jobbers; article is well known.

is patented, trade marked, price restricted and is being consistently advertised in this territory: men well acquainted with the above trade or others having had similar specialty sales experience are especially urged to write: with such, liberal commission rangements and unlimited opportunities for large profits on new and repeat business will be made; quick action necessary: write today; give full experience and references in first letter to save time. Address 8. B. 2331 8. Wabash Chicago, Ill.

HIGH-GRADE side line; no samples to carry; exclusive territory. 137 W. Fourth, 7th floor. KEMPER-THOMAS Cincinnati, want traveling men for advertising fans as side line; quick money: $50 to $75 weekly; copyrighted designs; selling season now on. Apply Fan Department.

LIVE salesman for Cincinnati and suburbs; commission; proposition that pays big. B. care Enquirer's branch, Covington, Ky. LOCAL SALESMAN-For each county In the state of Ohio to sell calendars, fans, aluminum and leather novelties; liberal terms; salesmen can clear $50 weekly in their own and neighboring counties: yearly contract. MODEL CALENDAR Dept.

73, South Bend, Ind. LARGE manufacturer of specialty line with established trade wants experienced traveling saesmen; salary position. with expenses advanced; state age, experience and references in initial letter. IROQUOIS MFG. Cleveland, Ohio.

OLD-ESTABLISHED house desires several highgrade, experienced salesmen to sell. exclusively special products: very meritorious; good sellers to manufacturing plants, milla, dealers, public and private institutions; salary and expenses; excellent opportunity for advancement; state experience and lines handled. THE STERLING REFINING COMPANY, Cleveland, Ohio. PAINT, VARNISH AND LUBRICATING OIL SALESMEN To sell our high-grade products; protected territory; permanent position; liberal commissions. CARO PINE REFINING Cleveland, Ohio.

STOVE SALESMAN- To sell our complete line of stoves and ranges in Cincinnati and vicinity on commission Stoves, ranges and heaters of all salesman kinds for now coal working and gas; hardware, medium furniture priced. A or house furnishing trade can add this line to advantage. Address, stating age, experience, qualifications and giving references, THE ECLIPSE STOVE Mansfleld, Ohio. fe17-8tMThSu SALESMAN- We can use able educated man calling on large city owners of farm property, with new agricultural speciality of tremendous worth; big proposition with commiss.on to start and salary and commission if you make good; no competition. BOW Address City Sales Dept.

K. Water100, Iowa. SALESMEN WANTED -No experience required; earn while learning: write to-day for list of hundreds of pcsitions now open paying $1,000 to $5,000 a year. Address nearest office, Dept. 877, NATIONAL SALESMEN'S TRAINING ASSOCIATIONS, Chicago, New York, Kansas City, San Franoisco, New Orleans, Toronto.

SALESMEN-To sell groceries, paints, lubricating oils to farmers, ranchmen and other consumers at wholesale; profitable, steady, desirable; satisfaction guaranteed; 40 years in bustness. Write for particulars. LOVERIN BROWNE 1703 S. State Chicago, se15-Sutt SALESMEN-Protected territory and big commission to active hustling men to sell a line of attractive novelties to stationery, drug, toy, department stores and genoral supply houses; no competition. PAMOS ART COMPANY, 90 G.

Prince New York. SALES MANAGER experienced in the real business; unusual opportunity for the right man; In application positively age, present detailed experience; all replies confidential; interview by appointment. Address 17, care Enquirer. STOCK AND BOND you have a successful experience, or a clientele who buy gilt-edge securities, it will be to your advantage to write us; we have a good proposition for the right man. UNDERWRITERS SECURITIES CORPORATION, Rialto St.

Louis, Mo. SALESMAN who is now. traveling the Middle on a commission basis; must have A first-class West to handle line of high-grade rainclothing references; in answer state what territory and class of people you are now calling on. 23, Enquirer. SALESMEN-Call on saloon trade; sell old reliable Rex Bitters; new premium selling plan; highest commission paid; our men making over $100 weekly: main or side line: no advance.

REX BITTERS 1712 Michigan Chicago. -Calling regularly on all lines retail trade, to handle exceptionally strong side line: something entirely commission. AMERICAN ADVERTISING CO. Cleveland, Ohio. sell merchants SALESMAN-Experienced in lines salesman for Ohio, to all the greatest specialty of the day; $100 a week to the right man; commission contract, commissions paid weekly; state experience, W.

S. FINLEY, sales manager, 405 Society for Sayings, Cleveland, Ohio. -SALESMAN-Wanted, live man, as local or travrepresentative: salary and commission basis: capable men earning $4,000 annually: tested products; steady demand. P. 0.

BOx 1653, New York. to handle SALESMAN-Making high-grade the smaller towns, wanted in all lines of trade; full time or side line: proposition to merchants liberal commission; big repeat business. WILBUR MFG. 8010 Barney Dayton, O. SPECIALTY SALESMEN calling on grocers and general atores to carry line of Rogers silverware for premiums; light samples; $5 commission each People's order.

MALLISTER HENSLEY Gas Chicago. SALESMEN of strong personality, salary or paints commission, and to handle lubricating olls, greases, THE WARREN a dosen big selling specialties. Ohio. REFINING Cleveland, SALESMAN-For Cincinnati: new line autographic alignment and registers and supplies; guaranteed measured check features: fine proposition: STANDARD high-class salesmen apply. REGISTER Dayton, Ohio.

SALESM salary and commission; must be active, ambitious. expenses, ener or not getic; essential. splendid opportunity; former experience CIGAR Denver, Penn. SALESMEN-100 per cent profit on an artic is for home, needed, It office, does factory and garage; little talk its own talking: 10 cents sliver Elmira. for N.

sample. HUTCHISON, 50 Foster Room 5. to SIDELINE $75 TRAVELING SALESMEN make $50 advertising weekly fans; handling liberal our latest production of UNITED STATES CALENDAR at Cincin- once. terma. Apply nati.

nels, SALESMAN blankets wanted to sell dress goods, flanfrom mill to retailer: liberal men. commission: BRYN splendid MAWR side MILLS, line for traveling Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, SALESMEN WANTED To sell our check tector: it sells to every who writes pro25e. check: circulars MPG. and information TERRY 119 Colton free: sample Toledo, Ohio. 8 A house: A -Hold sales, ticulars: man with communications established trade; give full parMORE TAILORING confidential.

TRAYfe10-4tSu Philadelphia, Penn. Ohio, to SALESMAN--For sell new general mercantile trade In March 1: attractive proposition commission of merit; contract: vacaner eral advances for expenses. MILES libLER wholesale jewelers, Cleveland, F. BIXSALESMAN- Experienced in any line. to proposition; trade in commission Ohio; unexcelled specinity expenses.

THE CONTINENTAL $35 JEWEL reekly RY Cleveland, age SALESMAN- business -To in home establish town; merchandise about $5: we Instruct you; expense tree of starting brokerplains. Write Box 500, Ironton, Ohio. booklet exgrowing SALESMEN Western WANTED towns: To sell lots In 5 rapidly investment: big commissions: payments: ideal side line. For plan write R. R.

of time, or way Exchange Denver, Colo. BLAIR, Railmain line retail you and want $10 day punch side or propositions. AMERICAN FACTORIES Ten Louis, Mo. oll an tut or 1 wil pa per contra on our to place ut our than COL clean Mo. 0ht BUSINESS CHANCES.

NEWLY organized business in active operadon in this city can use the services. of young man with $2,500 to invest; the business is clean and profitable and will bear close investigation; this is not a patent scheme or plan to get rich over night, but a tangimeritorious enterprise which talks for itself: a splendid opportunity for a young man to gain experience and start on a profitable business career with associates of good standing: no previous experience necessary; satisfactory security and an attructive proposition to the right pa.ty. Address for interview and details 26, care Enquirer. Established 29 years; fine trade; 38-40 bris. per week: no competition; owner retiring; complete, with horse and wagon, $1,150.

GOOD-PAYING Enquirer route in suburb; horse and wagon; $3,100 cash. INDEPENDENT -In suburb; books will show $100 to $125 profit monthly: 6-room brick house. GOOD-PAYING RESTAURANT- give two weeks' trial to prospective buyer; receipts, daily. SUNDERMANN REMMERS. 1375 Harrison av.

ADVERTISERS' REFERENCE BOOK. 3.000 classifications, showing number of concertis profession. In every national line of census business, table and A trade or parcel the two cent stamps bring. your post ROSS-GOULD Dept. copy.


would like to live oll a beautiful farm in Florida, Have 100 acres of very fine, rich land. 1t can $10.000 profit next year very be made to pay easily. Have spent about $3,500 in improvements in the last four months. Good hunting and fishing ADDRESS ROX 48. COCOA, FLA.

AN EXCEPTIONAL opportunity In offered established woodworking and builders' supply city of ULA) business. without competition, in in South Carolina: no other county; 000 business last year, $7,500 profit; stock, qua chinery and buildings involce about $20.000. suitable tertia. 30, Enquirer. AUTHORITIES investigated approved company.

exploited perfected teletype machine; needed ev erywhere like the telephone; possible profita enormous: by all means ask information: few shares $10 each. TELETYPE, 1784 Broadway, New York. ACTIVE PARTNER WANTED--In In prosperous business, and thorough examination welcomed. 2 49, Enquirer. ARE YOU OPEN FOR BIG BUSINESS on moderate capital? 83.000 handles manufacturing business; specialty in demand, fine profit fover large field: low overhead expenses: nO limit to earnings up to $10,:00 yearly and will grOW.

For interview address 27, care Enquirer. AN INVESTMENT of $1.300 cash. in good going business, net 845 Weekly, owner leaving city. Address 7 18, care Enquirer. ALL or part.

$10,000 per cent preferred stock, tO enlarge business of local factory, at par. 16. Enquirer, AD. BARGAINS -25 words in 100 monthlies, 100 weeklies, $2. LIFE CO.

St. Louis, Mo. BUTTER. EGG AND POULTRY BUSINESS, In fine inland town; did $40,000 business last year has tine Eastern trade: business can be doubled a by good the right business party; cheap chance of CENTRAL a ifetime REAL ES to TATE Neave Bldg. BIG MONEY in the mall-order business; pertence unnecessary: small capital; instructions free.

KEITH. 703 Central Building. Rochester, N. Y. BUSINESS MAN wishes to invest $1.000 to $5,000 in at established business.

Address 34. Enquirer. BAKERY Old established corner: doing fin business. Inquire 718 Monmouth Newport, Ky. PRICK YARD Complete: 25 h.

p. gasoline engine, elevator, pug mill, Creger brick machine, sheds: good clay for years, MEEK GROPER. 512 Johnston Bldg. BUSINESS MAN wanted, with or without services, to invest from $1,500 to established concern. 44, care Enquirer, CAPITAL furnished for, meritorious enterprises; -tocks and bonds sold on commission; facilities for incorporating and reorganization of companies For particulars, JOHNSON CO, Bankers, Madison and LaSalle, Chicago.

CONFECTIONERY Doing fine business; will sell at reduced price if sold at once; bargain. HENRY B. RIEDINGER. 718 Monmouth Newport, Ky. CONFECTIONERY for sale; cheap on account leaving city.

cor. of Eleventh and Central Newport. Ky. CAPITAL and partnerships secured. corporations organied.

claims collected: consultation free. C. H. LUFT. Attorney, 611 Neave Bldg.

CAPITAL -Claims collected, partnerships arranged, corporations organized, business investigations, purchases and sales; consulation free. 317. Johnston building. CARDS AND INVITATIONS C. ED WINKLE.

AT 45 ARCADE. fe20-7t CORPORATIONS, organized businesses, Investigated; stocks, bonds, mortgages bought and sold. PASSEL 615 Johnston Cincinnati. DON'T PAY PATENT ATORNEY'S FEES. Have you an idea to patent, trade-mark or copyright? Join the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INVENTORS.

Saves all attorney's fees, cares for and protects the patent and the momber. wherever located. They coming in from all parts of the United States. We want 97.000 more members. Write for information, STEPHEN GIRARD Philadelphia.

DEPARTMENT STORE in a big country town; theater in butiding and included; both establiebed and paying: made enough and satisfled; retiring; about $00,000 required. 27. Enquirer. DRUGGIST- -Your opportunity. $2.000 will buy $4.000 drug stock: small Kentucky town; full prices; Nyal agency; pay out first year.

Address 10, this office. DRUGSTORE -Doing a fine business; all fixtures up-to-date; $1,500 soda fountain; this alone expenses; no old stock. CENTHAN REAL 600 Neave Bullding. DRY GOODS. NOTIONS -Fine place for good.

live party: $650. CENTRAL REAL ESTATE 600 Neave Bldg. ELEGANT business man, with banking reference, has $2,000 with services to invest; bonorable business. 16. care Enquirer.

ESTABLISHED BUSINESS for capable office man: experience unnecessary; has efficient assistants; investment about. $3,000 for a quick sale. 39. Enquirer. FLORIDA REAL ESTATE.

THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE is expending million and a half dollars for municipal docks and terminals. This city offers the best of all opportunities for the investment of capItal. We desire to secure state managers to appoint agents to sell improved and unimproved city and suburban real estate and to handle high-class Investment securities; real estate first mortgage gold bonds paying 6 per cent. Liberal commission paid state managers and agents. Send references in first letter.

JACKSONVILLE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. FOR SALE--An up-to-the-minute retail business, well established, best location in Oblo and doing an excellent business; stock complete and in Al condition; annual business about $30,000 and increasing; rare opportunity for a man with capital; retiring from active business only reason for selling; if interested and deatre further information, address 30, Enquirer. FOR SALE -Excellent opportunity for a man with $15,000.00 cash to in a well established, growing retail business: this la not a little, broken-down business, but a bustBeas that would require years to duplicate were you successful; good reasons for selling and costs you nothing to investigate, but don't waste time if you haven't the above mentioned amount cash; this is the best Investment in the world, if you care to enter the retail field in a successful business. Address 8 36, Enquirer. FOR SALE-Haddon Hall Cafe, Avondale: beautiful dining room; fine location; will sell dining room and kitchen furnishings complete; selling on account of other business.

R. JAMESON, Haddon Hall, Avondale, FOR RENT--Butcher shop, with privilege of purchase. 75 E. Twelfth Covington, Ky, Take Greenup car. FOR SALE--An established furnace business In Covington; doing good business; good opportunity for an experienced furnace man.

For particulars address 317 Scott Covington. Ky. Ph. S. 1704.

1a12-Sutt FLOUR MILL--Large capacity: 8-story brick. with 60,000 storage capacity; splendid wheat country. CENTRAL REAL ESTATE 600 Neave Bldg. FOR SALESman wholesale business; must have $4,000 to $4.500: owner can't attend to it; a good chance for somebody. Address TOUFF.

2155 Central city. FOR SALE Manufacturing and retail chandeller business; also, electric contracting and installation business. well established: will sell either or both. Address 28, Cincinnat! Enquirer. GROCERIES -Three good stores, two confectionerles.


WELSH REEDER. 47 GLENN BUILDING, FIFTH AND RACE. HELP and capital hustler to look after bustness end old business; best of reference. GEO. H.

HUSTON, 2340 May st. North 2831 L. BUSINESS CHANCES. GOOD MONEY FOR GENERAL AGENTS. Liberal proposition for energetic men who know how to organize Held force.

how to direct men, how to convert prospects into sales. Any goud life insurance or other salesman can do this work. Real estate experience not necessary. TURN TO THE WAUCHULA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY'S GUARANTEED FLORIDA LAND ADVERTIsem*nT IN THE MAGAZINE SECTION OF THIS PAPER. The reliability of every claim can be depended upon absolutely.

It's something YOU CAN TURN INTO BIG PROFIT IF YOU ARE AN ORGANIZER AND SALESMAN. A large number of inquiries from this advertisem*nt will be turned over to our general agent. Men who have seen the land and its splendid surroundings -who have the inspiration that knowledge of conditions ate bustier ate MAKING MONEY selling the land themselves and through subagents. Every acre is guaranteed. You cab make QUICK SALES by giving buyers the most" complete protection.

Are you in a position to make a trip down here to see for yourself? Can you finance yourself until your first commissions are due? Write TODAY, briefly as possible, giving complete facts about your age, experience, territory desired. DON'T DELAY. Several choice fields still open, WALCHULA DEVELOPMENT BOX 32. WAUCHULA, FLA. HAVE YOU SOMETHING SELL THAT YOU BELIEVE 18 OF SUCH MERIT WHICH, WITH WIDE PUBLICITY AND BF.


THE PARCELS POST DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. CINCINNATI. OHIO. HAVE opening for good road salesman who can invest $000 with us. 20, Enquirer.


ENQUIRER. fel6-Sutt INVENTORS perfect and manufacture your invention, makers of fine dies, models, patterns, stampings and machine work: expert advice tree. CRESCENT TOOL 115 w. Second st. 0c6-Sutt WANT a man in every town; big money.

See or write me. 34 Blymyer Bldg. I HAVE THE BIGGEST MONEY MAKER in America: patent just allowed, from 1 to 25 needed in every house. Want business man with capital to manufacture and market same: no competition, 23, Enquirer office. HAVE 81.000 to invest in some small business with an elderly having some business experience; no Incumbrance.

35, care Enquirer. INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS Proper advertising and methods will bring you better recults. I can get the results for you at a small cost. Write A C. P.

O. Box 73, Cincinnati. Ja5-Sutt AM thorough office man, with executive ability: will invest 85,000 to 810.000 for an active interest in a good proposition. Address, with pome particulars, 49, care Enquirer, CAN start you in the mail-order business in your own home: big profits; everything fur. nished; free booklet tells how.

Q. FOOTE, Box 254, Muskegon, Mich. WILL sell patented device pertaining to carriage and wagon industry for cash or trade. What have you? 30. Enquirer.

LET ME START YOU IN THE MAIL-ORDER BUSINESS ANYWHERE-1 started with 4.0 idea and 8100 and nade six hundred and fifty thousand dollars in 15 months. 1 tell you WHAT TO DO AND HOW TO DO IT; don't be a wage stave; get out of the rut: get get backbone: wake up and start NOW. My great FREE book. How to Achieve Mail order tells all about my own achievementa and how I equip, teach and start you to quick moner making. This bonk tells how 10 quickly, start in your home while otherwise employed.

Address W. c. CUNNINGH AM. Mail Order School, Suite 4192 Brecht Denver, Colo. LOCAL partner wanted; no Investment: all steel sectional garages and small buildings; very tractive proposition: fullest sales co-operation permanent, profitable.

RUBY MANUFACTUR ING Jackson, Mich. LIVE CHANCE for -man with to share pronts In business proposition that nets $10,000 per year: can handle your own money, 37. Enquirer. MAIL ORDER OPPORTUNITIES-25 NEW proposition-; no competition: make 25c protit on dollar order: complete outfit 10c. MAIL DEALERS' WHOLESALE HOUSE, 330 Franklin Chicago.

MACHINE SHOP FOR SALE-Brick bullding. 0x40. lot G0x 106: plenty of light: complete equipment of machinery. Phone South 1761. MAKE yourself Independent; learn collection business: small competition; large returns: we teach you and appoint you our agent.

THE SERVICE SYSTEM, 117 N. Dearborn Chicago. MOVING PICTURES are attracting millions: small capital necessary to start; write us today for free elreular. PHOTOPLAY STORY SYNDICATE 166 N. State Chicago, Ill.

MONEY wanted to develop an established bustnese; can show Immense profits; no chance to lore, Investigate at once. 49, Enquirer. MAIL ORDER BUSINESS- true light: how obtain loan of advertised mall order instructione, upon request. Library Division 3. MAIL ORDER NEWS.

Oakland Station, Pittsburg, Penn. MONEY In the MAIL ORDER-MANUFACTURING business: our books and plans start you off right; Inclose stamp for particulars, FLEMING. Box 2385. Sta. G.

Washington, D. C. NEW guaranteed investment: splendid business: natural monopoly: profits certain; first applications completing milling plant receive big. gest bonus; information free. JOHN WRIGHT.

201 Coronado. Denver. OPPORTUNITY to purchase coal and contracting business, horses, wagons, harness, tools. price $490. E.

M. STEMMLER, 1620 West Westwood city. OLD-ESTABLISHED concern desires capital purchase interest of partner retiring on account of age: interest can be active or allent: remaining partners are young hustlers. 44. Enquirer.

OLD-ESTABLISHED manufacturing business wants location; must Increase: prefer small town. U. 13, care Enquirer, PATENTS BRING WEALTH PROOF ON APPLICATION To every inventor who will call to see me MONDAY, FEB. 24, On which day 1' will be in my Cincinnati office from 9 m. till 7 p.

I will present 3 tree copy of 66 The most remarkable publication ever printed and which may be worth its weight in. gold to you. This booklet proves absolutely and beyond a doubt that you may lose every celt you invest in an application for patent and the entite value of your Invention as well (which may be worth thousands of dollars) if you apply for a patent before reading and it also shows beyond the shadow of a doubt how you may protect yourself from such a losa. Take my friendly advice and read before you spend any money on patent. Read this letter I received last week: Medford Station, L.

L. Feb. 14. 1913. Mr.

Alex. J. Wedderburn. Washington, D. -Dear Sir: I received your letter of February 12, notifying me of the allowance of my application for patent for Improvements in wrenches.

Allow me to thank you and also to congratulate you on your good work. About four years ago I died this application for patent through another firm of patent attorneys and was very much discouraged with the results, As they informed me they could not procure me a patent, and, in fact. gave me no hope whatever. I then learned that you made a specialty of rejected cases, and thought I would try again. am very much pleased with the result and will gladly recommend you to any inventor who wishes good.

practical work done. Yourg very truly, THOMAS HOLMES. also received last week another letter on the same order, but still more remarkable. I will be glad ta show it to you if you will call to see me Monday. (My charge for procuring patents is as low any reliable attorney.

First payment only other payments to suit. ALEX. J. WEDDERBURN. Registered Patent Attorney, 605 Johnston Building, Fountain square, cincinnati, Ohio.

Main office, Washington, D. C. POOLROOM Five tables: good. established (business: fine location. HAWKE, 601 First National Bide.

PARTNER WANTED- man, with about $700 cash, for a traveling picture show: outfit complete; will demonstrate. 43, Enquirer. PARTNER- With some capital, to extend merchandise brokerage business; a young man preferred with experience in the food product line. 7 22, care Enquirer. PAYING proposition for sale or lease: will clear $200 per month; $300 required.

Address 30, Enquirer. SALESMEN WANTED. PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND PAY BOOKS. ADVICES SEARCHES Free Send sketch or model for search. Highest References.

Best Results. Promptness Assured. 624 Street, 'N. W. Washington, D.

C. WATSON E. COLEMAN, PATENT LAWYER, 624 Street, N. W. Washington, D.

C. se4-Sutt PATENTS. SECURED OR FEE RETURNED. Send model or sketch for free opinion as to patentability; send for illustrated guide book; contains. 100 mechanical movements and LIST OF INVENTIONS WANTED.

Patente advertised free in World's Progress. Sample cupy free. VICTOR J. EVANS WASHINGTON, D. C.

PRINTING BUSINESS--In West End; 3 Gordon presses, 200-in. cutter and everything needed In a first-class place; snap for right man: leaving city. Call 512 Johnston Bldg. M. 1003.

PATENT on hand splitting machine for carpenter's use; it takes the place of a rip-saw: can be manufactured at a small cost; cash or royalty. M. E. NAYLOR, 1319 Walnut Cincinnati. POSITION.

with very large returns on ment: manufacturing business; DO dull sea your money secured; about $2,500 needed. care Enquirer. RARE opportunity for man or lady with $1,000 to $2.00 to get Into an unusually profitable. clean ness; partner to take office or outside position; your money secured against loss; catinot 21, Enquirer. RESTAURANT -Doing a fine business, in very best location Monmouth.

HENRY RIDDINGER. 718 Monmouth Newport, Ky. RESTAURANT best manufacturing town in Oblo, centrally located: doing $1,800 per month business: this Is money -maker. CENTRAL REAL ESTATE 600 Neave Bldg. RESTAURANT -Fully equipped.

opposite traetion depot: will give rent free to good party. THIEM. 1720 Blue Rock. REAL ESTATE- Cincinnati suburbs: net inVestments; consideration $14, 84,000 down, bal. payable in easy payment not part, leaving city.

Box 206, city. ted-Suit mail order inen know It pay's to SUCCESSFUL, patronize printers experienced In revlewing copy and producing effective printing: it you have an idea or article to place on market consult us; We often make suggestions that win. POWELL WHITE. Cincinnati. SEND $1 and receive, charges prepaid, printed with your name, business and address.

100 cares. 100) envelopes, 100 noteheadds. CLIMAX PRES Pontiac Chicago, STOCK in a producing apple orchard capitalized at $145 per acre; similar orchards are paying 15 to get in on the ground floor, stock subscriptions taken 111 lots of $100 to $1.000. Fur further information address F. BROOKS.

139 W. Sixth Cincinnati, Ohio. SOMETHING good for the right man with ital for a manufacturing company: Investigacap- tion solletted. 36, Enquirer. SALOON and grocery: best of location; $250 to $300 per week: dinner lunch more than pays for place.

CENTRAL REAL ESTATE 60 Neave Bldg. SPLENDID opportunity for profitable position for young man with 8200 to $500 for investment in business. L'19, Enquirer. START a business of your own: hardly any capital required; booklet upon request. G.

H. RAYMOND. 411 Clair Toledo, Ohio. THE MAIL ORDER -full of practical information of the better kind; instructa and advises: free ald and business departments: investigates, selling plan. bustness getting high-grade scientine journal: dollar a year, ten cent.

a copy, prospectus free. ADVISER PUB. 2. 2312 No. Twelfth Philadelphia, Penn.

THE exclusive rights may he secured for Hamalton County on righta of the Phelpa Guardant Time Lock: a rental business. 17 address PHELPS GUARDANT TIME LOCK CO. 114 Liberty New York City. fe19-2t TEN partien wanted to invest $5 a week for 10 Weeks; get returns of $1.000 or more a year for each party: perfectly legitimate; particulars on application. Address 42, Enquirer.

TO man and family, to operate a country store with established business; security taken if cash cannot be furnished. 35. Enquirer. THIS BEATS OHIO -Charters for stock compantes lower than other stater: information FREE. PHILIP LAWRENCE, Former Asststant Secretary of State, 15 Dakota Huron, S.

D. TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS buys old. established premium business; worth double: big profits: employing 10 people; owner retirIng. HARRY BOYLE, Agent, St Clair Toledo, Ohio. VARIETY STORE In the beet location on billpractically no competition; doing larse business: bad health reason for selling.

CENTRAL REAL ESTATE 600 Building. -An interview with a concern WANTEDwould apprectate the services of a high-class business man who is thoroughly competent to take full charge of a wholesale or manufacturing business and who can show results: unless you have something worth while don't answer. party is employed and would not consider making a change unless for a better proposition. Address Lock Box 21, Winton Place Station, Cincinnati, Ohio, WOULD like to meet reliable and active party that's not afraid of work, and is able to take charge and manage one of the best manufacturing plants In city; experience unnecessaly; will guarantee $175 per month salary to begin with: $930 cash required tor one halt Interest. For further information call at 420 E.

Fourth Room 1. fe22-41 WILKIE. Saskatchewan, the coming elty in Canadian West. Five radiating railway lines; population doubled during past year; lots elght blocks from center, $150 each; $25 cash, balance quarterly. Write to-day for maps and pamphlets.

B. E. DUTCHER COMPANY, 360 Sas. katoon, Canada. WANTED- to take charge of Cincinnati office of sales agency: high-class manufacturing proposition; only man of executive ability and proven business aptitude will be must be willing to invest $5,000 and able to show clean business record; good salary to right party.

Address 12, Enquirer WOULD you like to own a -paying mailorder business? We have a line that gets repeat orders all the time. You can start in spare dime. Invest a dollar or two a week, and soon own a nice business of your own: write for particulars. NADICO, 1654 Belmont Chicago. 16-4t WE HAVE the best coal proposition in the United States.

For further information call at office, Blymyer Bullding, Cincinnati, Ohio. RUTHERFORD FISHBACK. WILLOW RIVER. B. line G.

T. P. and P. H. B.

entrance great Peace River country. Write PAC. LAND TOWNSITES 4 Pacifie Vancouver, B. for maps, plats, printed matter, Agents wanted. Ja19 WE buy or sell business, no matter where 10- cated, without publicity; strictly confidential; 110 de delays.

CENTRAL REAL ESTATE 600 Neave Bldg. WANTED- -Good man or firm to manage this territory; best gasoline lighting proposition ever offered: small capital or 800d references required. ATIONAL. STAMPING AND ELEC. TRIC WORKS, 423 S.

Clinton Chicago. WANTED-To invest $1,500 in some establishel business, with services; a good opportunity to get a good man with office and selling ability. Address 47. care Enquirer. WANTED- One man or woman in every locality to start a candy kitchen: best paying small business on earth: few dollars starts you: get away from wage slavery: write for ticulars.

ESREY 704 S. Washington square, Philadelphia, Penn. WANTED-Party with about $800 to join me with equal amount and travel with the greatest moving picture proposition; exceptional op. portunity for right man. 44.

care Enquirer, WANTED. To purchase an office business. Address 18, care Enquirer. WANTED -Dry goods, clothing. shoes, furnishIngs and grocery stock for spot cash.

Write A. WEIL. 2360 S. Elm Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED-Active party, with small capital, In new enterprise.

Write or call H. O. GEORGES. No. 2 Cohen Covington, Ky.

WILL BUY OR SELL any business in or out of city: no publicity: Investigate. MEEK GROBER. 512 Bldg, Phone M. 1003. YOUNG WOMAN.

recognized vaudeville actress, wants partner (lady or gentleman) who can Invest small amount of money in act: will teach you the business. 14, care Enquirer. YOUR 25-word advertisem*nt placed in twentyeight good monthly magazines for $1 25: one inch display. $3. Write for list.

F. MIL LER. 1001 Bastable Block. Syracuse, N. Y.

$300 MONTH ABSOLUTELY SURE -No canvassing: mail order; saves merchant $10. yet you sell nothing; absolutely new. Box. No. 4, Fort Scott.

Kan. CUMULATIVE dividend preferred stock offered at $100 per share; returnable 1918 at $110 per share; bonus of investment in common stock to carly investors; small allotment offered. write quickly for information. CHAS. NORTON, 1 W.

Thirty-fourth New York AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS Get in touch with a household speclaity proposition that will bring you to $75 week. AMERICAN ALUMINUM D.v. 1728. Lemont, Ill.

AGENTS Make $12 cally: greatest premium proposition ever advertised; free outfit and gel'ing plan for workers. CLINTON MFG. Columbus, Ohio. AGENT sell pants, 2 pairs for steady work. LIBERTY TAILORING 1634 Vine street.

AGENTS -Ladies to take order for the Klosft Petticoats. JAMES, A. MEARS, 35 Warren New York. SALESMEN WANTED -To handle ne earn big money weekly: success vestigate to-day. MACRAN SUPPI.

Henry Detroit, Mich, SALESMAN- SELL OUR NEW UCT, "THE BEST EVER" HULL WITH CHICKEN. LADY WAS SEATTLE, WASH. SALESMEN- -Double your income by greatest cigar trade stimulator CAWOOD NOVELTY Danville. SALESMAN WANTED to handle Pal: retail and jobbing trade. P.

Twentieth st, New York. SALESMEN-To sell established patent specialty; commissions. THE McLeansboro, Ill. SALESMEN- Attractive offer, ful line; pocket novelty COMPANY, Haddontield, N. SALESMEN-Not less than 3 years to sell new office specialty, sells orders.

Sales Manager, Box SIDE-LINE JAPANESE salesmen NOVELTY and specially ed. CO. 18.19-50tSu TO a few first-class salesmen I can side line a very attractive advertgood salesmen earn commissions $40 to $50 week selling my spare moments only; will be tat Sunday, February 23, and Mon: After that address G. H. DEATHS Ington Boulevard, Chicago, 111 THE LINE AND THE Sell groceries and provisions other large consumers; now bookie spring delivery; superior KUnA: advanced; exclusive territory.

for honest, energetic men. particulars. JOHN SEXTON SALE GROCERS IMPORTERWANTED and automobile salesman experience voting retail merchant; an capable man, who can show a selling experience; the man who the goods' can make $150 per penseg on our proposition. Call February 21st to the 2id inclusive P. T.

POTTS, care Munro Hotel. Ohio, WANTED-Salesmen to handle graniteware and silverware a day sure: 20 per cent on ApPrO weekly settlements; sample case weighing one pound sent only now traveling; stre reference THAL Granite Bldg. WANTED -Traveling salesman of line of cutlery, crockery, graniteware; salary commission ing account; offer depending upon ence and ability of salesman; NATIONAL IMPORTING St. Louis, Mo. WANTED High-class specialty Ohio to sell our goods: $50 to Men experienced In scales.

ery, stock or real estate preferr tract; state references and R. W. MASSIO, Krise Lynel WANTED- Salesman for state of our new line of snappy commission or drawing account who can sell merchandise in IMPORT 406 Market St. WANTED Salesmen to carry our salary or commission, must hut road experience with harnias, general store trade; larges the world; references musta tion. UNITED STATES WHIP field, Mass.

WANTED -Salesmen who go to the stores and small towns to on consignment with the merchants mission per order; pocket outnt J. H. CREAL, Upton, Ky. WANTED- District manager every thing out of the ordinary: popular quick money: permanent; reference F. DAVIS.

Secretary, 607 8. HI Angeles, Cal. WANTED -Salesman of ability, splendid opportunity for a live erences; interview by appointment. care Enquirer. WANTED Traveling salesman for advertising specialty proposition: m.ssion: our work requires Jess time in each city.

W. C. RONEY 509. Decatur, 111. WANTED-First-class salesman priced high-grade.

wel-known library tables: very beral dress 22, Enquirer office, and territory wanted. WANTED To employ good Have good proposition to offer ties. We want real. live piano pay big salaries to tight parties P. 27, care Enquirer.

WANTED -Traveling salesmen to of wares ag a side line to the in your territory: good paying SUPERIOR SHEET METAL Indianapolis, WANTED SALESMAN- Te sell fruit ciders in small country town $300 per month: weekly drawl CROWN CIDER 207 S. St. Louis, Mo. Dept. 6.

WANTED SALESMEN- Ta write contests; regular or side line: position worth $3,000 pet year Address 8 Ghio St, WANTED Salesmen, live hustlers ery city, to sell popular line of tapes and gummed labelsi OPPENHEIMER 224 WANTED Salesman to sell ur country towns; can earn $250 ly drawing account. SALES MA Main St. Louis, Mo. WANTED--Salesman to sell plantation molasses on the mission: prompt settlements. NATI LASSES Dept, St.

Lou WANTED Salesman thorough with restaurant and salcon tr suburbs; permanent salaried VINEGAR CATSUP CO, to handle of high-grade cigars: must be and willing. SMOKE SHOP Holyoke, Mass. WANTED, SALESMAN- Experie to sell a full line for ers. Address, stating experience, salary expected, 41, Enquirer side line: 11o carry; exclusive territory. 137 seventh floor.

WANTED SALESMEN-Earn $270 sell advertised goods: best ELATO Station L. New WANTED-Salesman; dry goods, and gents' underwear; manufactu salary and commission. WANTED Salesman acquainted trade. Address Enquir 830 WEEKLY for taking orders cerlea: outfit free; sugar rates: experience unnecessary MERCANTILE East Ninth Ohio. PARTNERS WANTED.

ESTABLISHED wholesale cigar and ness here in city wants partner to take half Interest and become salry guaranteed; best quirer. LADY PARTNER -With capital, interest in a business and same. Address 640 W. Seventh MAN WITH $350, gets hair Int business; average yau $25 and honorable. Address PARTNER WANTED- Need from $2,000 00 more to develop an order proposition; operator ferred; this will pay big.

for investment. 35. Enquirer: PARTNER--Active manufa tory equipped and stock worth worth $10,000 per year; vicinity, ELMER Box 1278, Negaunee, Mich. PARTNER in a money have full control if you have to push it. No notice taken business.

Address 640 W. nati, Ohio. PARTNER With capital: car of same; business years other cities. 28, Enquirer RELIABLE man with 8200 ing store, market square; guaranteed. Address WANTED- -A partner with in manufacturing of cloaks man of 20 years' experience trade.

20, Enquirer. WANTED -Partner in barber 8 barber will teach trade ceipts while learning. Address WANTED A partner with dry goods store: salary and 10 per cent Address 20, Enquirer YOUNG man to take one-halt paying business. with Address 50, Enquirer, SAFES. For Sale.

GIBRALTAR SAFES- -The fire our prices; used safes: other for sale also. HOWE SCALE street. SAFES- -Good secondhand sates also, full line of new- Moster bargains. MOSLER SAFE SAFE Gnome nickel-steel outside measurement 42x1 tion. Inquire at 1419 THE largest collection tie safes in Cincinnati.

315-317 Je0-tf PATENTS. SALE- patent. or will exchange for any thing 20. Enquirer. PATENTS and trade marks sect fees Insured; send for my Get JOSHUA ent Lawyer, 806 Washington born Chicago; 929 Chestnut phia..

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.