[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (2024)

The Pit - A Beginners Guide ✮

The Pit is a gamemode that has been on Hypixel for quite while now. But after a long time of waiting it has finally gotten it's own spot on the game menu both ingame, and on the forums. Therefore, I decided why not make a guide for new people and people who have been playing for a long time, so people who wanted to know more about the gamemode could read this and learn about it. [Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (1)

Getting Started

First thing you have to do is to join the pit. To do this you have to click the Compass in your hotbar. From there you need to locate the game called The Pit. When you join the game you will spawn inside a structure which is dependant on the current map which is active. When you are inside the structure in the spawn, combat is turned off, which means that you will not be able to kill others, and others will not be able to kill you. In front of you there will be a hole you can jump into. Remember that the second you jump into that hole, people will be able to hit you. There are also other ways to go into combat. On each four of the corners of the structure there are "jump pads" that you can use to launch into different "regions". When you jump into the action all you can do is try to stay alive and fight back, good luck!

Here are some ingame pictures so you can see what it looks like:

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (2)

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (3)

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (4)

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (5)

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (6)

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (7)

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (8)


There are currently 5 maps in rotation in The Pit gamemode. The different maps are; Corals, Genesis, Four Seasons, Castle and Elements (the first map). Down below are pictures from each map, so you can see what they look like.

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (9)

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (10)

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (11)

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (12)

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (13)

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (14)

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (15)

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (16)

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (17)


Leveling in The Pit is a simple and pretty straight forward thing. But there are some tips on what gives you more experience. When you first join the game you will be level 1. From there you will have to kill people to gain exp, and after a certain amount of exp you will level up. You can click this link right here to see how much exp you need for each level in the different prestiges --> Exp Guide. When you are starting to get higher levels you will be able to unlock perks. These perks will then help you level up faster than normal. Different ways you can do this is by buying the strength perk which makes it possible for you to get strength chains. These strength chains will make it easier for you to get streaks which increases the amount of experience you will get from each kill. When you reach level 120 you will then be able to prestige.

Here is a list of the different things you get access for when leveling up in prestige zero, and also a list of level colors:

Prestige 0 - Level 10: Upgrades
Prestige 0 - Level 15: Ender Chest
Prestige 0 - Level 30: Contracts
Prestige 0 - Level 50: Stats (Being able to check your Pit stats, like kills etc.)
Prestige 0 Level 120: Prestige

Level 0-9: Gray
Level 10-19: Blue
Level 20-29: Turqoise / Aqua Blue
Level 30-39: Green
Level 40-49: Bright Green
Level 50-59: Yellow
Level 60-69: Orange
Level 70-79: Red
Level 80-89: Dark Red
Level 90-99: Purple
Level 100-109: Pink
Level 110-119: "White"
Level 120: Bright Turqoise / Bright Aqua Blue

You can see which level you currently are, and how much exp you need for the next level by looking at the right side of you screen:

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (18)

Gaining Gold

Gold is important for a lot of stuff in The Pit. You use it to buy perks, upgrades, and some loot. There are some ways you can earn gold. The first way to earn gold is by killing people. Killing people is the most normal way to earn gold, and is the way most people earn it. You can also earn gold by assisting kills, which means you had the second to last hit on a person that got killed. Another way to earn gold is by participating in events. You can read more about each event down below, but this is a very good way to earn gold when you have been playing The Pit for a bit. You can also earn some gold by doing things like collecting golden ingots lying around on the map, and by killing people with a bounty. The higher the bounty the more gold you get. The amount of gold you have can be seen on the right side of your screen under your level and exp counter.

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (19)


Prestiging is an important part of The Pit if you want to be able to use different tools, and become as good as possible in the gamemode. When you finally reach level 120 for the first time you will have the possibility to prestige. Although you will need something else in order to do this. In order to prestige the first time you will need 20 000 gold. After this the amount of gold you need to prestige will increase every time.
When you are level 120 and you have the right amount of gold, all you have to do is go over to the Prestige NPC and use him to prestige. When you prestige you will also get a certain amount of renown which you can use at a later point. The different prestiges also has a special color which adds to the brackets in front and behind of your level. Remember that every time you prestige, your levels, gold, experience and upgrades will reset!

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (20)

Here you can see a list of the amount of gold you need for each prestige up to prestige 23, prestige colors and an example:

Prestige I: 10 000
Prestige II: 22 000
Prestige III: 24 000
Prestige IV: 26 000
Prestige V: 28 000
Prestige VI: 30 000
Prestige VII: 40 000
Prestige VIII: 70 000
Prestige XI: 100 000
Prestige X: 120 000
Prestige XI: 160 000
Prestige XII: 200 000
Prestige XIII: 240 000
Prestige XIV: 280 000
Prestige XV: 320 000
Prestige XVI: 360 000
Prestige XVII: 400 000
Prestige XVIII: 480 000
Prestige XIX: 560 000
Prestige XX: 800 000
Prestige XXI: 900 000
Prestige XXII: 1 000 000
Prestige XXIII: 1 200 000

Prestige I to Prestige IV: Blue [1]
Prestige V to Prestige IX: Yellow [1]
Prestige X to Prestige XIV: Gold [1]
Prestige XV to Prestige XIX: Red [1]
Prestige XX to Prestige XXVI: Purple [1]
Prestige XXV to Prestige XXIX: Pink [1]

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (21)

Gaining Renown

Renown is a currency you get when you prestige. It can be used to buy certain upgrades, which do not reset when you prestige next time. The renown shop can be found on the same NPC as the one you use to prestige. The higher of a prestige you already are the more renown you will get the next time you prestige.

Here you can see a list of how much renown you get from each prestige, and a list of the upgrades you can buy with them:

Prestige I to IV: 10 renown
Prestige V to X: 20 renown
Prestige XI to XIV: 30 renown
Prestige XV to XIX: 40 renown
Prestige XX: 50 renown

Scam Artist
Renown Gold Boost
Renown XP Bump
Overheal Perk
Barbarian Perk
Recon Perk
Dirty Perk
Superb Launch Trail
Extra Perk Slot
Rambo Perk
Extra Hearts
Olympus Perk
Fancy Hat
First Strike Perk
Divine Intervention
Blazing Launch Trail
The Way
Bang Launch Trail
Kung Fu Knowledge Perk
Fast Pass
Bounty Cloak
Cool Conclave
One Upper

Getting Gear

Getting gear is also an important part of the The Pit experience. You need to get as good gear as possible including armor, weapons, perks etc. The way you get these are by leveling up and prestiging. Most of the times you prestige you will be rewarded with an extra or upgraded item when you spawn. You can also buy some items in the "Store" (these items are not permament, and they will disappear when you die). You also get items by upgrading perks. For example ugrading the Barbarian Perk will give you a stronger sword. For a full mini-guide on how to get different weapons and armor go here --> Mini-guide to get gear(Disclaimer: The guide might not include all available items)

Ender Chest

The Ender Chest can be found at the spawn in The Pit. The Ender Chest is mostly used as a storage for good gear you do not want to lose, or extra gear you can't use at the moment. Most people use the Ender Chest as a storage for the gear they get from care packages and from prestiging. They put the gear in there so it doesn't get lost when they die. As the Ender Chest in The Pit has the same capacity as a normal vanilla Ender Chest, it is important that you only keep your most valuable items in there to make sure you don't use any of the capacity for unnecessary reasons. If you get gear that you want to store in the Ender Chest do /spawn to get back to the spawn, so you can put the gear in the Ender Chest.

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (22)

Mystic Well

The Mystic Well was introduced 2 years ago, and was very helpful for people to get better gear and more powerful gear. The Mystic Well can also be found in the spawn of The Pit, and it is shown as an enchanting table. To be able to use the Mystic Well you need to be Prestige I or higher. The Mystic Well is a powerful tool you can use to upgrade beyond the perks. Only certain items can be used in the Mystic Well. These items are called Mystic items, and you can get them by killing people. When you kill a person they have a chance to drop one of these Mystic items and you can then use these in the Mystic Well. You also need to level up in Mysticism to get access to some upgrades. In addition to all this, whenever you upgrade an item in the Mystic Well they get extra lives. This means that if you die with the item, it loses one life each time until it has no more lives. If you die when it has no more lives you will lose it just like a normal item.

Here is a link to an advanced list of what you can get through the Mystic Well --> Mystic Well Enchants


Upgrades in The Pit are stat boosts or perks that give you an advantage in battles. Upgrades are divided into perks, boosts and killstreaks/megastreaks where you can buy different things with your gold. Remember that almost all perks, boosts and killstreaks will reset when you prestige. Upgrades bought from the renown shop will not reset when you prestige.

Golden heads (Requires Level 10)
All golden apples you get turn into golden heads which can be instantly consumed when you right click them.
Costs: 500 gold
Fishing rod (Requires Level 10)
Spawn with a fishing rod every time which you can use in battles
Costs: 1000 gold
Lava Bucket (Requires Level 10)
Spawn with a lava bucket every time which you can use in battles
Costs: 1000 gold
Strenth Chaining (Requires Level 20)
Gives a +5% damage that stacks on each kill up to 10 kills / 50% damage bonus
Costs: 2000 gold
Endless Quiver (Requires Level 20)
Get 3 arrows back when you hit a bow shot
Costs: 2000 gold
Mineman (Requires Level 30)
Spawn with 24 cobblestone and a diamond pickaxe each time which you can use in battles
Get +3 cobblestone on each kill
Costs: 3000 gold
Safety First (Requires Level 30)
Spawn with a helmet
Costs: 3000 gold
Trickle Down (Requires Level 40)
Gold ingots you pick up give 7x more gold
Spawns ingots near you
Costs: 1000 gold
Lucky Diamond (Requires Level 40)
Gives you a 30% chance to get an upgrade on armor piece drops on kills
Costs: 4000 gold
Spammer (Requires Level 40)
Doubles your base gold from targets when you shoot them with an arrow
Applies bonus after assist multiplier
Gives +2 gold on assists
Costs: 4000 gold
Bounty Hunter (Requires Level 50)
Gives an extra 4 gold for each kill
Earn bounty assist gold
Gives a +1% damage per 100 gold bounty on the target
Costs: 2000 gold
Streaker (Requires Level 50)
Triples the amount of XP you get when having a streak
Costs: 8000 gold
Gladiator (Requires Level 60)
Take 3% less damage from hits per player nearby
12 block range, with a 3 player minimum and 10 player maximum
Costs: 4000 gold
Vampire (Requires Level 60)
You will not get golden apples
Get 0.5 hearts per melee hit
Get 1.5 hearts per arrow hit
Costs: 4000 gold

Assistant (to the) Streaker
Information about perk will be added soon
Co-Op Cat
Earn +50% EXP and +50% gold on all assists
Gain +2 max hearts
Barbarian (Requires Prestige II & Level 30)
Gives you an axe instead of a sword, which has does more damage
Costs: 3000 gold
Recon (Requires Prestige II & Level 60)
Every second arrow hit gives +4 EXP and deals +25% more damage
Costs: 6000 gold
Overheal (Requires Prestige I & Level 70)
Double healing item limits
Costs: 6000 gold
Rambo (Requires Prestige III & Level 70)
You do not earn golden apples
Max health is 5 hearts
Get max health every time you kill a person
Costs: 6000 gold
Olympus (Requires Prestige IV & Level 70)
Golden apples you get from kills turn into Olympus Potions which give you these effects:
Speed I (24 seconds) & Regeneration III (10 seconds)
You can only hold one potion at a time
Costs: 6000 gold
Dirty (Requires Prestige II & Level 80)
Gain Resistance II (5 seconds) for each kill
Costs: 8000 gold
First strike (Requires Prestige V & Level 80)
First hit on a player deals 40% more damage and gives you Speed I for 5 seconds
Costs: 8000 gold
Kung Fu Knowledge (Requires Prestige IX & Level 80)
You don't have a sword
Hitting with a fist deals A LOT of damage
Every 4th hit gives Speed I for 5 seconds
Costs: 8000 gold

XP Boost
Increases the amount of XP you get by +10% for each tier
Tier I: Level 10 & 500 gold
Tier II: Level 30 & 2500 gold
Tier III: Level 50 & 5000 gold
Tier IV: Level 80 & 10000 gold
Tier V: Level 100 & 25000 gold

Gold Boost
Increases the amount of gold you get by +10% for each tier
Tier I: Level 20 & 1000 gold
Tier II: Level X & 2500 gold
Tier III: Level X & 10000 gold
Tier IV: Level 70 & 25000 gold
Tier V: Level X & 40000 gold

Melee Damage
Increases the amount of damage you do by +1% for each tier
Tier I Requirements: Level 30 & 450 gold
Tier II Requirements: Level 50 & 1050 gold
Tier III Requirements: Level 60 & 1500 gold
Tier IV Requirements: Level 70 & 2250 gold
Tier V Requirements: Level 80 & 3000 gold

Bow Damage
Increases the amount of damage your bow does by +3% for each tier
Tier I Requirements: Level 30 & 450 gold
Tier II Requirements: Level 50 & 1050 gold
Tier III Requirements: Level 60 & 1500 gold
Tier IV Requirements: Level 70 & 2250 gold
Tier V Requirements: Level 80 & 3000 gold

Damage Reduction
Decreases the damage you take from other players by -1% for each tier
Tier I Requirements: Level 30 & 450 gold
Tier II Requirements: Level 50 & 1050 gold
Tier III Requirements: Level 60 & 1500 gold
Tier IV Requirements: Level 70 & 2250 gold
Tier V Requirements: Level 80 & 3000 gold

Build Battler
Increases the time your blocks will stay on the map by +60% for each tier
Tier I Requirements: Level 40 & 750 gold
Tier II Requirements: Level 50 & 1750 gold
Tier III Requirements: Level 55 & 2750 gold
Tier IV Requirements: Level 60 & 3750 gold
Tier V Requirements: Level 65 & 5000 gold

El Gato
First X amount of kills you get after spawning gives +5 exp and gold. Amount of kills increases by +1 for each tier
Tier I Requirements: Level 50 & 1000 gold
Tier II Requirements: Level 60 & 2000 gold
Tier III Requirements: Level 70 & 3000 gold
Tier IV Requirements: Level 80 & 4000 gold
Tier V Requirements: Level 90 & 5000 gold

Killstreaks and Megastreaks are upgrades you can buy, which gives you advantages whenever you are on a killstreak. The Killstreak upgrades are divided into 3 kills, 5 kills, 7 kills and 25 kills. which means that whenever you get these amount of kills without dying you will be awarded with a boost. The Megastreaks activate at 50+ kills and give both negative and positive boosts to the players. Megastreaks cost renown and can only be bought from the renown shop.

3 kill killstreak
Second gapple - Gain +5 XP, +5 gold and an extra golden apple (Costs 1500 gold)
Explicious - Gain +12 XP (Costs 3000 gold)
Arquebusier - Gain +7 gold, 16 arrows and Speed for 10 seconds (Costs 5000 gold)

5 kill killstreak
Fight or Flight - Gain Speed I and Resistance I for 7 seconds + Deal +20% damage for 7 seconds (Costs 5000 gold)
Need to be The Pit level 100 to have access, so will add when I get to that level

7 kill killstreak
Feast - Gain +20% damage, Speed I, Resistance I and Insta-eat for 10 seconds (Costs 4000 gold)
Counter-Strike - Deal +15% damage and block 1 heart per hit for 8 seconds (Costs 5000 gold)

25 kill killstreak
Need to be The Pit level 70 to have access, so will add when I get to that level

Overdrive (50 kills)
Positive boosts - Permanent Speed I, +100% EXP, and +50% gold from kills
Negative Boosts - Receive +0.2 true damage every 5 kills over 50
Gain 4000 EXP on death

Beastmode (50 kills)
Positive Boosts - Get a Diamond Helmet, deal +25% damage, gain +50% EXP and +75% gold from kills
Negative boosts - Receive +0.2 damage every 10 kills over 50
Keep the Diamond Helmet om death

Hermit (50 kills)
Positive Boosts - Blocks last 2x longer, permanent Resistance I, true damage immunity, gain 32 Bedrock (+16 every 10 kills), earn +5% EXP and gold from kills over 50 up to 200
Negative Boosts - Receive +0.3% damage every kill over 50

Highlander (50 kills)
Positive Boosts - Permanent Speed I, +110% gold from kills, +33% damage to players with bounties
Negative Boosts - Instant 5000 gold bounty, receive +0.3% damage from bounty hunters for every kill over 50
You earn your bounty on death

Grand Finale (100 kills)
Positive Boosts - You get to explode and look cool
Negative Boosts - You die instantly on 100 killstreak
You gain 1 renown on death

To the moon (100 kills)
Positive Boosts - Earn +20% EXP from kills (maximum of 100 EXP per kill)
Negative Boosts - Receive +10% damage every 20 kills over 100, receive +0.2 true damage every 20 kills over 200
When you kill people EXP you get is copied and stored
All the EXP stored is multiplied by 0.01x for every kill over 100, up to 3x and given to you on death

Uberstreak (100 kills)
Positive Boosts - Gain +50% chance to find Mystic Items
Negative Boosts - Receive +10% damage every 100 kills
On a 100 killstreak you deal -40% damage to people who have not prestiged
On a 200 killstreak you get -2 max health
On a 300 killstreak potion effects last 50% shorter
On a 400 killstreak you no longer regenerate

If you have a 400 killstreak you get a random Uberdrop on death

The Quest Master

The Quest Master is an NPC which can be found in the spawn of The Pit. The Quest Master gives two daily quests you can do to gain exp and one weekly quest you can do to gain even more exp. The Quest Master is also there to give you the possibility to start contracts. These contracts can be done daily and there are 3 contracts you can do each day. You can choose between starting a hard contract for 1000 gold or an easy contract for 250 gold. When you complete that contract you will be rewarded for it. The hard contracts are unlocked at level 70, and the easy are unlocked at level 30 on each prestige.

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (24)


Events was introduced to The Pit a long time ago and has become a big part of it now. Events happen many times per hour server wide for each pit lobby, and switches between minor and major events. Major events occur a couple of times per hour, and minor events occur approximately every 5 to 15 minutes. To see ongoing events look in the middle of the main hole, if there is an ongoing event it will say. You can also see the ongoing event on a bar on the top of your screen.

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (25)

Here is a list of the different minor and major events and how they work:

2x rewards event
This event gives double xp and gold rewards in of of the 5 regions / areas of the pit map. When the event is active, the region where the event is active is filled with green particles in the air.

Care Package
In of the 4 outside regions / areas there will be a supply drop that falls from the sky. Players need to right click the box 200 times to open it, and once it's open you need to loot as quick as possible before others get the loot.
If the loot drop isn't opened for a certain amount of time it will disappear.
The items that you can get from the loot drop are:
100 gold
100 exp
Diamond Armor (Protection I)
Diamond Sword (Sharpness I)

Every player gets a bounty of 100 gold on them
Players that already have a bounty will receive an additional 100 gold

King Of The Hill (KOTH)
On one of the 4 outside regions / areas a platform / mini mountain made of diamond block will appear
Staying on these diamond blocks will give you 4x more gold and exp from kills

Dragon Egg
A dragon egg spawns
Players clicking on the egg will be rewarded with gold and exp
Every 5-9 clicks, the egg will move to a different location

Giant Cake
An absolute unit of cakes spawn somewhere on the map
Find it and eat it all, the more cake you eat the more gold you get

King of the Ladder
A ladder structure will spawn randomly somewhere on the map
You can earn tons of gold from being on top of the ladder structure

This is just what the name says, a mini auction where you can buy gear by bidding on items.

Quick Maths
Quick Maths is probably the smallest and fastest event in the pit. A math equation is sent in chat, and the first 5 to solve it gets +250 XP and +250 gold.

In this event, the game selects a player to become the beast. This players gets a stat boost with 20 hearts and very good gear. Other players will try to kill the beast, and if a player succeed in doing this, that player will become the beast. If noone is able to kill the beast and the beast dies by itself, the game will pick a new player to become the beast. Killing players who are the beast will give a lot of exp and gold. Staying alive as the beast also gives gold.
Ranking bouns - Get the most kills on the beasts, and as the beast
The top 3 players will receive 2000 gold, and if they are prestige I or above they receive 2 renown.
The top 20 players will receive 500 gold, and if they are prestige I or above they receive 1 renown.
People with a minimum of 1 kill receive 100 gold.

In this event you collect tickets in the outside regions / areas. These tickets are then put into a raffle box in the center of the map. If you are holding too many tickets at once, your nametag changes to a big yellow messages making you a very popular target. To be able to participate in the prize pool you need to put at least 35 tickets into the raffle box.
Prize Pool - Out of all the tickets that are put into the raffle box, the game chooses 3 tickets and the winning players are paid out gold from the prize pool. The prize pool is calculated like this: 500 x Player Count + 20 x Ticket Amount
Prize #3 gets 20% of the prize pool
Prize #2 gets 30% of the prize pool
Prize #1 gets 50% of the prize pool

Rage Pit
In this event you will only be able to be in the middle of the map. All players will be teleported to the spawn area with 20 hearts. All healing perks are disabled, and the exp and gold you earn is doubled in this event. When you kill another player you receive a rage potato instead of a Golden Apple/Head/Olympus Potion. The potato gives you instant health, absorption, speed I and resistance II for 7 seconds.
Ranking bonus - Deal the most damage
Top 3 will get 2000 gold and if they are prestige I they also get 2 renown
Top 20 will get 500 gold and if they are prestige I they also get 1 renown
People with atleast 1 heart dealt in damage receive 100 gold
Bonus reward - If players reach a total of 600 kills combined in the event all players get 500 gold

Team Deathmatch
In this event, all players will be randomized into two teams; blue and red. The goal in the event is to get as many kills as possible for your team. The team with the most kills at the end of the event wins and get a certain amount of gold.
Ranking bonus - Get the most kills and assists
The top 3 will obtain 2000 gold and if they are prestige I or above they receive 2 renown
The top 20 will obtain 500 gold and if they are prestige I or above they receive 1 renown
People with at least one kill or assist will receive 100 gold
Team bonus - The team with the most kills wins and gets gold
Those on the winning team receive 1000 gold each
The other team players receive 150 gold each

Pizza Place
A pizza place is built in an area. Getting pizza from the place and delivering them to villagers spawned in several locations awards the player with cash. This cash can be registered in by going back to the pizza place. Killing a player steals their cash stored in them.

Everyone starts with 100 gold, and you earn gold by hitting or killing other players. Killing another player will give you a large portion of their gold. You can only earn a maximum of 10 000 gold . Once you leave the spawn, you can no longer do /spawn to get back, you have to die to return to spawn.
You earn either 200%, 150% or 100% of your gold at the end of the event, depending on your placement. Everyone earns a bonus if the amount of gold transferred between players exceeds 100 000 gold. Placements are determined by the amount of gold you earn. The 3 players who have the most gold when the event ends get 2 renown and 2x their gold, and top 20 players get 1 renown and 1.5x their gold. The rest of the players only get the gold they earned through the event.

In this event the server is split into 3 teams. You can get into teams with your friends by using the /squad command before the games starts. You can also make a party as parties always end up on the same team. Across the outskirt of the map are banners for you squad to capture. Staying close to a banner for a few seconds converts it to your squad's color. Once captured, banners provide points each second. The longer you control a banner the more points it will give, so be consistent. The squad with the most points at the end will win the event. The top 3 squads earn 2 renown.

This event is a micro tournament within The Pit. In the event a colorful tower spawns right before the event starts. As soon as the event starts players can jump down the pit to spawn into the spire. Players start at the first floor with nor armor and a wooden sword, however perks are active. Killing a player will teleport you one floor up, and being killed will teleport you one floor down. There are 9 floors in the tower. Getting a kill also rewards you with a healing item called a Fractured Soul. As players go higher and higher the fights will last longer and longer. The higher you get the more rewards you get per kill up to +300% more exp and gold. This event also rewards players with renown and you can gain up to 3 renown per event for reaching at least floor 7 once.

In this event everyone gets a block on their head, just as the title of the event says. The goal of the event is simple, when you kill a player their blocks will splash your block in a circle around the kill location. Control the most block to win the event. In this event there are also powerups to be found around the map. These are:
Quicktrail: Gives you speed I and you automatically convert block under you when your run (20 seconds powerup)
Super Heal: Refills your whole health +4 hearts of absorption
Combat Boost: Receive -20% damage and +3 splash radius on kills (30 second powerup)
Diamond Armor: Free, full diamond armor


The Pit as basically all other games on Hypixel has achievements you can obtain by doing certain things. The achievements list is divided into Tiered Achievements and Challenge Achievements. These achievements can be found in game by doing as the picture guide below shows, or you can check all available achievements in my list here.

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (26)

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (27)

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (28)

Contract I - Complete 5 contracts
Contract II - Complete 25 contracts
Contract III - Complete 100 contracts
Contract IV - Complete 250 contracts
Contract V - Complete 500 contracts

Events I - Participate in 3 major events
Events II - Participate in 10 major events
Events III - Participate in 25 major events
Events IV - Participate in 100 major events
Events V - Participate in 500 major events

Gold I - Earn 10 000 gold
Gold II - Earn 100 000 gold
Gold III - Earn 1 000 000 gold
Gold IV - Earn 10 000 000 gold
Gold V - Earn 30 000 000 gold

Kills I - Kill 200 players
Kills II - Kill 1 000 players
Kills III - Kill 5 000 players
Kills IV - Kill 25 000 players
Kills V - Kill 100 000 players

Mysticism I - Enchant 10 items
Mysticism II - Enchant 50 items
Mysticism III - Enchant 100 items
Mysticism IV - Enchant 250 items
Mysticism V - Enchant 1 000 items

Prestige I
- Prestige 1 time
Prestige II - Prestige 2 times
Prestige III - Prestige 5 times
Prestige IV - Prestige 10 times
Prestige V - Prestige 15 times

Renown I - Earn 10 renown
Renown II - Earn 50 renown
Renown III - Earn 200 renown
Renown IV - Earn 500 renown
Renown V - Earn 2 000 renown

5 point achievements
Slaying Beasts - Kill two beasts in a single beast event
Fully upgraded - Max out all passive upgrades
Loot with care - Collect something from a care package
Fast contract - Complete a contract within a minute of starting it
Scam artist - Unlock the first tier of the Scam Artist renown upgrade
Genius Tier - Answer a Quick Maths question within 2.5 seconds
Fast Pass - Unlock the Fast Pass renown upgrade
Maximizado - Max out El Gato
Powerful - Kill a player while having Strength V
Locked In - Place 50 obsidian in a single life
Poet - Complete a Night Quest
Sugar Rush - Earn 5 000 gold from a Giant Cake
Big Belly - Eat a Golden Apple, Golden Head, Steak, an Olympus Potion and Soup within 5 minutes
Bounty Claimed - Claim a bounty
The Streak - Reach a kill streak of 10 kills
Pentakill - Kill 5 players consecutively for a pentakill
Tryhard down! - Kill a player with a 5 000 gold bounty
Purple Egg - Reach 25 clicks in a Dragon Egg event
Full Storage - Fill out your Ender Chest
Triple Digits - Reach level 100
Self-Checked - Use self-checkout pants once you reach a 5 000 gold bounty
Auctioneer - Bid in an auction
SkyWars - Fall into the void
Paint Job - Color your Fancy Hat
Businessman - Trade with another player
The Punch - Hit a player with The Punch
I'm Mining Here - Break 100 block of obsidian

10 point achievements
God Walking amongst Mortals - Reach a kill streak of 50 kills
Not much of an Hill - Stay on a single KOTH for 200 seconds on a server with at least 50 players
In the Club - Obtain aqua pants from fishing
Raging Hunger - Eat a total of 100 rage potatoes
Thief - End a Robbery event with a 10 000 gold stash
Rare! - Enchant a RARE! mystic item
Golden Treat - Consume 1 000 Golden Heads
Obelix - Hold a stack of cobblestone
Up on top - Spend at least 20 seconds on the top of a single KOTL
Ingots Collector - Pickup 2 000 gold ingots from the ground
Lucky Diamond! - Obtain 50 diamond armor pieces from the Lucky Diamond perk
Pure Skill - Earn a jackpot in a Raffle event with at least 50 players
Team Effort - Earn 8 000 points in a Squads event
Infinite Quiver - Receive 1 500 arrow from the Endless Quiver perk
Glass Ceiling - Reach floor 9 in the Spire event
Gold Magnate - Have 250 000 gold
Furious Clicking - Reach top 3 in a Rage Pit event with at least 50 players
One small step for Pants - Enchant a Tier III mystic item
Monster Within - Kill 25 players as beast in a single Beast event
Baker - Bake a cake
Podium Position - Reach top 3 in a Major event
Rambo - Get a kill streak of 10 using the Rambo perk
Golden Age - Collect 1 000 extra gold with the Trickle-Down perk
Did I see some blue? - Earn your first Mystic item
Nosferatu - Heal 15 0000 HP with the Vampire perk
Guaranteed Delivery - Deliver 35 pizza in a single Pizza event
I bought a thing! - Win an item in Auction

15 point achievements
Guardian Angel - Reach Tier VII of the Angel Faction in the Genesis map
They're after me now... - Reach a 5 000 gold bounty
Demon Incarnate - Reach Tier VII of the Demon Faction in the Genesis map
King of the XP - Get 10 000 XP from kills and assists in a single KOTH

20 point achievements
Bounty Hunter - Claim 30 bounties of at least 500 gold while using the Bounty Hunter perk
All hail the King! - Complete the King's Quest on the Castle map

25 point achievements
Big Time - Max out the renown shop
The XX - Reach Prestige XX

Really hope you enjoyed reading the thread, and that it was helpful. I will be updating this and fixing stuff consistently. If you find any mistakes within the thread, or feel like something is missing / have a suggestion for something to add, feel free to message me. [Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (29)

[Guide] The Pit - A Beginners Guide (2024)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

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Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.