The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

4. PAGE TWO THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. MONDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 17, 1942 George. Washington Gives Blood Rejected Hackensack, by the army lot faulty and N. is shown as he colas navy to at work the Red Cross blood donor at the Brooklyn Nary ground looks on Detroit's Mayor (Condemns Article Would Match City's Patriotism With Any DETROIT, Aug.

Detroit's mayor, and leaders of its union labor today took torrid lasue with an account of this city's performance la the war production effort published in the current lssue of Life Magazine. Mayor Ed Edward J. Jeffries and R. J. Thomas, president of the C10 United Auto Workers, contended that the five-page lead article, titled "Detroit la -Dynamite," bad unjustly Impugned Detroit's triotiam.

match Detroit's patriotism against that of any other 'city In the country." declared Jeffries last night. "Why, anyone who, lives for labor dispute that on the here knows we haven't bad a maDetroit Wrest Rallways last year, In three years. "The whole story in Life is scur. rilous, with fist enough half truths. to Impress laayone is who doesn't kuow the Life dosan't tell anything about the real miracle of machines that has been performed; nothing about Chrysler tank duction, nothing about what Ford has done la making airplane sines Thomas, declaring' "there have been a few Isolated strikes in the automobile industry, but not onetenth the number there wore fore Pearl Harbor," added that "here la a definite common pur.

puce between 'labor, manage mant in Detroit to maintain, all-out war production." No Omelal 'Artion Jeffries said he didn't think Detroit would take any official action repudiate the picture story, declaring "Id Just call it yellow magazine and let It ro at that. Anyone who would write anything like that would not appreciate the The Life article stated that Detroit'a. war production had "cut by wildcat. strikes and sitdowns" and that the city's "workart, led by the ousty UAW, seem hate and suspect their bosses more than ever." Reporting "a morale situation which la perhaps the worst in the U. Life also reported Detroit was falling.

to solve its housing problems and reported on "Inter. racial strife." The article was torn from some copies of the magazine by customs officials before they were permitted to which cross Into Canada under orders U. Collector of Customs Martin R. Bradley said came from Washington, Spokesmen In Ottawa bald Canadian censorship. was not tavolved.

Delinquents In Social Security Payments To- Get Last Chance The next tow weeks will clamping down by the ment on employers in this area who are delinquent in social curity payments, an internal revenue official tore stated this Ins. of delinquents in the city and. In Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene Madison. and Orange Counties are due soon for local collections to use checks on deltaquenta, some of whom the Social Security Act went into net Aled." effect at the beginning of 1937, cording to J. Bell, deputy collector.

Final notification will be sent Istered employers in the form of regletter allowing 10 day In which to Ale returns before tney In are Richmond. summoned to the State office Mr. Bell alan said the time limit. for Aling 1942 capital stock turns by corporations has extended to. September 20 from July I VI MEAN ON TESt a BRIEFS SHOW ERA AND COOLER The weather continues unsettled Brief showers fell Saturday and yesterday, the total precipitation amounting to .12 of an Inch, Saturday's maximum ture was 90 degrees; minimum, 09; 4.

at o'clock yesterday morning, 74. Rainfall, .10 of au inch. Yesterday's high was depress: minimum, 60: this morning, 75, Rainfall, .02 of 40 inch. Weather Bureau tered thundershowers and cooler tonight." RETURNS HOSTE Sirs. Charles La Prince, who has been a patient in the Univeralty Hospital, returned to the Driscoll Apartments today.

MEETING POSTPONED Because of the black out tomor-1 row night, the meeting of the Clara Martin Women's Temperance Union, announced for tomorrow night, will he held at o'clock Tuesday, August BORN Mr, and Mra. Willard E. Johnson of Charlottesville, and Portamouth announce the birth of a daughter, Carolyn Gillespie, at the Warnesboro Hospital, Warnesbora. FRACTURES ARDE Samuel Cilia Fitahugh, of this city fractured his arm Satur day, and la undergoing treatment at the Univerally Hospital, .1 INJURES WRIST Laurie 'Kelley, IT, injured his wrist while boring. He in the University Hospital, 1 PATIENT Mias Melinda Con Swihart of near Kaswick, la a patient at the University Hospital.

BIRTH OF DACGHTER Mr. and Mrs. George, Forsythe announce the birth of a daughter. Margaret Combe, last night at the University Hospital IN HOSPITAL Atlas Jane Blankman Cochran of this city la a patient at the Unt-1 versity Hospital UNDERGOING TREATMENT Miss Margaret Barr of this city la a patient at the University Hos pital. CLUB MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the: Business 'and Professional Club will be held at 6:30 this evening.

at the Fry's Spring Studio. AT HOSPITAL 1 Dalton Gerald Campbell, Infant con of Mr. and Mrs. W. G.

Camp bell of Waynesboro, is a patient at the University Hospital OBITUARIES RITES FOR MRA. CHISHOLM The funeral of Mrs. Laura Chis. holm was held at 4 o'clock yester. day afternoon from her late restdence, 1019 Cherry Avenue, the service being conducted by Dr.

AL La Bannister, pastor of the First Church at Oxford, N. who suppiled the pulpit of the Firat Baptist Church here Interment followed Oak wood cemetery, with the following serve ins as active pallbearers: A. C. and Carrington Burgess, Robert Mare shall, O. B.

Wingtield, Charles Bur. ton, and Kenneth Hurtt. EDDIE PAINE Eddie B. Payne died yesterday at his home in Hewletta. He survived by four daughtern, Stri.

B. Whitheld, of Richmond; Mrs. F. C. Halslye, of Laurel, Mrs.

C. B. Rowe, Bena, Miss Gertrude Payne, of Hewlette: two Hewletta, sons, and Linwood Willie J. E. Payne, of RITES FOR MRS.

BRINKLET The funeral of Mra. Edith was held Saturday after. noon at 3 o'clock from the Baptist Church at Buckros Beach, conduct. ed by the Rev. Robert Kirkland: 4 Interment: followed, in Oakland Cemetery at East with the following serving as active pallbearers: 8.

P. Sprigge, Dr. W. Fl Bane, A. C.

Haskell, J. M. Hughes, H. Pearce, C. C.

Mugior, and M. W. Shackelford. 3 Indian Communists Intercede For Gandhi PIETERMARITZBURG, Union of Africa, Aug. Indians, meeting under the auspices, demanded release of Mohandas.

and other: All-India Conbut asserted that they rapport Candal's' disobevolley. Dr.J. W. Cammack Quits Pastorate Served Seven Years At Fork Union CHurch Dr. J.

W. Cammack, for the past seven years pastor of the Fork Union Raptist Church, resigned his pastorate at the morning service yesterday. During his stay at Fork Union he bad acted as chaplain of Fork Union Military Academy. Dr. Cammack went to Fork U'nion in Sinuary, 1934, from villa, where for nine years he had been preaident of Averett College, lie la a native of Orange County, and realded in Richmond for 16 years during which time he associate editor of the Religious Herald and secretary of the tion commission of the Virginia Baptist General Association.

He received his M. A. from the University of Richmond, graduated the Southern Baptist. logical Seminary at Louisville, Ky, and 1 later graduated in the School of Philosophy at the University of Virginia, He did not announce his plans for the Immediate future when he tendered his ranignation yesterday but stated that he was considering position that has been offered him in Virginia and also a college position and a pastorate in another made Baptist Southern me yet Church State. at No the plans concerning Fork have Union been the selection of a pastor to replace Dr.

Cammack. Bicycle Thief Is Jailed Two Are Fined For Reckless Driving Trainman Killed Jack C. Collier was given months in for larceny of cle parts in the City Police Court this morning. Nick Gripole was fined $10 for allowing Mary La Walton to bandle food in his cate without a health certificate. Dorothy -V.

Lloyd was gives 6 menths In tall for 4. Douglas Freddie Rucker was given 6 months in jail for stealing silver cay, the property of Mrs. Edward Magruger. Aug. 1744P One trainman was killed and other critically injured today a westbound Wabash.

passenger train, struck a northbound New York Central freight train at crossing near Raisin Center, eight miles northeast of Adrian. "Firat reports were that none of the more than 100 passengers. on the Wabash train were injured. Nene of the eight passenger coaches left the raila. from Detroit EST Louis, struck The passenger train, enroute about the middle of the 15-car freight train which was enroute te Jackson.

In The Army Now We're la the Army now say Velma Boar, Caroline Boas, Emely Clemons and Loulse Herron. These girls left this morning for Washington where they will port for duty as cryptographers in the Army, Air Corpa. After a ing period in Washington they will be transferred to various locations. They may be sent Into foreign vice, They are signed up in the Army Air Corps for the duration and will ret second lieutenant ratings. Eighteen Co.

Youths To Be 1 Inducted Soon Eighteen registrante from the county have been ordered to report at the office of the Albemarle County Draft Board, Room 304, County Building, at 1:80 o'clock on Friday morning of this week, Aug ust 31. They will be sent to the Induction Station at 101 East Main Street for Induction into Army service. They are: James Earl Marsh, RFD 1. Char (lotteaville; Lawrence Hamilton Forayth, Eamont; Harry Maupin, rene; Roy Mason Shiflett, 1007 vista Avenue, City; Charlie Leslie Brown, Castham: Luther Arliss White Hall; Frank Sparrows Point, Samuel Clenn Coleman. North Garden: Robert Frazier, Alta rista Street, City; Alfred Hamilton Moore, Schuyler: Wellford Thomas Dabney, Rugby Road, City: Harold Franklin Grimes, Crozet; Reginald Eugene Layman; Baterrille; Carl Fisher, 'Tancey Mill; Joseph Edward Pearl, Clarkson, Willie Basil Haney, Proffit; James Monroe Zimmerman, Scotteville; and Leon Edward Watson, Stony Point a Pin (Cecil D.

Maupin Killed In Crash Two Cars Collide At Bridge Near Faber Cecil Dabney Maupin, long employe at the plant of the Virginia Alberene Soapstone Corporation Schuyler, was instantly killed and Bledsoe Norvell, 38, also of Schuyler, sustained a broken arm and other Injuries in a collision of two cars Saturday night at Faber, Nelson County. The crash accurred near an over. head bridge crossing the Southera Railway tracks at Faber. A coach containing Maupin and Norvell col. lided with a car contalaing five Negroes.

It turned complete somersault, landing on its wheels. Norvell, son of John Norvell of Schuyler, was brought to the University Hospital for treatment. Mr. Maupia was a native of Nel. son County, son of Mra.

Fannie Maupin and the late A. L. Maupin, and was 33 years of ase. He mare ried Miss Ruby Woodson of fish, who survives, with two' small sons. Cecil Harold and Robert Kenneth Maupin.

He is his mother; three brothers, Goulay Maupin of Schuy. ler, Wilbur Maupin of this city, andErie Maupin of Petersburg: and four sisters, Mrs. Hassle Hall of Waynesbore, Mrs. Lillian heller, Mrs. Alma Allen and Mrs.

Mabel Maupin, all residents of Schuyler. The funeral will he held at three this afternoon from the residence at Schuyler, the service to he conducted by the Rev. R. B. White.

pester of the Baptin: Church at Schuyler. Interment will follow la the cemetery of the Alberene Methodist Church. this. We are very Please for. dive Wardens To Meet There will meeting at of all the Third' wardens of the Second Zone Jefferson School.

Plans completed for participation lay night's blackout, To Point Schools For War Soon Va. Action To Follow National Conference tonight Precinct in Tues. will at the be RICHMOND, Aug. 11-UP A re-direction: of public school curricula to At war needs -the Initial move for which 'was taken at a district meeting: of school officials at Front Royal last week -is pected by State educational omicers to get under way soon after openIng of schools next month. Dr.

W. 8. Newman, supervisor of agricultural education, and George Oliver. director of instruction, sald adjustments: of curricula in the other-10 districts of the State would be discuased at meetings to be. held after national conference in Washington the latter part of this month of State educational officials and Army, Navy and industry representatives.

The program adopted at the Front Royal meeting, which would be the same generally to be discussed at the other meetings, called for intensive training in courses preparatory to" service In the milltary forces. Resolutions adopted at the meetIny called for emphasis on. physiand health programs, adaptation of mathematical courses to the needs. of the armed services, adoption of courses in aeronautical science wherever such courses can be: taught in the schools, and the teaching of citizenship education with the aid of giving youngsters sense of greater participation In the war Don't Be Fooled By The Map Everyone has a war map. these days, but it seems to us these maps are deceptive.

6 They show the only war theatres as far away; actually, we believe, the war is also being fought, and won in homes and the factories of the U. 8. Hill-Irving Service Costs No More" HILL- IRVING FUNERAL HOME 'OPPOSITE LEE PARK PHONE 460- Kay Dunkill In. All Their Glory! Clean-cut tailleur, easy going supple fit in Tweedy. Herringbone Oatmeal tan only.

Sizes 12 to $12.95 LEVY'S 102 E. Main Air Conditioned Bennett Backers Confident In N. Y. center in Brooklyn, N. before in Yard.

His namesake la the bacio George Washingion, 42, of a pint of blood for the army Slain Thanude body of Mrs. Emnis Evans Rosa, 35, of Camden, N. J. was found lying in a lonely section of National Park, N. J.

She had been beaten to death. was made through a social security card. A soldier is being held in connection with the 11 Skater, Partner DeathPact 48-Year-Old Man Shoots Girl, Self IDAHO SPRINGS, COLO, Aug. 17-(AP)-A talented Denver 'High School girl and her 48-year-old skating partner were found shot death case of murder and suicide," Coroner George Hamlilk reported.

Beside them was penciled note asking that they be buried together with their skates On. Fishermen discovered the bodies of Margie Bolton, 17, and John C. (Jack) Kline, Denver electrician, In Kline's automobile late Saturday afternoon on a lonely tain road. Both were well-known Agure skaters. Hamilik said the note, one several found in' the car, evidently was written by Kline after he fired bullet through the girls' head Then Kline placed one of the dead girl's arms around his neck and fired a bullet into his temple.

"Margie did not suffer. She died at once," the note read. "Margie and I did love each so much we could not -atand It any longer We decided it (alotabs Calota Nert time you deed calomel be, the Improved cleat mel-taking compound tablets that make cale Sugar -cos ted. Not 1 and Became with mite dirested POND HOUSE PAINT Koops you proud of your hame That's because it was Da Poordeveloped to stay bright and clead. Gives home long.

lasting protection and good looks. la gallon lots. $315 Phone 100 W. T. MARTIN Hdwe.

Inc. Water 1 Streets NEW YORK, Aug. 17 CP Backers of State Attorney Genera al John J. Bennett, contended today he has enough votes to be as sured of the Democratic nomination for Governor of New York, while from the camp of his rival, U. 8.

M. Mead, came the declaration that Bennett, even If nominated, could not be elected, Bennett's cause Is being supported by State Chairman James A Farley, and President Roosevelt has endorsed Mead. Decision of the strong American Labor Party to place separate ticket in. the held if Bennett is nominated has involved the picture further, The Bennett forces ingly have remained unruffled by the ALP stand, ahead bat the Democratic plate In Brooklyn--the Convention to home town- Attorney Genera paign Terence McManus, Meads manager, and Maurice cal thority, -Davidson, of the State said a Republican Power: surely would win if the candida ed a ticket in the ALP Thomas E. Dewey, reneral elec York District altorney, fromer ed the likely G.

Q. P. la cond choice. To Refers distress from MONTHLY WEAKNESS Try Lydia its weak, baip relieve nervous monthly Compound to turbances. It monthly helps build functional up cuit da against Fallow such distress of label ler, four heller, Mabel to follow this.

dive PARAMOUNT It's the Air Conditioned BIG PARADE of this war! NOW Deers Open At First Show At 1. AT LAST! THE PICTURE ON EVERYBODY'S ALL-TIME 10-BEST LIST! "Mrs. Miniver" is thrilling best movie ever made! It's the most dramatic portrayal of living and fighting and daring have ever seen on the screen! 01 GREER WALTER GARSON PIDGEON Directed by WILLIAM WILES Produced by MRS: MINIVER Teresa WRIGHT Dame May WHITTY Reginald OWEN Henry TRAVERS Richard NEY Hendry WILCOXON a May ty Antes de area James Willian WYLER Production Based Jan STRUTHER'S Novel LA A TE -Today Tues. JOHN WAYNE. BINNIE BARNES ALBERT DEKKER POWERFUL OVERWHELMING! AS GREAT AS THE GOLD RUSH ITSELFIS IN OLD CALIFORNIA PATSY KELLY ED.


The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.