The Ultimate "The Pit" Guide [Up to Prestige 25 | 100% Renown Shop] (2024)

I was not able to find a similar thread in the forum already, so i throught i may grind "The Pit" and go for my first pinned thread The Ultimate "The Pit" Guide [Up to Prestige 25 | 100% Renown Shop] (1)

Due my 2 weeks vacation i decided to grind The Pit to alteast Prestige XV . The Guide will fill up more and more with the time, maybe also with your help? The Ultimate "The Pit" Guide [Up to Prestige 25 | 100% Renown Shop] (2) This is a community project. If you want to help to complete this Guide, you should contact me per Private Message.

Note: My english grammar is horrible and English my worst grade in the school, too. It would be nice if a person with great English Experience would send me a version of this thread in Private Message, where all Grammarerrors are fixed. Sorry.

Note: Someone here skilled with Photoshop? I would like to have a "Spacer" so seperate the categories from this thread. Thanks for your help <3

Everything above this line gonna be removed once it is no longer required

"The Pit"-Jargon explained

Before we start with the Meta, i want to find declerations for all things in "The Pit". This is useful if you don't know what this is. Most things are detailed explained further below.
This entries are ordered after Alphabet. I ignore Prefixes in that (like "The Pit" being in "P" instead of "T").

  • Areas

Events of the game or discussions in the chat are often limited to the Areas the Map is seperated to.
This Areas are:

  • Lava Area

This Area is filled with a lot of Lava and some stone plateaus. You might get knocked into Lava here, be careful!

View attachment 863089

  • Mountain Area

An open Area with high differences on high and depth. As there is no falldamage in "The Pit", this Area can get tricky when people jump from above to you.

View attachment 863092

  • Sky Area

This Area is seperated into several smaller islands, connected with bridges. Under the Island, the Void is waiting for your enemies... and you.

  • "The Pit" - Area

See -> "The Pit" (Map)

  • Water Area

A green field with much water and waterfalls. PvP in water can get tricky. It is up to you if you use this to your advantage, or try to avoid it.

View attachment 863091

  • Bounty

Starting from a Killstreak of 5, there is a chance to get a "Bounty". This means, that people receive an extra amount of Gold when killing you. Every further kill have a chance to increase the bounty that sticks on you.

  • Contract

A special quest for "The Hypixel Pit". You need to purchase a review of existing contracts for ->Gold.
Once done, you are able to select from 3 Contracts with different missions. Clear the selected Contract within the Timelimit given to receive a bunch of Gold.
Further Information:
-> Contracts (at the very bottom of the page)

  • Experience

A currency which describes your progress in the Gamemode.
Further details:
-> What is Experience and Gold and how can i obtain it?

  • Gold

A currency used to purchase Items and Perks from the Shop.
Further Details:
-> What is Experience and Gold and how can i obtain it?

  • Item

You can purchase Items in exchange for ->Gold. Once you die, this Items are gone.
Further Details:
-> The Shop: Items and Upgrades

  • Level

Once you received a specific amount of ->Experience, you receive a new level over and over again.
Getting a new Level gets every time harder, but is required to receive special ->Items or ->Upgrades which "Level-Requirements".
The Max Level is 120, allowing you to ->Prestige.
Further Details:
-> The Levelsystem in "The Hypixel Pit"
-> Prestige & Renown

  • Minor Event

Smaller events that happen due the duration of your Playtime. This events have no rankings or requirements.
Further details:

  • Major Event

Big events which happen less then Minor ones. This events reward you (beside participation-bonus) with special rewards, when you reach a specific Rank and/or requirement.
Further details:

  • Perk

See ->Upgrades

  • "The Pit" (Gamemode) or "The Hypixel Pit"

"The Pit" is a Gamemode on the Hypixel Network. A great short explaination made by @Minikloon :

  • "The Pit" (Map)

"The Pit" is also used as the Middle Part of the Map where you play this game on. It is surrounded by the 4 other Areas of the Map, called Water Area, Mountain Area, Lava Area and Sky Area.

  • Prestige

Reset of all your ->Level, ->Upgrades, ->Experience and ->Gold in exchange for ->Renown.
With every Prestige, getting new Level gets harder.
Further Details:
-> Prestige & Renown

  • Quest

Regular Quests that can be cleared every day / every week. They reward you with additional ->Gold .
Further Details:
-> @Q__T <3

  • Renown

Currency which you can farm once you reached ->Level 120 for your first time. It allows to purchase unique Rewards out of the Renown-Shop.
Further Details:
-> Prestige & Renown

  • Upgrade

Unlike ->Items, Upgrade will stay after Death. They only reset when you do a ->Prestige.
Further Details:
-> The Shop: Items and Upgrades



What is Experience and Gold and how can i obtain it?

The Goal on "The Pit" is, to reach a possible high Level and Prestige. The Leaderboard scale after this criteria.
In order to achieve this goal, you have the possability to purchase Items and Upgrades from the Gold you earn.

While playing "The Pit" you receive Experience from different actions:

  • Playtime
    • You receive all few minutes onfield a small XP Reward
  • Assists
    • You get a small XP and Gold Reward based on the Enemy-Level & your % on the kill
  • Kills
    • You receive XP and Gold based on the Enemy-Level. This is way more as you would get on an assist
  • Events
    • Simple participation on a major event rewards you with XP and Gold
    • Clearing a specific requirement on a event gives you an extra reward
    • Reaching a TOP-Position on the Event (or having simple luck) rewards you with a ton of XP and Gold

An additional way to obtain Gold is to collect Gold Ingots around the Map. However, this is not much.
Another one would be to kill someone with a "Bounty", but this can be really challanging.



The Levelsystem in "The Hypixel Pit"

The Experience increase your level in the Pit. This allows you to unlock specific features after some time:

  • Prestige 0 Level 1: /respawn

This command is unlocked on gamestart. It allows you to return to the Spawn (above "The Pit") when you are currently not in Combat (Check the Scoreboard for more information).
When holding "Tickets" in your inventory while doing this command, the Tickets disappear.
Further Information:

  • Prestige 0 Level 5: /pitchat

This command allows you to setup, which messages and events are supposed to get shown in your chat.

  • Prestige 0 Level 10: Upgrades

You are able to purchase your first Upgrades.
On Level-Reset doing Prestige, you need to reach this Level again before you can purchase Upgrades.

  • Prestige 0 Level 15: Ender Chest

You can now access an Ender Chest, where Items are permanently stored.
Some Perk-Items can not be stored inside an Ender Chest.

  • Prestige 0 Level 30: Contracts

You are now able to access Quests with specific conditions.
On Level-Reset doing Prestige, you need to reach this Level again before you can purchase Upgrades.

  • Prestige 0 Level 50: Stats

A new NPC appears for you, telling you everything about your Statistics in this Game.
This Stats don't reset on Prestige.

  • Prestige 0 Level 120: Prestige

You can now talk to the Prestige & Renown NPC.
Also: You are now able to obtain Renown from any Major Events happening.



Prestige & Renown

Once you reach Level 120 for the first time, you are able to do a "Prestige". This means, that you reset all your Upgrades, Gold and Experience and Level for "Renown". At this point, you are also able to farm this "Renown" in Major Events.
With every Prestige, you need to farm 10% more XP as before to reach a new Level. This means: If you needed 1000 XP for a specific Level before, you now need 1100 for the exact same Level.
Beside reaching the required Level of 120, you need to farm a specific amount of Gold doing this 120 Levels.

You don't need to pay it, its about how much you collected in total.

Renown allows you to purchase unique Upgrades, that don't reset on a Prestige. However, some Upgrades require a specific Prestige to be visible.

Following Items exist in the Renown Shop:
View attachment 863157

  • Tenacity (Requires atleast Prestige I)
    • Obtain Hearts when you kill someone. Increasing by 0,5 Hearts for every Tier.
      • Tier I Cost: 5 Renown
      • Tier II Cost: 50 Renown
      • Maybe there is a Tier III...?

  • Scam Artist (Requires atleast Prestige I)
    • Items and Contracts are cheaper. Increasing by -5% for every Tier.
      • Tier I Cost: 10 Renown
      • There are probably more Tiers...?

  • Renown Gold Boost (Requires atleast Prestige I)
    • Renown-Version of "Gold Boost" of the regular Upgrade Shop. Gives +2,5% more Gold for each Tier on all sources.
      • Tier I Cost: 5 Renown
      • There are probably more Tiers...?

  • Renown XP Bump (Requires atleast Prestige I)
    • Renown-Version of "XP Bump" of the regular Upgrade Shop. Gives +1 XP for a kill for each Tier.
      • Tier I Cost: 5 Renown
      • There are probably more Tiers...?

  • Overheal Perk (Requires atleast Prestige I)
    • Allows to purchase the Perk "Overheal" in the Upgrade Shop.
      • One Time Purchase; Costs 10 Renown

  • Unknown (Requires atleast Prestige II)

  • Unknown (Requires atleast Prestige II)

  • Unknown (Requires atleast Prestige II)
  • Contractor (Requires atleast Prestige I)
    • Increases Daily Contract Limit. Each Tier adds +1 Contract.
      • Tier I Cost: 5 Renown
      • There are probably more Tiers...?

  • Unknown (Requires atleast Prestige II)

  • Unknown (Requires atleast Prestige III)

  • Unknown (Requires atleast Prestige III)

  • Unknown (Requires atleast Prestige III)

  • Unknown (Requires atleast Prestige IV)

  • Unknown (Requires atleast Prestige IV)

  • Unknown (Requires atleast Prestige V)

  • Unknown (Requires atleast Prestige V)

  • Unknown (Requires atleast Prestige VI)

  • Unknown (Requires atleast Prestige VIII)

  • Unknown (Requires atleast Prestige IX)

  • Unknown (Requires atleast Prestige IX)

  • Unknown (Requires atleast Prestige X)

  • Unknown (Requires atleast Prestige XV)



The Shop: Items & Upgrades

Do your enemies hit to hard? Is there this guy with 5000g Bounty 2 hitting you? It is time to make usage from your Gold.
The Shop is splitted into 2 NPCs. The one offers Items, the other one Upgrades.

Items needs to be purchased every time you die. So be careful if you want to make profit with it.
Diamond Items may drop on your death. Your enemy can profit from targetting you in this way, so be careful.
View attachment 863168

  • Diamond Sword
    • Stronger as your usual Iron Sword. Deals 20% Bonus Damage against Enemies with Bounty.
    • Costs 100 Gold

  • 8 Obsidian
    • Placeable Blocks, remaining for 120 Seconds.
    • Costs 40 Gold

  • 32 Arrows
    • Costs 16 Gold

  • Diamond Chestplate
    • Costs 250 Gold

  • Diamond Boots
    • Costs 150 Gold
  • There might be further Items to unlock due Renown, who knows...?

Upgrades are permanent and only reset on Prestige. They seperate into Perks and Boosts.

Perks are a One-Time Purchase adding special abilites. You need to equip Perks to "Perk Slots". Based on your Level, you have 0-3 of them. Some people mean that there is a way to obtain more, it is most likely a Renown-Trade.
You obtain your first Perk Slot on Level 10. Additional ones appear on Level 50 and Level 70.
The Perk Menu looks like this:
View attachment 863189

It is sure, that this are not all Perks. Further Perks are probably available using Renown-Trades, as there is a screenshot from @Minikloon in the "The Pit 0.3 Update Thread" where he leaked a picture of more Perks available.

However, this Perks are known for me:

  • Golden Heads
    • Replaces your Golden Apples against Golden Heads. You can eat this heads instant and receive different buffs.
    • Costs: 500 Gold

  • Fishing Rod
    • You spawn with a Rod in your inventory. Time to combo this trash away.
    • Costs: 1000 Gold

  • Lava Bucket
    • You spawn with a Lava Bucket in your inventory. Lava will only be on a 1x1 place. If you die, it despawns.
    • Costs: 1000 Gold

  • Strength-Chaining
    • On a Kill, increases your Damage for 5%. Stackable when you get further kills in a timeframe of 7 seconds. Max Level: X (10 or: 50% more Damage)
    • Costs: 2000 Gold

  • Endless Quiver
    • On arrow hit, receive 3 Arrows in your inventory
    • Costs: 2000 Gold

  • Mineman
    • Obtain 24 Cobblestone and a Diamond Pickaxe on Spawn. +3 Cobblestone for each kill.
    • Costs: 3000 Gold

  • Safety First
    • You spawn always with a Helmet
    • Costs: 3000 Gold

  • Trickle-down
    • You receive 7x more Gold for picked up Gold Ingots
    • Costs: 1000 Gold

  • Lucky Diamond
    • 30% chance, that a dropped armor piece on kill from an enemy is Diamond. Instant equips it when this happens (it don't really drops)
    • Costs: 4000 Gold

  • Spammer
    • When killing an enemy you shot before with an arrow: Double Gold (Multipliers not count)
    • +2 Gold for Assists
    • Costs: 4000 Gold

  • Bounty Hunter
    • You receive +4 Gold for each kill. When you have an Assist on a Bounty, you receive a part from it
    • +1% for every 100 Gold the Bounty is worth (Example: When someone have a Bounty of "5000g", you deal 50% more damage)
    • Costs: 2000 Gold

  • Streaker
    • You receive Double XP for every Kill inside of a Killstreak (starting at 2)
    • Costs: (need to add that once i got Prestige)

  • Gladiator
    • You receive -3% less Damage for every Player in 12 Block Range. Needs atleast 3 Players, works with Max. 10 of them (Max: 30% less Damage)
    • Costs: (need to add that once i got Prestige)

  • Vampire
    • You receive 0,5 Hearts for Melee Hits. For Arrow-Hits you receive 1,5 Hearts.
    • Costs: 4000 Gold

  • Overheal
    • Requires Prestige I !
    • Doubles the amount of Healing Items you can have in your inventory
    • Costs: 6000 Gold

  • There are further Perks for Prestige, that i don't know yet...

Boosts follow all the same system. They add a small bonus in different Tiers, stackable up to 5 times.
The price increases for each time you try to buy this Boost. Furthermore, you need Level 10, 30, 50, 70 and 90 for Tier I, II, III, IV and V.
View attachment 863256

  • XP Boost
    • Increases XP obtained. Increases by +10% for each Tier.
    • Costs: (need to add that once i got Prestige)

  • Gold Boost
    • Increases Gold obtained. Increases by +10% for each Tier.
    • Costs: (need to add that once i got Prestige)

  • Melee Damage
    • Increases your Melee Damage. Increases by +1% for each Tier.
    • Costs: (need to add that once i got Prestige)

  • Bow Damage
    • Increases your Bow Damage. Increases by +3% for each Tier.
    • Costs: (need to add that once i got Prestige)

  • Damage Reduction
    • Decreases the Damage received. -1% for each Tier.
    • Costs: (need to add that once i got Prestige)

  • Build Battler
    • Increases Lifespan of the Blocks you place. +60% for each Tier.
    • Costs: (need to add that once i got Prestige)

  • El Gato
    • Requires Level 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 to unlock.
    • First X Kills you do give +5 XP and Gold. Increases by "1" for every Tier.
    • Costs: (need to add that once i got Prestige)




Contracts are a special type of Quests, only available in "The Hypixel Pit". They seperate in "Novice Contracts", which you can do once you reached Level 30, and "Big Time Contracts" which you can do once you reached Level 70.

The system behind contract is simple: You pay 250 Gold / 1000 Gold in order to receive a list of 3 Contracts.

  • You need to clear a specific condition
  • You have time limit for it
  • In case you clear the Contract you selected, you receive more Gold as you need to pay before

I played with the idea to create a full list of all Contracts, but there is a Daily Limit of Contracts you can do.
Without help of the Hypixel Player Council or Admins, this will probably never be completed.

The Ultimate "The Pit" Guide [Up to Prestige 25 | 100% Renown Shop] (2024)
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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

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Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.